Learning Menus – STEMX Summary

Booking starts: Friday, September 20, 2013 6:30 PM (Australia/Adelaide)
Booking ends: Friday, September 20, 2013 7:30 PM (Australia/Adelaide)
Duration: 1 hour
Session Title: Does the use of ‘Learning Menus’ increase students’ intrinsic motivation?
Your Name and Title: Karla Pobke Coordinator Personalised Learning
Your Library, School, or Organization Name: Australian Science and Mathematics School
Name(s) of Co-Presenter(s): NA
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Adelaide, Australia
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience: Teachers
Short Session Description: Does the use of ‘Learning Menus’ increase students’ intrinsic
Session Strand (use the "tag"): Science
Full Session Description: Motivation is a critical issue facing Year 12 students. Often students
struggle with finding the appropriate intrinsic motivation needed to be successful in a Year 12
subject. Students often cite motivation as the reason that they are unsuccessful in a task and
suggest that success and failure in Year 12 is largely a result of extrinsic motivation (ATAR
Score, University pathways, family expectation). So as a classroom teacher what can be done to
increase student’s intrinsic motivation? This presentation will examines the use of learning
menus in the classroom as an intervention to increase intrinsic motivation. It is expected that the
ability for students to choose learning tasks based on personal interest, and learning profile will
increase student’s intrinsic motivation and engagement in learning and this was the key focus on
the research that will be presented. The use of a learning menu as an intervention for motivation
can also be used as an effective differentiation strategy and can be effectively used in primary
and secondary classrooms across all STEM subject areas.
This presentation will focus on what are ‘learning menus’, providing examples of the ones used in
a Year 12 Psychology class, as well as present findings from action research and allow
opportunity for discussion about the effectiveness of learning menus.
Presentation format
- What are learning menus? Presentation of specific examples including the use of webinars to
deliver content information 10 minutes
- Teaching philosophy behind the use of ‘learning menus’ – student directed 10minutes
- Action Research findings 15 minutes
- Is the use of learning menus effective? 10 minutes
- Discussion and Questions 15 minutes
Link to STEMxCon Session Proposal (full URL with http://):
Other Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: http://prezi.com/bc4rnulrz61-/actionresearch-presentation/
Your Bio: Coordinator of Personalised Learning - Responsible for providing personalised learning
opportunities to ensure all students have access to a learning curriculum appropriate for their
needs. This includes students with disabilities, mental health issues, or other learning
Master of Education in Cognitive Psychology and Instruction. Includes a focus on gifted
education, and special needs.
Tutor for Differentiation for Diverse Learners - 4th year preservice students.
Your Email: kpobke@live.com