Grade 4 Curriculum Night schedule2014-2015

Grade 4 Curriculum Night schedule
------Shi laoshi & Liu laoshi
6:30-7:00 Chinese Classroom: Presentation of curriculum
7:00-7:30: English Classroom
Outline for Chinese Languages Arts and Science
We try to put all the resources in our moodle page and make it easy for every
one. Our moodle page:
1. Open all the links in a new window
Please open all the links in a new window. Otherwise, it is very
hard for you to come back to the main page.
2. Reading time card
You can download and print it out any time if your child needs a new one.
Students are encouraged to borrow Chinese books from our classroom
and read at home. If their Chinese reading time reaches 5 hours, they can
bring the time card back and get a reading prize.
3. Introduce and answer questions
echinese class: reading, practice, and fun games
Parts for Word recognition and spelling
eAssingment-please help your child check if she/he finished all the
homework. She/he has to finish her/his homework by week. Those
not finished for that week will be recorded as unfinished.
4. Spelling test and spelling sheets
Spelling time: Every Monday
Could be old lesson/s or math vocabulary: it usually takes about
one and half weeks to finish one unit. It is in the middle of a new
lesson, and then the test will be the old lesson/lessons or math
Two parts of the spelling test: pinyin + character writing. Words
with underlines are expected to write down when students hear
them; words without underlines are supposed to read/write down
pinyin when students see them.
The lessons to be tested will be emailed to parents on Monday. ???
Those words with “挑” are challenging spelling words, for
students who want to practice writing more.
5. Quizlet
Great resources for vocabulary practice
6. Other resources for Chinese reading
Stories in Chinese
Songs in Chinese
Chinese cultures
Chinese cultures in English for Parents
7. Listening
Understands classroom instructions in Chinese
Understands Chinese vocabulary related to the fourth grade
Understands stories in Chinese with some contextual support
Understand grade-level area concepts in math, science, engineering
and social studies
Understand and enjoy some movies
8. Chinese Speaking
Morning Meeting-Sharing
Topics practices: Self introduction, classroom activities, field trips,
favorite animals/sports ect.
Projects: American Favorite food, presentation on math, science,
and Social studies
Role play/drama activities
Retell stories
9. Chinese Reading
Recognize 300 Chinese characters related to the fourth grade
Write 200 Chinese characters related to the fourth grade curriculum
using correct stroke order
Recognize 20 new high frequency radicals
Uses context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar
Understands Chinese character relationships: synonyms, antonyms,
Reads aloud grade-level texts fluently and with appropriate
intonation, expression and pacing
Uses dictionaries and glossaries to understand the meaning of new
words and characters
Chinese Writing
Mechanics/sentence structure/grammar
Punctuation: periods, question marks, exclamation marks,
quotation marks
Writes a topic sentence, uses three or more supporting details, and
a concluding sentence
Write 200 Chinese characters
Type on computer with the pinyin input method
Uses a dictionary as a resource when writing
Writing projects:
-Introduce a delicious American food
-Wiggly writing
-Picture writing
-5 paragraph writing
-Reading reports
-Combination of hand writing and typing
Combination of writing and speaking
Earth materials
A story happened in Japan. A lot of opportunities for culture
comparison among the U.S. China, and Japan
Science, technology, engineering, and math
Magnetic train
Please check the math part on the moodle page.
All instructional videos are listed on the moodle page.
Social Studies
Please check the social studies part on our moodle page online.
Field trips
How to Help your child at home
Healthy breakfast
Enough sleep
Dress warmly
Bring them to the library
Workshop and conference
Provide comfortable study place
Keep a positive attitude
Help do math unit
Homework in English
Remind your child to do homework
Check his/her Spelling test
Help with his/her Math homework in English
Ask what he/she learned at school
Play math games with your child
Listen to your child retelling the story or reading to you