SEDP 601 – Geoffrey

SEDP 601
Rubric: Philosophy of Education
Required Components
Role in Special
Evidence-Based Practices
Human Issues
Writing Mechanics
Semester __________
Overall Grade: _____ Target _____Acceptable _____ Unacceptable
Candidate does not
Candidate recognizes his roles in
Candidate recognizes his roles in
recognize his roles in
educating students with disabilities
educating students with disabilities
educating students with
and at least two roles are described.
and these roles are described. Various
disabilities. Only one role is Candidate effectively describes roles roles are discussed such as teacher,
described. Candidate does
of special education both in terms of role model, advocate, and
not describe the role of
individualized academic and social
collaborator. Candidate effectively
special education in terms of instruction as well as least restrictive describes ad synthesizes role of
either individualized
environments requirements, but does special education in terms of both
academic and social
not synthesize these components.
individualized academic and social
instruction or least restrictive
instruction, as well as least restrictive
environment requirements.
environment requirements.
Candidate does not
Candidate describes the importance
Candidate describes the importance of
adequately describe the
of using evidence-based practices in using evidence-based practices in the
importance of using
the education of students with
education of students with disabilities.
evidence-based practices in
disabilities. Candidate identifies at
Candidate identifies at least two
the education of students
least one evidence-based practice he evidence-based practices she will use
with disabilities. Candidate
will use to meet the individual needs to meet the individual needs of
does not identify an
of students. Candidate demonstrates students. Candidate demonstrates a
evidence-based practice he
a commitment to maintaining
commitment to maintaining
will use to meet the needs of contemporary understanding of the
contemporary understanding of the
students. Candidate does not research base, but does not
research base.
demonstrate a commitment
operationalize that commitment.
to maintaining contemporary
understanding of the
research base.
Candidate does not describe
Candidate describes personal
Candidate describes personal
personal experiences that
experiences that contribute to his
experiences that contribute to his
contribute to his philosophy
philosophy of education. These
philosophy of education. These
of education. Candidate
experiences are not sufficiently
experiences are synthesized with other
does not sufficiently
synthesized with other components
components of the philosophy, such
describe his strengths and
of their philosophy. Candidate
as their role in special education and
describes both his strengths and
evidence-based practices. Candidate
weaknesses, but insufficiently
describes both his strengths and
discusses how either informs his
weaknesses, discussing hoe both
practice and development.
inform his practice and development.
APA style is followed, but
APA style is followed consistently
APA style is followed consistently in
with major errors or is not
in citing references in text and on
citing references in text and on the
followed at all. There are
reference page, although some
reference page. No spelling or
errors in spelling or
minor errors are present. Very few
grammar errors. Paper is typed,
grammar that indicate a
spelling or grammar errors are
double-spaced, and appropriate APA
failure to proof-read the
included. Paper is typed, doublerequired fonts are used throughout.
paper. Paper is not typed, or spaced, and appropriate APA
is not double-spaced.
required fonts are used throughout.