Procedure for External Student Nurse Applications for Clinical Placement. Purpose of Procedure: The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance for managers when a request is received, from a student nurse studying at a university outside the Birmingham area, requesting a clinical placement within University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. The aim of this procedure is to: ensure equity for students in the allocation of a clinical placement ensure that they are appropriately screened and supervised. ensure that the number of students allocated to individual areas is manageable and within the maximum agreed number of students for each clinical area. Criteria: This procedure will be applicable to all student nurses studying at universities other than Birmingham City University and University of Birmingham. Student Nurses requesting a clinical placement at the Trust will need to be 18 years or older. Any student request must give the exact dates of placement requested and be accompanied by the form (appendix 1). Students will be advised to provide the following documentation prior to commencing placement: - Copy of most recent clear CRB. - Evidence of most recent manual handling training. - Evidence of most recent basic/hospital life support training. - Evidence of immunisation status, in particular Hepatitis B. - Details of personal tutor. - Accommodation details for duration of the placement. - Emergency contact details. Students requiring accommodation should be directed to contact their own University and/or student guild/union in the first instance as there may be a reciprocal arrangement in place, with Birmingham Universities, to access halls of residence. The Accommodation Manager at UHB can be contacted on 0121 371 4524, however, accommodation is very limited and may not be available. Martin Simons – Practice Placement Manager. Sept 2012 Process: All requests for pre registration student nurse placements, from student nurses attending non Birmingham universities, will need to be sent to the Named Practice Placement Manager (NPPM). Allocation numbers are provided to the Trust on a 3 monthly basis, therefore, students requesting placements will need to provide no more than three months notice to the Practice Placement Team. Enquiries requesting a placement more than three months in advance will not be considered and the student will be asked to send their request in at the appropriate time. Following initial contact either by telephone, e-mail or via Trust website, the student will need to complete the form (appendix 1) and return to the NPPM. Once received the NPPM will review the allocated student numbers for the area requested in order to ensure the request can be accommodated. If the area requested has capacity, the NPPM will liaise with the allocations department at Birmingham City University (01213317007). Any placement offered which is due to start at short notice (no more than 4 weeks in advance); the NPPM will contact the manager of the area to ensure that they are aware the student will be starting. The NPPM will then confirm the placement with the student and have their name added to the allocation sheet for the area concerned. The student will need to inform the appropriate individual at their university and provide them contact details for the NPPM. Any documentation that needs completing between the university and the Trust will be forwarded to the NPPM directly. The NPPM will offer the student an opportunity to visit the Trust 2 – 4 weeks in advance of their placement commencing. At this meeting the documentation required by the Trust should be bought for review. The NPPM will also arrange to take the student to the placement area to meet staff on duty and familiarise the student with the environment. If the student is unable to attend a meeting in advance, due to academic requirements, travelling costs or placement demands in their own area, they should forward scanned copies of the documentation to the NPPM who will then arrange to meet them on their first day of placement. Access swipe cards will be provided for students; however, the £5 returnable deposit fee will be waived. Once the student has met or has the contact details of the area concerned, it is their responsibility to ensure that they contact the area in advance for their off duty arrangements Mentors will be allocated by the placement area. Martin Simons – Practice Placement Manager. Sept 2012 Placement requests for military areas: Military patients and staff are integrated throughout the Trust, therefore, students requesting military input can be offered any of the following areas; - Emergency Department. - Critical Care Units. - Burns Centre. - Ward 409. - Ward 412. Due to the more sensitive nature of many of the patients and their injuries, requests for placement on ward 412, will require the student to give more compelling reasons for their request to be placed on this ward. Any students requesting placements on ward 412 will follow the process outlined above but will also need to complete the form (appendix 2). Once received the NPPM will meet with the manager of the ward and the appropriate member of the Professional Development Team, to discuss the request. If deemed appropriate an offer will be made provided capacity exists to accommodate. If it is felt that the request is not appropriate the NPPM may make an alternative offer depending on allocated student numbers at the time. Insurance: NHS Indemnity applies where students are working under the supervision of NHS employees. This should be made clear in the agreement between the NHS body and the student’s educational body. This will apply to students of all the health care professions (NHSLA Guidance). All student nurses will need to be listed on the appropriate student allocation sheet for the placement area concerned. This will be done at the point when the NPPM confirms the placement with the allocations department at Birmingham City University. Health and Safety: The Trust is responsible for the Health, Safety and Welfare of all individuals on premises. The duties and responsibilities of the Trust, its managers and employees are laid out in the Health and Safety policy. Supervision: Student nurses will be supervised at all times by an appropriate registered nurse who will use their professional judgement in allocating duties. The student will be supplied with the contact details of the NPPM, and/or the members of the Practice Placement Team responsible for the placement area, for support as required during the course of their placement. Martin Simons – Practice Placement Manager. Sept 2012 Library and IT Facilities: In line with all healthcare students placed at the Trust, students from non Birmingham universities will be able to access the Library and IT facilities within the Education Centre. Placement Agreements: The Trust will not enter into any formal training agreement with institutions, for pre registration nursing students, other than those with Birmingham City University and the University of Birmingham. The NPPM may be authorised to sign some placement agreements on behalf of the Trust, which set out standard details, for the duration of the student’s placement. Any agreement or deed of a more formal nature will be referred to the appropriate Trust manager(s), for review and amendment, and may result in a delay in confirming an offer of placement. CRB Disclosures: Student nurses will need to provide evidence of their most recent clear CRB check. Any positive disclosure will be dealt with in line with current Trust policy, which requires the individual concerned to attend a Positive Disclosure Meeting (PDM) at the Trust. These are held monthly and can be arranged via the Resourcing Advisor for Recruitment and Retention. The NPPM will liaise with the student to ensure the correct documentation is available on the day. Receiving this information does not guarantee or constitute an offer of placement. Martin Simons – Practice Placement Manager. Sept 2012 APPENDIX 1 Placement Application for Student Nurses at Non Birmingham Universities. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Term Time Address: ……………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Telephone: ……………………………………………………………………………………….. E-Mail: …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Name of University:…………………………………………………………………………….. Course Title:……………………………………………………………………………………… Personal Tutor:………………………………………………………………………………….. Address:………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone:……………………………………………………………………………………….. E-Mail:…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Placement Area Requested:…………………………………………………………………... Placement Dates: Start……………………………….. Finish………………………………… Martin Simons – Practice Placement Manager. Sept 2012 Why have you chosen to apply for a placement at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham: Prior to placement commencing you will need to provide the following documentation: - Evidence of most recent CRB clearance. Details of up to date manual handling training. Details of up to date basic/hospital life support training. Immunisation status, with particular regard to hepatitis B. Accommodation details for duration of placement. Emergency contact information. Placement may be cancelled or refused if these details are not seen prior to commencement. Documentation from your university will need to be forwarded to the Named Practice Placement Manager as follows: Martin Simons, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Room 26, Education Centre, Mindelsohn Way, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2WB. e-mail: Telephone: 0121 371 4249. I have read and agree with the information above. I also confirm that the information I have provided is correct. Name:………………………………………….Signed:…………………………………………… Date:…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Please return this form by post or scanned to e-mail to Martin Simons at the above address. Martin Simons – Practice Placement Manager. Sept 2012 APPENDIX 2. Request for placement on Military Ward 412. Ward 412 is jointly staffed by military and civilian nurses. It also accommodates both military and civilian patients. Due to the often sensitive and complex injuries encountered, we do not routinely offer placements to students from outside Birmingham. We therefore require that you complete the following as well as the standard request form Are you currently a serving member of the armed forces? Yes/No Why have you chosen to request a placement with military contact? What opportunities do you think a military area will offer you that a general area can not? Why do you think we need an area for military patients staffed by both military and civilian staff? Are you considering a career in the armed forces after qualifying as a nurse? Yes/No If yes, which branch of the armed forces are you considering? ………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Please return this form along with the standard placement request form. Your request will then be discussed with the ward manager before any offer will be made to you. Martin Simons – Practice Placement Manager. Sept 2012 Martin Simons – Practice Placement Manager. Sept 2012