PE LTP Skills 2015 - Rawcliffe Bridge Primary School

For warm-ups look at ideas to support delivery Key Stage 1 and 2: Knowledge to Understanding Fitness and Health (PE Folder)
Autumn I
Reception, Year 1 & 2
Indoor PE
Fundamental Movement Skills: Balance
Outdoor PE
Fundamental Movement Skills: Catch (Booklet)
Top Gymnastics (YST) Time to travel: Using hands, feet and
alternate feet – visiting the zoo to see different animals (Dear
Games: Ball Skills
Acquiring hand-eye coordination skills.
- Catching
- Throwing
Continuous: Fundamental Movement Skills: Hopping (Booklet &
ideas for playground games)
Continuous: Physical Phonics
Year 3, 4, 5 & 6
After school club: Multi Skills (planning in file if required)
Non-swimming weeks – Stamina and Strength - Box 2 B Fit
After school club: Cross Country
Invasion Games : Football
(Dodgeball if weather too wet for Outdoor)
Indoor PE
Fundamental Movement Skills: Rolling
Indoor PE
Dance – Val Sabin Traditional Tales unit
Autumn II
Reception, Year 1
Top Gymnastics (YST) Rock ‘n’ Roll and Roll-over
Year 2 & 3
Year 4, 5 & 6
Continuous: Physical Phonics
Top Gymnastics (YST) Shape up – stretched and tucked shapes,
straddle and pike shapes
Top Gymnastics (YST) Balances and Using large apparatus
After school club: Cross Country
Dance - TOP DANCE – INDIA (Y2/3)
Dance – Performance/Drama
Italy Dance to Pavarotti – Nessun Dorma (Volcano) or Brazillian
culture and samba CARNAVALuse of the popular Disney movie
Spring I
Reception, Year 1
Year 1, 2 & 3
Indoor PE
Dance – stories
- Use space safely
- Use bodies to imitate motifs from stories/topics
- Respond with bodies to imitate music
Continuous: Physical Phonics
Anna’s Dance
The Lion King
Year 2 & 3
Year 4, 5 & 6
Anna’s Dance
Breakfast club: Box 2 B Fit
After school club: Dance
Lunchtime club: Benchball & Hockey
Indoor PE
Top Gymnastics (YST)
Continuous: Fundamental Movement Skills: Balance (Booklet &
ideas for playground games)
Top Gymnastics (YST) hand apparatus 1 & 2 & working with a
Top Gymnastics (YST) Working with a partner - building
complex sequences
Spring II
Reception, Year 1
Year 2 & 3
Year 4, 5 & 6
Outdoor PE
Games: Ball Skills (Planning in file if required)
- Hitting a ball
- Aiming at a target
- Control
- Bouncing
Continuous: Physical Phonics
Games: (Top Games Invasion)
- Kicking
- Dribbling
Outdoor PE
- Kicking
- Dribbling
- Hitting skills (speed and levels)
Invasion Games: Tag Rugby
After school club: Rounders
Lunchtime club:
Striking and Fielding: Tri-Golf and Hockey
Summer I
Reception, Year 1
Year 2 & 3
Year 4, 5 & 6
Outdoor PE
Batting skills
Continuous: Physical Phonics
Striking and Fielding: Batting skills
Top Rounders and Activity Cards Hit 4 and Go,
Net/Court Games: Tennis / Volleyball
After school club: Rounders
Lunchtime club: Tri-Golf
Outdoor PE
Fundamental Movement Skills: Jump( For distance & for height
Athletics: Jumping and Throwing
Athletics: Jumping and Throwing
Athletics: Jumping and Throwing
Summer II
Reception, Year 1
Year 2 & 3
Year 4, 5 & 6
Outdoor PE
Striking and Fielding – throwing and catching
Continuous: Physical Phonics
Outdoor PE
Athletics: Running and Stamina
Striking and Fielding – throwing and catching
Y3 to start looking at overarm throwing
Resource Cards: Hit the target, beat the bucket and Top Striking
Striking and Fielding – fielding skills
After school club: Cross Country
Athletics: Running and Stamina
Athletics: Running and Stamina