
Group Global Exploration Project
Global Explorers is a nonprofit organization that offers middle and high school students and teachers the
educational travel experience of a lifetime. All workshops include a comprehensive preparatory
curriculum that focuses on science, culture, service and leadership, a 1-3 week travel experience, and a
follow-up service project.
General Programs:
Peruvian Amazon Adventure:
Through hands-on science explorations, meaningful visits to local communities and time to soak in the
beauty and magic of the rainforest, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the many
characteristics that make this region so unique as well as those that make conservation such a vital ongoing challenge here. Preparatory curriculum explores the cultures of the Peruvian Amazon, the
remarkable biodiversity of this region and the importance and challenges of tropical rainforest
Machu Picchu:
This program offers participants the opportunity to experience the rich cultural and natural diversity of
the Andes. We begin by experiencing the magical city of Cusco and the cultural riches of the Sacred
Valley of the Incas. After acclimating to the altitude, we head out on a four-day hike through the
highlands. Along the way, we'll pass spectacular vistas and ancient Inca ruins before we finally arrive at
the highlight of the trip: the spectacular ancient citadel of Machu Picchu. We cap the experience by
spending a day engaged in a meaningful service project in Cusco. This program can be offered as an
extension to our Amazon Program for the discounted rate of 1,795 USD or as a stand-alone destination.
If you are interested in a 4-day extension to Cuzco and Machu Picchu that does not involve hiking the
Inca Trail, please contact Global Explorers for details.
Arctic Summer Exploration:
Countless explorers have come to the Arctic regions, many attracted by the rich and unusual web of life
that makes life in the Far North so unique. It is home to thousands of beluga whales, giant herds of
caribou, tundra wildflowers, great boreal forests and a fascinating mix of cultures. This workshop offers
you the opportunity to become an Arctic scientist as you use cutting-edge research techniques to
research and discover the incredible diversity of this remote region. Journeying by train, boat, van and
on foot, you learn about what makes the Arctic so special and important to protect.
Arctic Winter Exploration:
On this Arctic excursion, you'll explore the science of winter ecology as you study the frozen tundra, the
great boreal forests and the Hudson Bay. You'll learn about the traditions and heritage of indigenous
cultures of the region (including a chance to sleep overnight in an igloo!). And, you'll have the unique
opportunity to see the Aurora Borealis. Journeying by train, bus and even snowshoe, you'll appreciate
what makes the Arctic so special and important to protect. Preparatory curriculum explores the cultures
of northern Manitoba and the winter ecology of the boreal forest and tundra ecosystems.
Group Global Exploration Project
Conservation & Culture: U.S. Southwest:
On our Southwest Adventure, students will explore spectacular National Parks and Monuments that
characterize the area and will visit the Navajo Nation, the largest Native American reservation in the
country. Through a partnership with the National Parks Service Natural Sounds Program, participants
will also explore the complex natural and cultural sounds of the area and learn why these pristine
acoustical environments demand restoration and preservation. Whether conducting hands-on science,
helping an elder Navajo build a Hogan, or hiking through the iconic landscapes, the Conservation &
Culture: US Southwest program will be the learning adventure of a lifetime.
Sustainable Costa Rica:
Costa Rica is one of the best examples of sustainable development in the world. On this educational
workshop, students will study conservation and sustainable development as they visit tropical montane
forests, cloud forests and tropical dry forests. Along the way, students will see some of Costa Rica's
amazing diversity, from parrots to howler monkeys and poison dart frogs to vampire bats. Students learn
field science techniques, delve into cultural studies and work hand-in-hand with Costa Rican students on
a service project. They study ecotourism and learn about sustainable and fair trade issues. Preparatory
curriculum explores Costa Rican culture, biodiversity, fair trade and current issues in conservation.
Tanzania Safari:
Few wildlife experiences can compare to a safari in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro
Crater. Common wildlife sightings include lions, cheetahs, giraffes, wildebeest, leopards, gazelles,
elephants and hundreds of birds! Join us as we explore conservation biology in this spectacular region of
the world. We'll conduct scientific field research, examine the important role that local communities
play in conservation efforts, and work side by side with local students on a service project. Along the
way, we'll hike beside Mount Kiliminjaro, visit with Masai warriors and dig into the 'Cradle of Life' of
human civilization: Olduvai Gorge. In preparation for the experience, students research African plant
and animal biodiversity and explore interdependencies between species. In the process, they learn some
of the common techniques that wildlife biologists use to study in the field. We also delve into the
cultures of the region and the critical role that people play in crafting sustainable solutions to
conservation issues. Along the way, students learn research strategies used by anthropologists. Finally,
students explore the role that they can play in making a positive difference in the conservation of
biodiversity. Upon returning from Tanzania, student-designed follow-up service projects bring local
community meaning to their life-changing experiences.
Your Assignment:
1. In your group, prepare an exploration journey to a destination or destinations that that have an
appeal to the entire group. Where would you like to explore and what would you want to learn?
2. Prepare a pre-exploration “curriculum” of what you need to know before you go.
3. Virtually visit your destination(s) and prepare a visual presentation of your trip.
Group Global Exploration Project
4. Design a service learning project that your group will participate in when you get back that
relates to the knowledge and experience you just gained on your exploration.