Red River Revival Dairy Goat Association Senior Doe and Junior Doe Shows 3-RINGS Saturday, May 17, 2014 Wise County Sheriff Posse Fairgrounds Decatur, Tx Judge 1: Trish Ricotta, NY Judge 2: Melinda Butler, TX Judge 3: Jeremy Lesniak, NY Animals will be assigned rings. The judges and secretaries will move from ring to ring. Ring 1: Alpines, LaManchas Ring 2: Nubians, Recorded Grades Ring 3: Nigerians, Saanens, AOPs RULES 1. This show is sanctioned by ADGA and their show rules shall govern. The show is separately sanctioned for Senior Does and Junior Does. 2. To keep the show progressing in a timely manner, the order of the show is subject to change. Multi-breed exhibitors need to have additional handlers so that classes are not delayed. If an owner refuses to allow someone else to handle an animal, that animal may miss its class. Each breed ring will begin when the majority of animals are present. 3. Senior and Junior Doe Shows are separately sanctioned for Alpines, LaManchas, Nigerian Dwarfs, Nubians, Saanens, AOP's (Togg, Sable, Obie) and Recorded Grades. Nigerian show will be dual sanctioned with AGS. 4. Early arrival and check-in will be Friday afternoon at 5:00 – 9:00 pm. All animals should be checked in BEFORE 8:00am Sat., May 17. Plan to arrive no later than 6:30 am Saturday, May 17, 2014. Exhibitors in line for check-in risk missing their classes. Judging will begin at 8:30am. 5. Breeds will be assigned to the following rings: Ring 1: Alpines, LaManchas Ring 2: Nubians, Recorded Grades Ring 3: Nigerians, Saanens, AOPs When judging of the breeds scheduled in one ring is completed, the animals will remain at ring side, and the judge and secretary will move to another ring. Initial order of the judges in each ring (with possible 2nd and 3rd – may change) Ring 1: Ricotta (Butler, Lesniak) Ring 2: Butler (Lesniak, Ricotta) Ring 3: Lesniak (Ricotta, Butler) 6. The show will begin at 8:30am with Alpines, Nubians, and Nigerians in their respective rings. 7. Entry fee is $8 per animal per ring paid and postmarked/entered electronically by May 12, 2014. Late entries will be $10 per animal. Pen fees will be $2 per pen. RRDGA cannot afford to allow free “fillers” in a class – exhibitors must make arrangements among themselves to ensure that there are adequate entries for official legs to be awarded. 8. Base date for figuring age of animals is May 17, 2014. 9. The original registration/recordation certificate is required for all animals six months or age or older. A stamped duplicate application (stamped within 30 days of 5/17/14) from the ADGA office will be accepted for animals younger than six months of age. Be aware of the limitations per ADGA show rules. 10. E-mail entry forms to Tamara Taylor at or mail forms along with the Entry and fees to: RRDGA, 2355 County Road 332, Era TX 76238 Make checks payable to: Red River Dairy Goat Association. If needed, we can make arrangements for PayPal payments. 11. There will be no pre-show milk out. However, it is a “very serious fault” for does to have over distended udders. Please ensure your animals are shown with the appropriate amount of milk. 12. Exhibitors are asked to dress appropriately as outlined in the ADGA Guidebook. Dark pants/skirts are acceptable. 13. Health papers are not required, but animals showing signs of illness or disease must be removed from the fairgrounds. The Show Committee's decisions will be final. 14. Animals are shown at the owner's risk. The RRDGA and Wise County Sheriff's Posse Fairgrounds assume no responsibility for any losses or damages incurred by exhibitors or visitors. No dogs are allowed in the show barns or penning areas. *Vendors are welcome for appropriate goods and services. There is no cost to display or sell your wares or services, but we ask that they be agriculturally related and something be donated to the raffle table. *The Show Committee reserves the right to decide upon and resolve any problems not directly addressed in these show rules or those of ADGA and AGS. Their decision will be final. Making an entry indicates the exhibitor's acceptance to abide by the rules. *Raffle planned. Donations needed and welcomed. *Concessions available. Contact us for more info. CLASSES Senior Does (In milk or having freshened) S1: S2: S3: S4: Under two years. Two yrs & under three yrs. Three yrs & under five yrs Five yrs and over. Grand Champion Sr. Doe Reserve Champion Sr. Doe S5: Champion Challenge/Best of Breed Best Senior Doe in Show Junior Does (Never freshened) J1: Junior Kid, under 4 months J2: Intermediate Kid, 4 mos, under 6 mos. J3: Senior Kid, 6 mos, under 12 mos. J4: Junior Yearling, 12 mos, under 18 mos. J5: Senior Yearling, 18 mos, under 24 mos. Grand Champion Jr. Doe Reserve Champion Jr. Doe. Best Junior Doe in Show Showmanship Classes will follow Senior Doe Show. PeeWee: 8 yrs & under. Junior: 9 to 13 yrs. Senior: 14 to 19 yrs. Breed Codes A-Alpine; L-LaMancha; ND-Nigerian Dwarf; NU-Nubian; S-Saanen; AOP: T-Togg, O-Oberhasli; SB-Sable; RG-Recorded Grade Don’t forget the raffle! It helps cover the cost of the show – your generosity lets us do more for you. If you (or friends or older 4Hers) can volunteer to organize the raffle or with ring with other responsibilities, please let us know. help Red River DGA Revival Show May 17, 2014 Decatur, Texas – Wise County Show Grounds Exhibitor Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________ Phone number: (Cell) ______________________________________________ Total head __________ x ________ shows = Entries due ________________ Email / mail entry and checks to : Tamara Taylor 2355 CR 332, Era TX 76235 (940)726-3555 $8.00 /HD/SHOW PRE SHOW ENTRY $10.00 HD/SHOW after May 15 Judge 3 Lesniak My 3-5 yr old Nubian Judge 2 Bulter S3 Judge1 Ricotta CLASS BREED NU NAME (from registration certificate) x x x REG # DOB N3849202 5-1-2010