DC/2009/00947 Old Oak Barn, Coed-Paen EXTENSION OF GARDEN CURTILAGE Unitary Development Plan (UDP) Policies DES1 ENV1 H7 Consultation Responses Llangybi Community Council: Approve Neighbour notification: 1 letter has been received raising the following points: - Public right of way stating on the planning application forms that this is not affecting a public right of way. - A land drain has been covered by an expanse of manmade bank - The works to the garden have resulted in subsidence that has pushed the common boundary out physically towards the neighbouring property. Evaluation This is a retrospective application relating to the garden of a converted barn. Original approval was for an artificially drawn boundary that enclosed the area to the rear of the barn to provide the garden curtilage serve this dwelling. The garden has been extended to the south to include part of the bank where the land falls away from the site. The garden is screened from wider views by tree cover to the south, west and east of the land. There is one neighbouring property in the form of a converted barn to the west of the site used as a children’s nursery. There is an established boundary between the neighbouring property and application site. There is an enforcement issue that has arisen with the public footpath although there is a public footpath that runs immediately to the rear of the existing building which is outside the area subject to this application for a change of use. The change of use can been seen from the existing and proposed new public footpath route, although the new garden curtilage whilst making the garden larger given that the boundaries is rounded and works with the land levels providing permitted development rights are removed the garden extension will be viewed as part of the existing curtilage and not an ‘add on’ in this case. There have been three sheds constructed in the existing garden and new area subject to this planning application all of which are unauthorised and require planning consent as the permitted development rights were removed as part of the original planning consent. The applicant has agreed to a condition that requires all of the buildings to be removed and the land re-instated to its former condition within 2 months of the date of the planning permission. The land in question is no closer to the neighbouring property than the existing garden curtilage with no implications arising in terms of any potential impact upon the neighbouring property. The landscape impact is minimal as the site is enclosed by trees with the garden extension screened from any wider viewpoints by the surrounding landscaping. The issue raised by the neighbour about compromising the common boundary is a private issue that is not to be considered as part of this planning application. The neighbour has raised concern regarding land drainage, the land alterations have occurred at the southernmost part of the site and is not immediate adjacent to the neighbouring building. In the case that land drainage has been affected there is separate legislation to cover this issue. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE 1. Time condition 2. Removal of permitted development rights 3. Removal of outbuildings on site within 2 months of the date of the planning permission.