ONLINE APPENDIX Methods The data presented in Table 1 were obtained from the literature by manual curation, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Database of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP) website build 138 (1), and from self-identified race categories in a pharmacogenetics substudy of the β-Blocker Evaluation of Survival Trial (BEST) (2,3). Data from the NCBI dbSNP website come primarily from the HapMap project, from Sub-Saharan African (YRI) or African-American (ASW) populations compared with European populations (CEU) supplemented by African-American or European populations from other studies. Data from BEST are based on the self-identified race case report forms categories of of "White, not Hispanic" (assigned European ancestry, EA) or "Black, not Hispanic" (African ancestry, AA). In this analysis only EA is considered as the alternative to AA, and other non-AA races, such as Asian, would need a separate analysis. The data in Table 1 are listed as either from populations without heart failure ("NF") or from populations with heart failure and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction ("HF"), by self-identified race. In Table 1 and throughout, genes are designated by italics, while mRNA or protein gene products are in Roman. "Natural history" in this study encompasses both the risk of developing HF and the clinical course (HF or disease progression) from the time of diagnosis or enrollment in a clinical trial. Effects on HF progression were assessed in placebo-treated patients in the BEST DNA bank adrenergic receptor polymorphism substudy ("Pharmacogenomics of Beta-adrenergic Receptor Polymorphisms and Response to Beta Blockers in Heart Failure") (2,3) that measured clinical events from the time of randomization, using contemporaneously completed case report forms (4,5). Similar data were presented from the Metoprolol CR/XL Randomized Intervention 1 Trial in Congestive Heart Failure (MERIT-HF) DNA substudy (6). Data are also presented from published information from the Cincinnati/Pennsylvania observational study (7), where the primary endpoint of transplant-free survival was measured from the time of HF diagnosis. In terms of this analysis, "disease progression" means HF clinical outcomes in patients treated with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibitor background therapy used in these studies. For adrenergic receptor polymorphism data from the BEST trial presented in Table 1 genomic DNA samples were obtained from the BEST DNA Bank (2,3), and receptor polymorphisms were measured by RFLP-PCR as previously described (2,3,8). Allele frequency differences between races were assessed by chi-square analysis on the number of major/minor alleles, or by the Fisher exact test when 2 or more table cells had an expected frequency <5. Time to event endpoints were analyzed with a log-rank statistic for pvalue generation and the Cox proportional hazards model for calculation of an estimated hazard ratio with a 95% confidence interval and significance testing of interaction of model parameters. For published studies, clinical endpoint data received precedence, and remodeling or biomarker studies are only included if clinical endpoint data were unavailable. Effect size and betweenpatient subgroups relative effect size (RES) was calculated as previously described (2). Because of multiple polymorphisms being assessed, in the BEST substudy the critical value for statistical significance between genotype groups was set at p=0.01 (2). A p <0.10 was considered of interest in interaction tests (9), with a p <0.050 statistically significant. 2 Table 1. Racial distribution of selected signaling pathway alleles in patients with and without HF Gene, amino acid or nucleotide position, SNP *MAF, AAa,b *MAF, EAc,d Subject Ns reference (rs) number, cohort, clinical trial populations populations AA EA † P-value AA vs. EA (1,3,10) a,b c ADRB1 Arg389Gly (rs1801253), (NF) 0.43 Gly 0.28 Gly 269 399 <0.0001 a c ADRB1 Arg389Gly (HF, BEST) 0.43 Gly 0.28 Gly 207 762 <0.0001 (1,11) a,b c ADRB1 Ser49Gly (rs1801252), (NF) 0.22 Gly 0.12 Gly 119 147 0.002 a c ADRB1 Ser49Gly (HF, BEST) 0.24 Gly 0.14 Gly 205 756 <0.0001 (1) a,b c ADRB2 Gly16Arg (rs1042713), (dbSNP) 0.49 Arg 0.35 Arg 210 160 0.0001 a c ADRB2 Gly16Arg (HF, BEST) 0.47 Arg 0.39 Arg 207 762 0.003 (1) a,b c ADRB2 Gln27Glu (rs1042714), (dbSNP) 0.16 Glu 0.45 Glu 107 107 <0.0001 a c ADRB2 Gln27Glu (HF, BEST) 0.19 Glu 0.39 Glu 207 762 <0.0001 (1) a,b c ADRB2 Thr164Ile (rs1800888), (dbSNP) 0.00 Ile 0.011 Ile 166 272 0.09 a c ADRB2 Thr164Ile (HF, BEST) 0.002 Ile 0.014 Ile 207 762 0.053 (11,12) a c ADRA2C Ins322-325Del (rs61767072), (NF) 0.40 Del 0.036 Del 132 179 <0.0001 (2) a c ADRA2C Ins322-325Del (HF, BEST) 0.43 Del 0.04 Del 207 762 <0.0001 (1,13) b,e d GNB3 C825T (rs5443), (NF) 0.86 T 0.30 T 159 1914 <0.0001 (14) a c GNB3 C825T (HF, A-HeFT) 0.72 T 0.34 T 350 424 <0.0001 (1,15) a,b,f c,g NOS3 Glu298Asp (rs1799983), (NF) 0.11 Asp 0.35 Asp 277 295 <0.0001 (16) a c NOS3 Glu298Asp (HF, A-HeFT) 0.11 Asp 0.37 Asp 352 424 <0.0001 (1,17) a,b,h c,d CYP11B2 T-344C (rs1799998), (dbSNP), (NF) 0.20 C 0.45 C 624 592 <0.0001 (18) a c CYP11B2 T-344C (HF, A-HeFT) 0.22 C 0.43 C 354 424 <0.0001 (1) a,b c NR3C2 Ile180Val (rs5522), (dbSNP) 0.083 Val 0.103 Val 241 195 0.38 (19) c NR3C2 Ile180Val (HF) – 0.12Val – 156 – (20-22) a d ACE Del/intron16/Ins (rs1799752), (NF) 0.41 Ins 0.43 Ins 467 196 0.48 (23,24) a c,i ACE Del/intron16/Ins (HF) 0.37 Ins 0.36 Ins 145 324 0.97 (1,25) a c AGTR1 A1166C (3´UTR), (rs5186), (dbSNP), (NF) 0.051 C 0.26 C 242 242 <0.0001 (23,24) a c,i AGTR1 A1166C (3´UTR), (HF) 0.10 C 0.32 C 145 384 <0.0001 (1,21,26) a,b c,d AGT Thr174Met (rs4762), (NF) 0.05 Met 0.096 Met 316 469 0.001 (27) a AGT Thr174Met (Htn) 0.05 Met – 187 – – (24) i AGT Thr174Met (HF) – 0.18 Met – 58 NA (1,21,26) a,b c,d AGT Met235Thr (rs699), (NF) 0.86 Thr 0.38 Thr 299 450 <0.0001 (27) a c AGT Met235Thr (Htn) 0.83 Thr 0.41 Thr 187 611 <0.0001 (24) i AGT Met235Thr (HF) – 0.48 Thr – 58 – (1) a,b c EDN1 Lys198Asn (rs5370), (dbSNP), (NF) 0.18 Asn 0.22 Asn 266 220 0.120 (28) a c EDN1 Lys198Asn (HF, BEST) 0.23Asn 0.23Asn 69 212 0.99 (1) a,b c ECE1 Thr341Ile (rs1076669), (dbSNP), (NF) 0.00 Ile 0.076 Ile 157 216 <0.0001 (28) a c ECE1 Thr341Ile (HF, BEST) 0.007 Ile 0.09 Ile 69 212 0.0009 (1) a,b c GRK5 Gln41Leu (rs2230345), (dbSNP), (NF) 0.31 Leu 0.025 Leu 141 141 <0.0001 (7) a c GRK5 Gln41Leu (rs2230345), (HF) 0.23 Leu 0.017 Leu 711 1749 <0.0001 (1,29) a c SCN5A Ser1103Tyr (rs7626962), (dbSNP), (NF) 0.065 Tyr 0.001 Tyr 527 493 <0.0001 (30) a SCN5A Ser1103Tyr (rs7626962), (dbSNP), (HF) 0.09 Tyr – 112 – – † References are given in the Supplement. *Minor allele frequency. Chi-square 2-sided test (Fisher exact test substituted for low cell counts) performed on the number of alleles. AA = African ancestry; A-HeFT, African-American Heart Failure Trial; BEST = -Blocker Evaluation of Survival Trial; dbSNP = Database of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms; EA = European ancestry; HF = heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction; Htn, hypertension; NF = nonfailing; UTR = untranslated region; SNP = single-nucleotide polymorphism. 3 a African-American; bSub-Saharan African; cEuropean-American (Caucasian); dEuropean (Caucasian); eSouth African or Zimbabwean; fBrazilian-African; gBrazilian-European (Caucasian); hUnited Kingdom-European; i French-Canadian European. Table 2. Impact of AA vs. EA MAF differences on cardiac myocyte cell signaling* and biologic effect on cardiac myocytes, adrenergic nerve terminals, vascular smooth muscle or endothelium AA vs. EA cardiac Pharmacogenetic effect in AA Gene Effect of minor vs. myocyte relative effect AA vs. EA MAF vs. EA* (Actual, Possible, or polymorphism major allele (cytoprotective or Predicted) cytopathic/harmful)* ADRB1 Arg389Gly NE† affinity 50% in Gly Protective ( ADRB1 response to -blockers (Actual signal signaling) for bucindolol, Predicted for transduction standard -blockers but not constitutive supported by empirical data) activity ADRB1 Ser49Gly internalization, 70% in Gly Protective ( ADRB1 response to -blockers downregulation signaling) (Predicted but not supported by empirical data) ADRB2 Gly16Arg internalization, 20% in Arg Protective response to nonselective downregulation blockers (Predicted, not supported by empirical data) ADRB2 Gln27Glu internalization, 50% in Glu Protective ( ADRB2 response to carvedilol, CRT downregulation signaling) (Possible, no data in AA) ADRB2 Thr164Ile signal Ile , rare in AA Harmful (restoration of response to nonselective transduction cardiac ADRB2 blockers (Predicted, no reported NE, EPI‡ affinity signaling); Protective data) vasoconstriction ( afterload) GRK5 Gln41Leu ADRB1,2 10-fold in Protective ( ADRB1,2 response to carvedilol, phosphorylation, Leu phosphorylation and metoprolol (Actual) uncoupling desensitization ADRA2C Ins322 sympatholysis 10-fold in Del Harmful ( adrenergic response to bucindolol, CV 325Del adrenergic drive drive) adverse events to bucindolol (Actual) GNB3 C825T vasoconstriction 2.5-fold in T Harmful ( afterload) response to BiDil (Possible based on AA data, no data in EA) NOS3 Glu298Asp NOS3 activity 70% in Asp Protective§ ( NOS3 response to BiDil (Possible activity) based on AA data, no data in EA) CYP11B2 T-344C aldosterone 50% in C Harmful ( response to BiDil (Possible synthesis aldosterone) based on AA data, no data in EA) response to RAAS inhibition (Predicted, no data in AA or EA) AGTR1 A1166C AGTR1 density 70% in C Protective ( AGTR1 response to ARBs (Possible, density) based on data in EAs, no AA data); response to ACEIs (Possible, based on nongenotyped empirical data in AAs) AGT Met235Thr AGT levels 2-fold in Thr Harmful ( AGT) response to ACEIs, ARBs (Predicted, for ACEIs not supported by non-genotyped empirical data in AAs; no support for ARBs) ECE1 Thr341Ile ? 10-fold in Ile ? Response to bucindolol 4 (Possible, based on EA data) indication for prevention of sudden cardiac death by ICDs (Actual) *Based on biologic or pharmacologic effects between genotypes, and allele frequency differences between AA (Africanancestry) and EA (European-ancestry) patients. †Norepinephrine (NE). ‡Epinephrine (EPI). §Minor allele frequency (MAF) difference may be an adaptive response to NOS3 uncoupling in AA; Actual means by-genotype differences in response in AA and EA, which would imply a differential response in AA vs. EA based on the differences in MAF. Possible means 1) by-genotype response differences for drug class in AA, EA, or EA + AA populations, or 2) decreased response in AA predicted by MAF signaling effects. Predicted means no clinical data, based entirely on cell-signaling effects; ACEI = angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB = angiotensin-receptor blockers; CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; RAAS = renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; CV = cardiovascular SCN5A Ser1103Tyr late INa; Ca2+ overload >10-fold in Tyr Harmful; proarrhythmic 5 Table 3. Baseline patient characteristics by race Characteristic AA (n=207) EA (n=762) AA + EA (n=969) Age (yr) 56.3 ± 13.0 61.9 ± 11.4 60.7 ± 12.0 Male 154 (74%) 612 (80%) 766 (79%) HF duration (mo) 46.0 ± 45.4 45.4 ± 47.7 45.5 ± 47.2 94/6 92/8 92/8 121.4 ± 18.9 117.5 ± 17.4 118.3 ± 17.8 Ischemic etiology 87 (42%) 482 (63%) 596 (59%) LVEF (%) 23.6 ± 7.3 23.7 ± 7.0 23.7 ± 7.0 Diabetes 80 (39%) 254 (33%) 334 (34%) Hypertension 172 (83%) 377 (49%) 549 (57%) ACEI usage 195 (94%) 700 (92%) 895 (92%) Diuretic usage 201 (97%) 706 (93%) 907 (94%) Digoxin usage 184 (89%) 687 (90%) 871 (90%) NYHA class III/IV (%) Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) Data presented as mean SD or n (%). AA = African ancestry; ACEI = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; EA = European ancestry; HF = heart failure; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; NYHA = New York Heart Association; SD = standard deviation. 6 Table 4. Impact of adrenergic signaling genetic variation on outcomes in placebo-treated HF patients in the BEST and MERIT-HF clinical trials or -blocker-untreated patients in the Cincinnati/Pennsylvania observational study. HRs are expressed as minor allele carriers vs. major allele homozygotes Gene polymorphism HR [no. events] (95% CI), ACM* or HR [no. events] (95% CI), ACM/Tx† ACM/HFH‡ EA AA EA + AA EA AA EA + AA ADRB1 Arg389Gly, 1.25 [84] 0.85 [15] 1.14 [97] 1.03 [174] 0.77 [41] 1.02 [215] BEST* (0.81,1.93) (0.27,2.63) (0.76,1.69) (0.76,1.39) (0.38,1.54) (0.79,1.32) p=0.32 p=0.77 p=0.79 p=0.84 p=0.45 p=0.88 Interaction p=0.51 Interaction p=0.42 ADRB1 Arg389Gly, NA NA NA NA NA 1.00§ [NA] s6 MERIT-HF (0.61,1.64) p=0.99 ADRB1Arg389Gly,† 1.98 [NA] unadjusted 1.76 [NA] NA NA NA Cincinnati/Pennsylvanias7 (1.07,3.65) p=0.55¶ (1.09,2.85) p=0.03 p=0.02 ADRB1 Ser49Gly, 0.64 [84] 0.94 [15] 0.68 [99] 0.78 [174] 0.61 [41] 0.74 [215] BEST* (0.37,1.12) (0.32,2.76) (0.42,1.11) (0.54,1.13) (0.31,1.22) (0.54,1.03) p=0.11 p=0.91 p=0.12 p=0.19 p=0.16 p=0.07 Interaction p=0.49 Interaction p=0.53 ADRB2 Gly16Arg, 1.05 [84] 0.62 [15] 0.95 [99] 1.06 [174] 0.85 [41] 1.02 [215] BEST* (0.68,1.63) (0.21,1.82) (0.63,1.42) (0.78,1.43) (0.42,1.69) (0.77,1.35) p=0.82 p=0.38 p=0.80 p=0.72 p=0.63 p=0.89 Interaction p=0.38 Interaction p=0.56 ADRB2 Gln27Glu, 1.11 [84] 2.91 [15] 1.37 [99] 1.21 [174] 1.72 [41] 1.27 [215] BEST* (0.71,1.74) (1.03,8.19) (0.91,2.07) (0.88,1.67) (0.92,3.21) (0.97,1.68) p=0.65 p=0.035 p=0.13 p=0.23 p=0.085 p=0.085 Interaction p=0.086 Interaction p=0.34 ADRB2 Thr164Ile, 1.34 [84] n=1 1.29 [99] 1.20 [174] n=1 1.06 [215] BEST* (0.42,4.24) 164Ile (0.41,4.09) (0.53,2.70) 164Ile (0.47,2.40) p=0.62 p=0.66 p=0.67 p=0.88 Interaction p=NA Interaction p=NA ADRA2C Ins322-325Del, 0.96 [84] 1.13 [15] 0.86 [99] 0.79 [174] 0.98 [41] 0.91 [215] BEST* (0.44,2.07) (0.36,3.60) (0.51,1.43) (0.45,1.39) (0.51,1.89) (0.65,1.76) p=0.91 p=0.83 p=0.55 p=0.41 p=0.95 p=0.58 Interaction p=0.74 Interaction p=0.62 GRK5 Gln41Leu,† NA [3] 0.32 [NA] 0.76 [NA] NA NA NA Cincinnati/Pennsylvanias7 (Too few (0.13,0.80) (0.40,1.32) (adjusted for age, sex) events) p=0.01 p=0.39 *All-cause mortality (ACM). †ACM or cardiac transplantation. ‡ACM or heart failure hospitalization (HFH). §All races. ¶Events too few for Cox modeling. CI = confidence interval; HR = hazard ratio; NA = not available; Tx = cardiac transplantation. 7 Table 5. Summary of signaling molecule polymorphism effects by drug or device class, irrespective of race Drug or class Polymorphism (effects on response in HF) Standard -blockers GRK5 Gln41Leu ( by Leu carriers) (7); ADRB2 Gln27Glu (carvedilol in Glu genotypes) (31,32) ACE Del/intron16/Ins ( in Del homozygotes) (33) Bucindolol (-blocker/sympatholytic) ADRB1 Arg389Gly (in Arg homozygotes,(3) in {389Gly + ADRA2C 322-325Del} genotypes;(34) EDN1 Lys198Asn (gene doserelated in Asn genotypes);(28) ECE1 Thr341Ile ( in Ile genotypes) Angiotensin-converting enzyme ACE Del/intron16/Ins ( in Del homozygotes)(35) inhibitors Angiotensin AT-1 receptor blockers biomarker (NT-proBNP) response in AGTR1 1166C genotypes(36) Mineralocorticoid receptor blockers No effects reported Hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate NOS3 Glu298Asp ( in Glu homozygotes);(16) CYP11B2 T-344C ( in -344T homozygotes);(18) GNB3 825T( in TT homozygotes)(14) Cardiac resynchronization therapy ADRB2 Gln27Glu ( in Glu homozygotes);(37) NR3C2 Ile180Val( in Ile homozygotes)(19) ICD appropriate discharge for VT/VF SCN5A Ser1103Tyr ( events in Tyr carriers)(30) References are given in the Supplement. HF = heart failure; ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; NT-proBNP = N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; VF = ventricular fibrillation; VT = ventricular tachycardia. 8 Table 6. Racial effects (AA vs. EA) on HF or hypertension response by drug or device class Drug or class Racial effect in HF (AA or EA) Racial effect in hypertension (AA or EA) -blockers Cresci et al,(7) in AA (carvedilol, Cubeddu et al,(38) in AA metoprolol) (propranolol) Yancy et al,(39) ↔ in AA (carvedilol) Goldstein et al,(40) ↔ in AA (metoprolol) Lanfear et al,(41) in AA (all standard -blockers) No data Bucindolol (-blocker/sympatholytic) BEST,(4) in AA 42) Angiotensin-converting enzyme Carson et al,( in AA Weir et al,(44) in AA (43) inhibitors Exner et al, in AA Angiotensin AT-1 receptor blockers Prisant et al,(45) ↔ in AA Ofili et al,(46) ↔ in AA Mineralocorticoid receptor blockers No data No data Hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate No data Carson et al,(42) in AA Cardiac resynchronization therapy Elanchenny et al,(47) ↔ in AA – ICD appropriate discharge in a subset of – AA, by virtue of markedly higher SCN5A 1103Tyr frequency(30) References are given in the Supplement. 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