Possible Artifacts for School Administrators in the EP System Note: This list was developed based on input from administrators in CESA #4 during Educator Effectiveness workshops held in spring, 2013-2014. It is intended to guide thinking about artifacts that might be considered for each standard. Please note that no educator would want or need to upload all of these, that there may be other high quality artifacts that would provide evidence for a given standard, and that some standards may be best evidenced through actual observations or mini-observations. Standard 1: Leadership for Student Learning Report and reflection on mission and vision work with staff, students and parents School Improvement Plan with outline of process used to create Analysis of school improvement surveys given to stakeholders Professional development plan that is aligned with district and building goals Any communication that evidences support of mission and vision such as newsletters/emails/website/twitter/blogs, etc. Meeting agendas that support or uphold mission and vision (staff, PTO’s etc.) Surveys intended to document progress toward mission and vision Mission and vision evidenced throughout handbook Evidence that mission and/or vision are held central to school discussion and decision-making School Improvement Plan that includes a goal focused on student academic improvement PLC-team SMART goals related to student learning Evidence of utilization of student achievement data (PALS, MAP, AIMSweb, F & P, STAR, schoolwide writing, Aspire, ACT, Youth Apprenticeship Certificates, etc.) Staff meeting agendas highlighting discussions regarding student achievement Evidence of building and/or implementing an RtI System of Support PLC meetings, minutes, notes, strategies and activities that focus on student learning data School Improvement agendas/meeting notes Evidence of the development, implementation and periodic review of a School Improvement Plan Board reports that represent an accurate analysis of important student and school data Evidence of a data inquiry process that includes both analysis and solution-planning Evidence of School and Student Learning Objectives that reflect a consistent focus for student learning In-service outlines, agendas, videos School-wide staff development plan linked to school needs Samples of professional reading w/reflection on how they have impacted practice Book study groups (could include agenda, notes, actions taken) List of course(s) taken or transcript w/reflection Plans, handouts, agenda or certificate of attendance from workshops or conferences w/reflection Copy of Wisconsin Master Educator Process License Online portfolio Technology resources used to enhance your knowledge or skill November 2014 Page 1 Possible Artifacts for School Administrators in the EP System PDP activities completed within the year Leading district, school, and/or administrative team professional development (presentation handouts) Reflective notes related to observing a teacher Schedule of review and approval conferences List of professional development opportunities and time devoted to SLO development Evidence of how you led staff through the writing, review and scoring of SLOs Reflection and analysis of the SLO development, review and scoring process in my school Standard 2: School Climate PLC minutes Community survey Student survey School Climate Survey—parents, students and staff Staff, parent, stakeholder survey PBIS agenda/ceremony Newsletter Weekly staff notes Evidence of parent involvement in school activities Reflections or notes from a difficult conversation with parent or staff member PBIS plan that includes conflict management strategies Disciplinary procedures and referrals Grievance records Student or Teacher Assistance Team notes or sample agenda Description of decision-making processes (SWOT Analysis) Evidence of shared decision-making School Improvement Team Agendas, notes, reflections Forums you facilitate to engage stakeholders in decision-making Team created School Improvement Plan Community Engagement Plan Professional discussion note, reflections, e-mails, docs. Data analysis/pre-mid-post Evidence of consensus/problem solving processes used at faculty/team meetings Student or Teacher Assistance Team notes or sample agenda School Improvement Team November 2014 Page 2 Possible Artifacts for School Administrators in the EP System Standard 3: Human Resources Leadership Documentation from Interview process that aligns with district administrative standards and priorities o Implementing district process o Checklist of steps/timelines o Interview questions o Reference questions o Stakeholder involvement o Process guided by improvement plan Application questions tailored to the needs of your school Analysis of strengths/weaknesses of sample teacher unit or lesson plan Examples of interview questions that align to school mission and/or vision Utilizes interview questions that represents the diversity of the school population Attending job fairs or other recruiting events Process used to form/pick interview team Staffing plan and narrative PLC minutes that support justification of the Staffing Plan SAGE Data Report Enrollment projections that support Staffing Plan My Learning Plan report of evaluations completed Sample of teacher feedback given to strong/weak teachers after observation Printout of growth/strength areas in My Learning Plan Sample of summative evaluation conference ratings and feedback given to teacher Notes/records from Fidelity checks MS Principal/AP comparing ratings after observation or mini-observation Recalibration Process documentation Excel evaluation spreadsheet Walk-through evidence Record of how you monitor curriculum implementation for fidelity Pre and Post-observation conference reflections Copies of committee meeting agendas and minutes Copy of PLC School Leadership Team Committee rosters for building meetings School Improvement Plans that show distributed leadership Any evidence related to how you have cultivated, strengthened or encouraged teacher leaders in your building Observations/reflections of team meetings Involvement in new teacher mentoring sessions Progress-monitoring related school goals Reflection related to how leadership has been fostered and elicited November 2014 Page 3 Possible Artifacts for School Administrators in the EP System Standard 4: Organizational Management School Improvement Plan Master schedule showing modifications made to reflect RtI or other systemic changes Scheduling tools/processes used to manage evaluations and observations Event and meeting spreadsheet Staff meeting or PLC agendas with a focus on student learning Evidence of time allocated to school improvement activities Website reflects accurate school calendar Evidence of Safety plan (crisis management, behavior management, etc.) practice and review E-mails from parents, community member (positive) regarding environment Evidence of use of Safe-School Survey results Evidence of how behavior management plan maintains a safe environment Need analysis to address priorities Grant applications and awards Budget development process School budget reports and planning document Evidence that budget aligns with school improvement priorities History of budget requests Procedures that support district policies regarding cash management Inventories that demonstrate appropriate replacement cycles Procedures used to monitor activity accounts Evidence of collaboration around budgets Samples of policy compliance reports Records demonstrating policy enforcement (attendance, truancy, etc.) Sample incident reports Evidence that policies are communicated to parents and/or staff Standard 5: Communication and Community Relations Weekly PLC notes List of tight/loose PLC team expectations Evidence of growth in staff collaboration (within or between grade levels and/or schools) School Leadership Team agenda/minutes Evidence of any type of shared-leadership committees in my school Evidence of staff participation in the development, implementation and periodic review of the School Improvement Plan Building schedule that demonstrates regular common planning and/or collaboration time November 2014 Page 4 Possible Artifacts for School Administrators in the EP System Grade level or department meetings and notes Sample of observation feedback Evidence of support for peer-to-peer observation and collaboration Staff agenda, PowerPoint, minutes that demonstrate collaborative learning during staff meetings Newsletter—staff input Weekly notes to staff Newsletter—staff/parents Strategic goals Communication—e-mail, minutes Survey (Pre-Post) attitudes Celebrations School Improvement Plans Anecdotal notes from discussions and principal/staff Communication to DPI, board members, media, legislators Grant writing involvement Presentations at community events PTO minutes that reflect principal involvement Reports to Board of Education Evidence of leading a district initiative Sample page(s) from parent communication log Principal blog, Twitter, etc. Video of staff meeting Reflections or notes from a difficult conversation with parent or staff member Presentations to parents, community groups, or Board of Education Staff agenda PowerPoint, minutes PLC agendas School Leadership Team agendas and notes Website, e-mails, welcome back staff letters Evidence that School Improvement Plan has been disseminated to staff Back to school night Standard 6: Professionalism Communication memos that demonstrate a respectful, professional tone Self-reflection related to practice (journal etc.) Samples of professional reading w/reflection on how they have impacted practice Presentation handouts from workshops or conferences w/plans for implementation Evidence of active membership in professional organizations November 2014 Page 5 Possible Artifacts for School Administrators in the EP System Reflections from professional development activities attended Presentations to parents, community groups, or Board of Education Evidence of leading a district initiative Reflection related to how leadership has been fostered and elicited Evidence of consensus/problem solving processes used at faculty/team meetings Team created School Improvement Plan Documentation from Interview process that aligns with district administrative standards and priorities Community Engagement Plan Professional discussion notes, reflections, e-mails, docs. Report and reflections demonstrating that mission and/or vision are held central to school discussion, decision-making, and community engagement Book study groups (could include agenda, notes, actions taken) List of course(s) taken or transcript w/reflection Plans, handouts, agenda or certificate of attendance from workshops or conferences w/reflection Copy of Wisconsin Master Educator Process License Online portfolio Technology resources used to enhance your knowledge or skill PDP activities completed within the year Leading district, school, and/or administrative team professional development (presentation handouts) Serving as an administrative mentor November 2014 Page 6