Transfer Guide for the transfer of credits between The University of Wisconsin-Superior Bachelor of Science Degree Programs in the Department of Business and Economics and the University of Wisconsin Colleges Associate of Arts and Science Degree Business Emphasis Introduction and Rationale: The University of Wisconsin-Superior maintains an educational partnership with the University of Wisconsin Colleges to provide opportunities for students to enter bachelor’s degree completion programs. In the interest of fostering cooperation between our institutions, and to better serve the transfer of students, the faculty of the Department of Business and Economics and administrations of our institutions have established this transfer guide. This guide specifies the transfer of credit from the University of Wisconsin Colleges Associate Degree named above to the UW-S Bachelor’s Degree named above in recognition that the University of Wisconsin Colleges program prepares students for admission to this Bachelor’s degree program. The underlying assumption for this Agreement is that the college provides a foundation of general education courses and the University provides the upper-level courses required within the Bachelor’s degree program. University of Wisconsin Colleges students who successfully complete the Associates of Arts and Science degree (AAS) with a Business Emphasis wishing to transfer to the University of Wisconsin-Superior will be awarded the following credits toward the Bachelor of Science Degree Programs in the Department of Business and Economic Information about the Department of Business and Economics is available from the following website: See below for information about the department’s majors, minors, certificates, and course descriptions. 1 UW-Colleges course # UW-Superior course title BUS 201 Introductory Financial Accounting BUS 204 BUS/ENG 210 ECO 203 ECO 204 Introductory Managerial Accounting Business Communication Economics – Macro Economics - Micro BUS 230 Introduction to Management Information Systems Economics and Business Statistics BUS/ECO 243 cr course # course title cr. granted Major Courses 4 ACCT 200 ACCT 189 3 ACCT 201 3 COMM 110 3 ECON 251 3 ECON 250 Financial Accounting Accounting Elective Managerial Accounting Introduction to Communication Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 ITS 108 Business Computer Applications 3 3 BUS 270 Business Statistics 3 Requirements: Students from the University of Wisconsin Colleges must have completed the above-named Associate of Arts and Sciences Degree program with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.3/4.0 for consideration for transfer under the terms of this document. Students must complete the following courses or their equivalents with a grade point average of at least 2.0 with no grade lower than C-: ITS 108; ACCT 200, 201; BUS 270; ECON 250, 251. Students must complete both BUS 270 Business Statistics and MATH 151 Business Calculus or their equivalents. Degree Requirements: In order to be awarded a degree from UW-Superior, students are required to earn: 120 total credits to complete the bachelor’s degree named above, at least 30 credits at UW-Superior, at least 36 credits in upper-division courses (300-400 level), and their final 12 credits at UW-Superior . A maximum of 72 credits may be transferred from the University of Wisconsin Colleges to the University of Wisconsin-Superior. Conditions: The terms of this degree completion agreement apply only for the purposes of entry to the Bachelor of Science Degree Programs in the Department of Business and Economics at the University of WisconsinSuperior. Credits will be awarded only to students who complete a bachelor’s degree at UW-Superior in the degree indicated in this agreement. 2 UWC students seeking admission to other degree programs offered at UW-Superior may transfer to the University only those credits recognized by the desired program of entry. This agreement is limited to University requirements for completion of a Bachelor’s degree only. Students seeking certification for licensure in particular fields must complete any additional requirements for such certification. The transferability of credits as put forth within this articulation agreement is advisory. Students who matriculate to UW-Superior are subject to the degree requirements in effect in the students’ catalog of entry at UW-Superior. This agreement applies to Bachelor of Science degrees from the Department of Business and Economics. Students seeking Bachelor of Arts degrees must meet additional requirements. REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION TO UPPER DIVISION (300/400-LEVEL DBE COURSES) Students majoring in the DBE must be admitted to the department prior to enrolling in 300/400-level courses. To be admitted to DBE, students must first: 1. Earn an overall grade point average of 2.3 or higher. This requirement applies to all students, including transfer students. Coursework at previously attended colleges or universities will be included in GPA computations. 2. Complete the following courses with a GPA of at least 2.0 with no grade lower than C -: ITS 108; ACCT 200, 201; BUS 270; ECON 250, 251. 3. Complete the following: MATH 151 or Math 240 for all DBE majors. WRIT 101; 102; COMM 110; and all but 12 credits of the remaining University General Education requirements. Students with majors offered by the Department of Business and Economics may not enroll in any of the courses listed above on a Pass/Fail basis. The General Education Mathematics requirement is satisfied by MATH 151 or 240. All of the requirements stated above also apply to transfer students. The application for admission to the Department of Business and Economics is available from below: Admissions and Application Information about the application process and the application for admission into the University of WisconsinSuperior can be found on the following website: Information about the University can be accessed from the University’s main website: 3 Accounting (Comprehensive – No Minor Required) University of Wisconsin-Superior Required Core Courses Dept. MATH No. 151 Course Name Business Calculus (or MATH 240) (Unless Equivalent completed at UW Colleges) BUS 211 Business Law I COMM 110 Introduction to Communication FIN 320 Principles of Finance BUS 370 Principles of Marketing BUS 380 Principles of Management Required Concentration Courses ACCT 352 Intermediate Accounting I ACCT 353 Intermediate Accounting II ACCT 355 Cost Accounting ACCT 357 Accounting Information Systems ACCT 460 Fundamentals of Taxation ACCT 462 Advanced Accounting ACCT 464 Auditing Principles ACCT 467 Tax Research ACCT 466 Senior Project in Accounting (Capstone) And at least two of the following: ACCT 301 Study Abroad ACCT 351 Accounting for Not-for-Profit Entities ACCT 359 Advanced Financial Accounting Topics ACCT 461 Advanced Topis in Taxation ACCT 465 Fraud Examination ACCT 488 Peachtree/QuickBooks/International Accounting Prerequisites Qualified on Placement Test or Math 102 (C- or higher) Sem. Offered F,S DBE DBE DBE F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S DBE DBE DBE DBE DBE DBE DBE DBE DBE F S F S F S F F S Consent of Instructor DBE DBE DBE DBE DBE F,S F S S S F,S Plus electives to reach minimum credit requirements for degree completion. Year One Semester One ACCT 352 (F) ACCT 355 (F) BUS 211 BUS 370 MATH 151(pending placement)1 TOTAL Year Two Semester One ACCT 460 (F) ACCT 464 (F) ACCT 467 (F) ACCT Option Course3 FIN 320 Any Gen Ed/Electives TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 3 1 3 3 3 16 Year One Semester Two ACCT 353 (S) ACCT 357 (S)2 ACCT Option Course3 BUS 380 COMM 110 TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 15 Year Two Semester Two ACCT 462 (S) ACCT 466 (Capstone)4 ACCT Option Course3 Any Gen Ed/Electives 3 2 3 6 TOTAL 14 1 Unless equivalent completed at UW Colleges ITS 342 may be substituted for ACCT 357 with approval from an accounting advisor 3 At least two courses are required from the following: -ACCT 301, 351, 359, 461, 465, 488. 4 BUS 495 may be substituted for ACCT 466 with approval from an accounting advisor. 2 4 Business Administration (Minor Required) Required Core Courses: Department COMM No. 110 Course Name Introduction to Communication MATH 151 (Calculus) or MATH 240 (Unless Equivalent completed at UW Colleges) Business Law I Principles of Finance Principles of Marketing Principles of Management Strategic Management (Capstone) BUS FIN BUS BUS 211 320 370 380 BUS 495 Prerequisites Sem Offered F,S Qualified on Placement Test or MATH 102 (Cor higher) F, S DBE DBE DBE F, S F, S F, S F, S DBE, BUS 370, BUS 380, FIN 320 F, S Plus electives to reach minimum credit requirements for degree completion. Year One Fall Semester BUS 370 FIN 320 COMM 110 MATH 151(pending placement)1 BUS 211 TOTAL Year Two Spring Semester 3 3 3 3 3 15 Year One Fall Semester 3 12 TOTAL 15 Year Two Spring Semester Any Electives 15 TOTAL 15 1 BUS 380 Any Electives Any Electives BUS 495 TOTAL 12 3 15 Unless equivalent completed at UW Colleges Please Note: 120 total credits and 36 credits numbered 300 or higher are required for graduation BUS 370, BUS 380 and FIN 320 cannot be taken at the same time as BUS 495. 5 Economics (Minor Required) Required General Education Course Dept. No. Course Name COMM` 110 Introduction to Communication Required Core Courses Dept. No. MATH 151 (or MATH 240) Required Major Courses ECON 350 ECON 351 ECON 470 Prerequisites Course Name Calculus (Unless Equivalent completed at UW Colleges) Intermediate Microeconomics Intermediate Macroeconomics Applied Economic Analysis Sem. Offered F, S Prerequisites Qualified on Placement Test or MATH 102 (C- or higher Sem. Offered F, S Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 F S S Global Awareness Requirement - one of the following ECON 430 International Economics* ECON 435 Development Economics* Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 F S And at least three of the following: ECON 301 Study Abroad ECON 330 Money and Banking ECON 333 Transportation Economics ECON 335 Economics of Sustainability ECON 362 Public Finance ECON 430 International Economics* ECON 435 Development Economics* ECON 438 Comparative Economics Systems ECON 481 Seminar in Economic Issues Consent of Instructor Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Econ 250 and 251 or ECON 235 F, J-Term, S F F S S every other year F S Occasionally by demand Occasionally by demand Plus electives to reach minimum credit requirements for degree completion. Year One Semester One Year One Semester Two ECON 350 BUS 211 Any ECON 300/400 Elective1 Math 151(pending placement) Minor Elective TOTAL Year Two Semester One 3 3 3 3 3 15 ECON 351 ECON 435 Minor Elective Minor Elective Any Elective (300-400) TOTAL Year Two Semester Two 3 3 3 3 3 15 Any ECON 300/400 Elective1 Any Elective (300 – 400) Any Elective (300 – 400) Minor Elective (300 – 400) Minor Elective (300 – 400) TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 15 ECON 470 (Capstone) Any ECON 300/400 Elective1 Any Elective (300-400) Any Elective Any Elective (300-400) TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 15 1 2 At least three courses are required from the following: ECON 301; 330; 333; 335; 362; 430; 435; 438; 481 Unless equivalent completed at UW Colleges. Please Note: 120 total credits and 36 credits numbered 300 or higher are required for graduation. After meeting all general education requirements, all minor requirements, and all major requirements, the economics major still contains 24-27 elective credits (8-9 courses) that the student can fill with any catalog course of his or her choosing. *Course can only be used to satisfy one requirement in the major. 6 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Comprehensive - No Minor Required) Finance Concentration Required Core Courses Dept. No. Course Name MATH 151 Business Calculus (or MATH 240) (Unless Equivalent completed at UW Colleges) Prerequisites Qualified on Placement Test or MATH 102 (C- or higher) Sem. Offered F,S BUS 211 Business Law I COMM 110 Introduction to Communication BUS 370 Principles of Marketing Admitted to DBE BUS 380 Principles of Management Admitted to DBE FIN 320 Principles of Finance Admitted to DBE Required Concentration Courses FIN 321 Managerial Finance Admitted to DBE; FIN 320 BUS 306 Quant. Models for Prod. & Ops. Mgmt. Admitted to DBE FIN 420 Principles of Insurance & Risk Mgmt. Admitted to DBE; FIN 320 FIN 426 Investments Admitted to DBE; FIN 320 BUS 495 Strategic Management (Capstone) Admitted to DBE; BUS 370; 380; FIN 320 Either: BUS 4302 International Business Admitted to DBE Or ECON 4302 International Economics ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 And at least two of the following: ACCT 4601 Fundamentals of Taxation Admission to DBE BUS 301 Study Abroad ECON 330 Money and Banking ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 ECON 362 Public Finance ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 FIN 400 Finance Internship Admitted to DBE ITS 3421 Management Information Systems (ACCT 357, Accounting Information Systems may substitute for ITS 342) Either: BUS 4302 International Business Admitted to DBE or ECON 4302 International Economics ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Year One Semester One BUS 370 ECON 330 (F) FIN 320 COMM 110 (F,S) MATH 151 (pending placement) TOTAL Year Two Semester One ACCT 460 (F) ECON 430 (F) FIN 420 (F) Any Elective Finance Option Course2 TOTAL 1 2 3 3 3 3 15 3 3 3 3 3 15 Year One Semester Two BUS 306 BUS 380 FIN 321 Finance Option Course2 BUS 211 TOTAL Year Two Semester Two BUS 4301 (S) BUS 495 (Capstone) FIN 426 (S) Any Electives TOTAL F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S S F,S F S F,S F,S F F F,S F S F,S,SS S F,S F 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 3 3 6 15 ECON 430 or BUS 430 required, not both. At least two courses are required from the following: -Bus 301; ECON 330; ECON 362; ACCT 4601; ITS 342 or ACCT 3571, BUS 4302 or ECON 4302 1 Not allowed for Accounting Majors 2 BUS 430 or ECON 430 cannot be used twice to satisfy a requirement in the concentration Please Note: 120 total credits and 36 credits numbered 300 or higher are required for graduation. 7 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Comprehensive - No Minor Required) International Business Concentration Required Core Courses Dept. No. Course Name MATH Prerequisites 151 Business Calculus (or MATH 240) Qualified on Placement Test or MATH 102 (C- or higher) (Unless Equivalent completed at UW Colleges) BUS 211 Business Law I COMM 110 Introduction to Communication BUS 370 Principles of Marketing Admitted to DBE BUS 380 Principles of Management Admitted to DBE FIN 320 Principles of Finance Admitted to DBE Required Concentration Courses BUS 430 International Business Admitted to DBE ECON 430 International Economics ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 BUS 495 Strategic Management (Capstone) Admitted to DBE; BUS 370; 380; FIN 320 And at least two of the following: BUS 301 Study Abroad BUS 363 Business Ethics Admitted to DBE BUS 400 Business Internship Admitted to DBE BUS 411 Business Law II Admitted to DBE; BUS 211 ECON 435 Development Economics ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 TRSP 430 International and Intermodal Admitted to DBE Transportation Sem. Offered F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S F F,S S F,S,SS Occasional S S Complete 6 credits of foreign language or 6 credits of courses 300-level or higher from Global studies minor. Year Three Semester One BUS 370 Foreign Requirement FIN 320 COMM 110 MATH 151 (pending placement) TOTAL Year Four Semester One ECON 430 International Option Course Any Electives TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 15 Year Three Semester Two BUS 380 BUS 430 International Option Course BUS 211 Any Elective TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 3 9 15 Year Four Semester Two BUS 495 Foreign Requirement Any Electives TOTAL 3 3 9 15 Please Note: 120 total credits and 36 credits numbered 300 or higher are required for graduation. BUS 370, BUS 380 and FIN 320 cannot be taken at the same time as BUS 495. 8 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Comprehensive - No Minor Required) Management Concentration Required Core Courses Dept. No. Course Name MATH Prerequisites 151 Business Calculus (or MATH 240) Qualified on Placement Test or MATH 102 (C- or higher) (Unless Equivalent completed at UW Colleges) BUS 211 Business Law I COMM 110 Introduction to Communication BUS 370 Principles of Marketing Admitted to DBE BUS 380 Principles of Management Admitted to DBE FIN 320 Principles of Finance Admitted to DBE Required Concentration Courses BUS 363 Business Ethics & Social Responsibility Admitted to DBE BUS 382 Human Resource Management Admitted to DBE BUS 405 Small Business Management Admitted to DBE BUS 430 International Business Admitted to DBE BUS 495 Strategic Management (Capstone) Admitted to DBE; BUS 370; 380; FIN 320 And at least three of the following: TRSP 3003 Supply Chain Management Admission to DBE ECON 3504 Intermediate Microeconomics ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 BUS 306 Quant. Models for Prod. & Ops. Mgmt. Admitted to DBE FIN 3211 Managerial Finance Admitted to DBE; FIN 320 BUS 3712 Consumer Behavior Admitted to DBE; BUS 370 BUS 400 Business Internship Admitted to DBE BUS 4842 Marketing Strategy & Brand Management Admitted to DBE; BUS 370 BUS 411 Business Law II Admitted to DBE; BUS 211 ECON 430 International Economics ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 Sem. Offered F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S S S F F,S F,S S F F,S S S F,S,SS S S F 1 Students with a Finance concentration cannot use this as an elective. Students with a Marketing concentration cannot use this as an elective. 3 Students with a T & L major cannot use this as an elective. 4 Students with an Economics major cannot use this as an elective. 2 Year One Semester One BUS 380 (F,S) FIN 320 (F,S) MATH 151 (pending placement) COMM 110 (F,S) BUS 211 (F,S) TOTAL Year Four Semester One BUS 382 (F) BUS 405 (F) Management Option Course Any Electives TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 3 3 6 15 Year Three Semester Two BUS 363 (S) BUS 370 (F,S) BUS 430 (F,S) 3 3 3 Any Electives TOTAL 6 15 Year Four Semester Two BUS 495 (Capstone) (F,S) Management Option Course Management Option Course Any Electives TOTAL 3 3 3 6 15 Please Note: 120 total credits and 36 credits numbered 300 or higher are required for graduation. BUS 370, BUS 380 and FIN 320 cannot be taken at the same time as BUS 495. 9 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Comprehensive - No Minor Required) Marketing Concentration Required Core Courses Dept. No. Course Name MATH Prerequisites 151 Business Calculus (or MATH 240) Qualified on Placement Test or MATH 102 (C- or (Unless Equivalent completed at UW Colleges) higher) BUS 211 Business Law I COMM 110 Introduction to Communication BUS 370 Principles of Marketing Admitted to DBE BUS 380 Principles of Management Admitted to DBE FIN 320 Principles of Finance Admitted to DBE Required Concentration Courses BUS 306 Quant. Models for Prod. & Ops. Mgmt. Admitted to DBE BUS 371 Consumer Behavior Admitted to DBE; BUS 370 BUS 482 Marketing Research Admitted to DBE; BUS 370 BUS 484 Marketing Strategy & Brand Management Admitted to DBE; BUS370 BUS 495 Strategic Management (Capstone) Admitted to DBE; BUS 370; 380; FIN 320 Sem. Offered F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S S F S F,S Either: BUS 430 International Business Or ECON 430 International Economics And at least two of the following: BUS 301 Study Abroad BUS 373 Advertising Principles & Design BUS 375 Public Relations BUS 400 Business Internship BUS 474 Retail Marketing BUS 475 Professional Selling & Sales Management BUS 477 Internet Marketing Admission to DBE F,S ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 F Admitted to DBE; BUS 370 or COMM 170 Admitted to DBE; BUS 370 or COMM 170 Admitted to DBE Admitted to DBE; BUS 370 Admitted to DBE; BUS 370 Admitted to DBE; BUS 370 F,S S F F,S,SS F S S *BUS 430 or ECON 430 cannot be used twice to satisfy a requirement within a major. Year Three Semester One BUS 306 (F,S) BUS 370 (F,S) FIN 320 (F,S) MATH 151 (pending placement) COMM 110 (F,S) TOTAL Year Four Semester One Marketing Elective2 BUS 482 (F) ECON 4301 (F,S) Any Electives TOTAL 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 15 Year Three Semester Two BUS 371 (S) BUS 380 (F,S) BUS 4301 (F,S) BUS 211 (F.S) Any Elective TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 3 3 3 15 Year Four Semester Two Marketing Elective2 BUS 484 (S) BUS 495 (Capstone) (F,S) Any Electives TOTAL 3 3 3 6 15 TOTAL ECON 430 or BUS 430 required, not both. At least two courses are required from the following: BUS 301, 373,375,400,474,475,477. Please Note: 120 total credits and 36 credits numbered 300 or higher are required for graduation. BUS 370, BUS 380 and FIN 320 cannot be taken at the same time as BUS 495. 10 TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT (Comprehensive - No Minor Required) Required Core Courses Dept. No. Course Name Prerequisites MATH 151 Business Calculus (or MATH 240) Qualified on Placement Test or MATH (Unless Equivalent completed at UW Colleges) 102 (C- or higher) BUS 211 Business Law I COMM 110 Introduction to Communication BUS 370 Principles of Marketing Admitted to DBE BUS 380 Principles of Management Admitted to DBE FIN 320 Principles of Finance Admitted to DBE Required Concentration Courses ECON 333 Transportation Economics ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 GEOG 302 Economic Geography ECON 250 and 251 LSTU 303 Environmental Law and Regulation TRSP 300 Supply Chain Management Admitted to DBE TRSP 400 Transportation Internship Admitted to DBE TRSP 430 International and Intermodal Transportation Admitted to DBE Either: BUS 430 International Business Admitted to DBE Or ECON 430 International Economics ECON 250 and 251 or ECON 235 And at least two of the following: TRSP 301 Study Abroad TRSP 305 Air Transportation Management Admitted to DBE TRSP 315 Land Transportation Management Admitted to DBE TRSP 325 Marine Transportation Management Admitted to DBE TRSP 401 Advanced Supply Chain Management Admitted to DBE; TRSP 300 TRSP 402 Urban Planning and Transportation Systems Admitted to DBE; GEOG 302 TRSP 405 Port and Terminal Management Admitted to DBE Year Three Semester One MATH 151 (pending placement) LSTU 303 (F) ECON 333 (F) GEOG 302 (F) COMM 110 (F,S) TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 15 Year Three Semester Two FIN 320 (F,S) BUS 380 (F,S) TRSP 300 (S) BUS 211 (F.S) BUS 370 (F,S) TOTAL Sem. Offered F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S F,S F S F,S,SS S F,S F F,S S F S F S-odd years F 3 3 3 3 3 15 Assigned to and meet with Transportation and Logistics advisor to discuss programs and internships. Fill out revised graduation plan with advisor. Sign degree audit on file in Registrar’s Office. Recommend course BUS 499 Seminar in Business 1-4 credits (Includes resume writing and interviewing tips) See Career Services. Summer Session after junior year: TRSP 400 (Capstone-mode specific) 2-7 (credits assigned: 45 hours = 1 credit; minimum of 90 hours) Meet with Transportation and Logistics advisor to discuss and evaluate the internship experience. Year Four Semester One ECON 4301 TRSP Option Course2 Any Electives TOTAL 1 3 3 6-9 12-15 Year Four Semester Two TRSP 430 (S) TRSP Option Course2 Any Electives TOTAL 3 3 6-9 12-15 ECON 430 or BUS 430 required, not both. least two courses are required from the following: TRSP 305 (S), 315 (F), 325 (S), 401 (F), 402, or 405 (F). 2At Please Note: 120 total credits and 36 credits numbered 300 or higher are required for graduation. BUS 370, BUS 380 and FIN 320 cannot be taken at the same time as BUS 495. Meet with Transportation and Logistics advisor to discuss resumes and graduate school opportunities. Apply for membership in AST & L. 11