Bio Security & Contingency Plan 2015 QAWS

Queensland All Welsh Show, Toowoomba
Show grounds
April 17th 2015-April 19th 2015
The Welsh Pony and Cob Society of Australia Inc.
Queensland Regional Promotion Group.
Qld RPG QAWS Bio-Security Plan 2015.
The Bio-Security plan has been developed by the Committee of the Queensland Regional
Promotional group (QRPG), a sub- committee of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society of
Australia Inc (WP&CSof A).
The plan is specific to the Queensland All Welsh Show held at the Toowoomba Showgrounds
from Friday 17th April 2015 to 19th April 2015. The plan covers the period Wednesday 15th
April 2015 to Monday 20th April 2015 to include the arrival of horses, vehicles and
equipment prior to the commencement of competitive classes and after the final
competitive class on Sunday 19th April 2015.
The plan sets out to identify potential bio-security hazards and develop best management
practices to reduce the risk of disease outbreaks on the site. Should a disease outbreak
occur during the event the record maintained by the Qld RPG will enable traceability of
horses and exhibitors attending the event by Bio-Security Queensland, which is part of the
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Queensland (DAFF).
The plan sets out the responsibilities of those attending the event as volunteers, exhibitors,
spectators, transport operatives and trade stand holders.
The plan compliments the Bio-security Management Plan published by the
Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland for the Toowoomba showgrounds.
Application of the Bio-security plan
At the event the bio-security plan will be implemented by
Louise Colthorpe. QLD RPG Chairman and Event Bio Security Coordinator
with support from
John Riley. Qld RPG Vice chairperson
Christine Wise. Qld RPG Secretary.
Louise Colthorpe has over 30 years experience in horse breeding and is a physiologist with
broad knowledge of pathophysiology.
John Riley. 50 years experience in the livestock industry in Europe and Australia. HACCP
qualified, he delivers training on bio security, WPH&S and animal welfare. He prepares risk
management and bio-security plans for clients in the livestock industry.
Christine Wise. A pony breeder and consultant pharmacist.
Qld RPG QAWS Bio-Security Plan 2015.
Principle 1 Prevention of the introduction of disease onto the
Bio-security rules
1. All exhibitors or their agents will ensure that no sick horses are brought onto the ground.
2. All participants, including, volunteers, exhibitors, spectators, transport operatives and
trade stand holders must be aware of understand and agree to comply with all conditions of
entry prior to entering the ground.
3. No animals can be unloaded from any transport before the bio-security Horse and Pony
Health Declaration is lodged and approved by the show administration staff in the event
4. All attendees at the QAWS must obey the directions of the QRPG nominated
person/persons responsible for implementing the Bio-security plan.
4 All exhibitors or their agents must supply water and feed buckets for animals in their care
and charge.
5. No companion animals will be allowed on site without the written permission of the
event organisers
Record Keeping
1. All horses and ponies entered for the show are recorded on an entry form
completed by the owner or their agent. The entry form includes the animal’s name,
registration number and owner’s name address, telephone number and email
address where applicable.
2. All animals staying on the ground are allocated a numbered stable.
3. The Bio–security Horse Health declaration is lodged with the event administrators
and retained. The record includes the PIC number of the source property.
4. The departure of the animals staying in stables on the ground is recorded if they
wish to claim their clean stable bond.
5. All incidents relating to WPH&S, animal welfare, exhibitors behaviour, objections
and bio-security are recorded in an incident book.
6. Details of any animal sprayed for ticks (by a representative of the organising
committee) will be recorded.
7. Details of Owners and their agents staying on site are recorded on the entry form
which is retained.
8. Details of any animal treated by a veterinarian on the site at the request of the
organising committee will be recorded.
9. Details of any animal moved to the isolation area or dying on site will be recorded.
Qld RPG QAWS Bio-Security Plan 2015.
10. All records will be made available to Bio–Security Queensland on request.
Principle 2 Prevention of the spread of disease within the showground.
The template produced by the RASQ will be adhered to.
1. Entry will be via one gate between 6 am and 10 pm.
2. On arrival all exhibitors will report to the event office to lodge their Horse health
3. They will be made aware of their responsibilities and handed a map of the venue
showing event office, catering area, toilets, competition areas, stabling, manure
sites, exercise areas, washing bays, camping sites, parking areas and equine isolation
4. They will be provided with a copy of the Bio-security contingency plan.
5. Exhibitors will clean stables regularly and deposit manure at the designated manure
6. Exhibitors will not make use of communal water troughs.
7. Exhibitors are requested to minimise the sharing of tack and equipment between
horses and ponies.
8. Sick animals must not enter the venue.
9. Any suspicion of illness during the event must be reported to the Event BioSecurity Coordinator and the event office immediately.
10. The sick animal MUST be moved to the isolation box immediately
11. The Bio–security Contingency plan will be implemented immediately.
Qld RPG QAWS Bio-Security Plan 2015.
Bio-security Contingency Plan
1. Any suspicion of sickness in an animal on arrival or on site must be
reported to the Event office and Louise Colthorpe the Event Biosecurity Coordinator Immediately.
2. The animal must be moved to the isolation area.
3. The site veterinarian Max Wilson will be informed and will attend to
diagnose the problem. The owner will be responsible for the veterinary
4. In addition Bio-Security Queensland and the RASQ officials on duty will
be notified.
5. In the case of the death of an animal on site the incident must be
reported to the event office and Louise Colthorpe the Event Biosecurity Coordinator Immediately.
6. The site veterinarian Max Wilson (or his delegated on-call veterinarian)
of Equivet Aust. will be informed and will attend to diagnose the
problem. The owner will be responsible for vet costs.
7. J & J Richards & Sons will be notified to be on standby to remove the
deceased animal.
8. Until the veterinarian has diagnosed the cause of the sickness or death
no animals will be allowed to leave the venue.
9. Should the sickness or cause of death be deemed non contagious the
sick animal will be allowed to return to the regular stable and be
treated by the owner’s veterinarian of choice at the owner’s expense.
10. Normal movement of animals will re-commence.
If the problem is deemed as a bio-security risk the sick
animal will remain in the isolation area and the incident will
be managed by Bio-security Queensland.
If a bio-security issue is identified all movement of horses will cease. Movement off site
will only continued when authorised by the Event Bio-security Coordinator on the
instructions of Bio-security Queensland.
In the very unlikely case of a lockdown the Event organisers will arrange for feed and
other essential resources to be available for purchase by the exhibitors and their agents.
Qld RPG QAWS Bio-Security Plan 2015.
The event organisers will not be responsible for meeting any additional cost incurred by
the exhibitors resulting from the lock down.
Louise Colthorpe, Chairperson, Queensland RPG. A sub-committee of the Welsh Pony and
Cob Society of Australia.
Contact Details
Person/ Organisation
Emergency Disease Watchdog Hot line
Bio-Security Qld
Event Bio-Security Coordinator
Bio- Security Officer
Bio- Security Officer & Event Secretary
Event Veterinarian Practice
Qld RPG Events Veterinarian
RASQ Office
RASQ Operations Manager
RASQ Gate Keeper
Body Disposal
Produce Suppliers
QLD RPG Publicity Officer
Edwina Sivell
Louise Colthorpe 32895794
John Riley
Christine Wise
Max Wilson
Louise Cosgrove 54657933
Damon Phillips
Greg Lyons
Des James
J.J Richards
Qld Produce
Julia Hardie
Please Note
Any member who ignores the instructions of Bio-security Queensland and implemented
by the Event Bio- Security coordinator regarding the movement of animals will be
reported to the police and they will be apprehended on the road or on arrival at their
place of residence.
In addition the events committee will inform the Welsh Pony and Cob Society of
Australia’s head office with the recommendation that the offending member’s
membership of the Society is terminated with immediate effect.
Louise Colthorpe
Qld RPG Chairperson
Event Bio-security Coordinator.
Qld RPG QAWS Bio-Security Plan 2015.