Dear Parents, In Social Studies we have been studying the various aspects of culture. We feel that it is important to recognize and celebrate each other’s cultures. We would like the students to understand that although we may come from diverse backgrounds, we share many commonalities in our cultures. As a project in Social Studies, we are asking the students to reflect upon their own cultures. On Wednesday, October 24th, the students will be creating collages in Social Studies class. The collages should include pictures that express each student’s culture. These can be photographs, pictures from magazines, pictures from newspapers, Internet graphics, or any other flat object that can be adhered to construction paper. The pictures should represent each student’s family, traditions, and background. You may want to scan any photos so the originals are not damaged. The children will be assembling the collages in class on Wednesday, so it is essential that they come prepared with the materials that they will need. Students do not need to have the pictures cut out ahead of time; they can bring in magazines or newspapers and cut them out in class. Thank you for your cooperation, The Sixth Grade Social Studies Team