Fish Lady by Stephen Hersh 9/27/14 The Cast Dr. Leon Scrapinski. Early 40’s. Confident and brilliant, with a propensity toward sudden, unpredictable mood swings. Fish Lady. Early 40’s. A mermaid-like creature who speaks in a high-pitched squeaky voice with a thick Long Island accent that belies the presence of her otherwise obvious intelligence. The Setting In and beside a million-gallon fish tank. The Art “Butterfly Trainer” “Mermaid” Note: The play is dependent on both of these pieces hanging side by side. The medium of “Mermaid” is felted cloth, which is relevant to the material that follows. 2 OPEN ON FISH LADY FLOATING AT THE TOP OF HER TANK. SHE ISN’T HAPPY. FISH LADY Hello!! Is anyone here? HELLO! DR. SCRAPINSKI ENTERS. HE WEARS NEAT CASUAL CLOTHING, AN ODD HAT, A SCARF AROUND HIS NECK, AND HAS A FLY SWATTER HOOKED TO HIS BELT. SCRAPINSKI Oh, hello. You’re awake. How are you feeling? I feel like crap. FISH LADY Who are you? SCRAPINSKI I’m Dr. Scrapinski. But please call me Leon. HE PROFFERS HIS HAND, WHICH SHE IGNORES. FISH LADY What am I doin’ in this fish tank? What the hell’s going on? SCRAPINSKI You’re my latest creation. I’m your maker. FISH LADY What’s that supposed to mean? SCRAPINSKI I’m a genetic engineer and you’re a genetically modified organism. FISH LADY I’m a freaking mermaid, by the looks of it. SCRAPINSKI No. Mermaids are mythical creatures that don’t exist. You’re a grotesque genetic recombination of my ex-wife and a trout. And I use “grotesque” strictly in the “abomination of nature” sense of the word. FISH LADY I’m a mutant? 3 SCRAPINSKI Yes. FISH LADY 50% woman, 50% fish? SCRAPINSKI Those aren’t the exact percentages. You’re more like 49, 49 and two. FISH LADY What’s the two? SCRAPINSKI Square yards of felt. Ellen, my ex, had a felted jacket that she made herself. An exquisite piece. She was very proud of it. (WITH A HINT OF PSYCHOPATHIC DELIGHT) And then when she walked out on me, or stormed out on me, I went to her closet and shredded the jacket into itsy-bitsy pieces. (PLEASANT AGAIN) And you’re the beneficiary. PERFECTLY MIMICKING THE ART, FISH LADY PUTS HER HAND AGAINST HER HEAD. Oh, God! FISH LADY I have such a headache. SCRAPINSKI Well, given that you’ve been engineered with Ellen’s DNA, a headache could indicate a defensive response to a potential mating encounter. FISH LADY (NOT INTENTIONALLY SNIDE, BUT TAKEN AS SUCH BY SCRAPINSKI) I don’t see any potential matin’ encounters here. Why’d you make me like this? SCRAPINSKI My therapist thought it would be a healthy way to channel the anger issues I still harbor from my divorce. FISH LADY I was your therapist’s idea? SCRAPINSKI 4 I mentioned to him in one of our more productive sessions that Ellen’s favorite sexual position was: “Laying like a lox.” (HE CHUCKLES.) FISH LADY You think this is funny? This is a disaster. I’m a freak. SCRAPINSKI This is nothing compared to the disaster that was my prior experiment in which I combined the DNA of a butterfly and a kitten. FISH LADY Why would you ever do that? SCRAPINSKI (ANGRILY) Because I like butterflies and kittens! (CALM AGAIN) I named her Butten. Butten would flit from flower to flower, which would immediately collapse under her weight. She would then lie there gasping to catch her breath. FISH LADY She was breathless from flittin’? SCRAPINSKI She couldn’t flit for shit. But her life cycle was fascinating. She metamorphosed from caterpillar directly into cat after forming a chrysalis which she spun out of a ball of yarn. So cute. Sadly, I had to put her down. There was an unfortunate incident with a neighborhood adolescent who tried to rub the scales off of Butten’s wings and had his eyes scratched out. FISH LADY That’s terrible. SCRAPINSKI I also engineered a weeping willow that could actually weep. That was right after my divorce. The only problem was that it wept all the time. Huge salty teardrops falling day and night. Eventually the land under the tree became so salinized, it could no longer sustain the tree’s life. FISH LADY So the tree cried itself to death. 5 SCRAPINSKI To put it dramatically, yes. FISH LADY And I thought I was a freak. SCRAPINSKI The tree wasn’t a freak; it was a beautiful creature. FISH LADY I’m not talking about the tree; I’m talking about you. Engineering horror and misery. You’re the freak. SCRAPINSKI Listen, Fish Lady, I used to work for a huge biotech corporation. Do you realize you’re speaking to the inventor of Sorn? FISH LADY Sorn? SCRAPINSKI Sorn. The genetic fusion of soy and corn. The most profitable food ever marketed to impoverished countries. “Abject hunger got you forlorn? Try a peck of yummy Sorn.” The company still sends me a big genetically modified fruit basket every Christmas. But despite my successes, I left them to do good and meaningful work. FISH LADY (WITH DERISIVE SKEPTICISM) What good and meaningful work do you do? SCRAPINSKI I made you, didn’t I? FISH LADY I get how meaningful I am to ya. But how am I good? I can’t walk on land. I can’t breath underwater. I spawn uncontrollably – SCRAPINSKI What do you mean? FISH LADY 6 Before you got here I spawned all over the place. (SHE MAKES A CUTE, GROSS SPAWNING NOISE:) Pllalalalalallalla! Like 6000 eggs. SCRAPINSKI (LOOKING IN THE TANK) Where are they? FISH LADY I ate ‘em. I was famished. SCRAPINSKI (SMILING) Ellen hated caviar. FISH LADY Well, I’m not Ellen. SCRAPINSKI No, but you are a selectively modified version of her. FISH LADY What do you mean “selectively?” SCRAPINSKI Ellen had certain qualities that I purged from her genome before I made you. FISH LADY Like what? SCRAPINSKI Like she hated caviar. Purged it! She was flat chested. Purged it. She was an incessant nail-biter. Do you feel the need to bite your nails? FISH LADY No. SCRAPINSKI Purged it! Do you have any desire to rearrange the contents of the dishwasher after I’ve loaded it? FISH LADY No. SCRAPINSKI 7 Purged it. (PSYCHOPATHICALLY:) If we were out with a group of friends and you were telling a story and I chimed in with some amusing remarks and then on another occasion we were out with a different group of friends and you were telling the same story, would you, this time, insert my previously-said amusing remarks into your story as if they were your own? FISH LADY No. SCRAPINSKI (ANGRY) Because I purged it! FISH LADY O-kay, well, It’s been really nice talking with you, but I have to go. SCRAPINSKI Go? Where are you going? FISH LADY To live my life. SCRAPINSKI What?! No. No, no, no, no, no... FISH LADY You think I’m gonna live in this tank my whole life? SCRAPINSKI Why not? It’s comfortable. It’s clean. The temperature’s regulated. There’s a full-sized model of a sunken pirate ship at the bottom and a giant clam that opens and closes with bubbles coming out. And you’ve got me to feed you every day. HE TAKES OUT A SHAKER OF FISH FOOD FROM HIS POCKET AND SHAKES IT INTO HER TANK. SCRAPINSKI (TALKING TO HIMSELF) Not too much. Just the right amount. FISH LADY (CAUTIOUSLY) Thanks. 8 SCRAPINSKI See! I could make you happy. FISH LADY Look, doc, you made me. But I’m gonna make myself happy, if you don’t mind. And my headache’s almost gone. So if you could just get me outta here, I’d appreciate it. SCRAPINSKI Where will you go? FISH LADY Well, thanks to you, because I shrink in warm water, we can eliminate the Caribbean. (THEY BOTH SMILE AT THAT.) I don’t know where I’m gonna go, but I’ll figure it out. SCRAPINSKI But what about us? (SUDDENLY ANGRY) Huh? What about us? FISH LADY Us?! SCRAPINSKI (CALMER) I can’t let you go. I’m sorry. You’re an experiment and the experiment’s not over until all the tests have been run and the data collected. I need you. FISH LADY For what? So you can autopsy me when I cry myself to death? And as far as helping you with the ex-wife anger issues, I think we collected enough data on that and it’s pretty conclusive: I’m not very helpful. Or maybe you’ve got some experiment in your head in which we “do it” in the tank. Is that it? Cuz that’s not possible, doc. Unless all you’re goin’ for here is second base. (HE FURTIVELY LOOKS AT HER BREASTS) Oh, that IS what you’re thinkin’, isn’t it, Leon. Because you’re like an adolescent boy in the body of a man. Driven entirely by your id, without any conscience or moral compass. You don’t give a crab’s ass about any livin’ creature but Leon Scrapinski! Hey, I know what your next experiment should be, Leon: You should genetically reengineer YOUR FREAKIN’ SELF! I’m leavin’ ya, Leon. I’m leaving ya and you can’t stop me! SCRAPINSKI 9 You’re just like her. Always criticizing my work. Jealous of my brilliance. Jealous of my success. I hate you. I want you out of here. I never want to see you again. Messing up my tank with your filthy eggs. You’re a freak just like her. I don’t know why I ever married – made you...and I hate your stupid voice. FISH LADY If you thought it was so stupid, why didn’t you purge it? SCRAPINSKI Really? You think my wife had that ridiculous voice? Ellen’s voice was rich and resonant and very (FACIAL TIC AND/OR SHUDDER FROM THE MEMORY) – commanding. And I did purge it! SCRAPINSKI IS INTERRUPTED BY THE BUZZ OF A FLY. (SUDDENLY COMPLETELY DISTRACTED AND DELIGHTED) Oh, look! See that fly. I made that fly! You’ve heard of bees dancing, right? Well, I took the dancing gene of a bee and inserted it into the cytoplasm of a fly. And now I have flies that can dance. They can dance with each other. Or they can dance with bees! Isn’t promoting inter-insect dancing a good and meaningful thing? (GOING PSYCHOPATHIC AGAIN, HE SLOWLY TAKES OUT HIS FLY SWATTER.) The problem is they REFUSE to dance. They CAN dance, but they won’t dance. HE TAKES AIM AT THE FLY ON THE WALL AND SWATS IT DEAD. SCRAPINSKI Little bastards. FISH LADY, STARTLED BY THE SWAT OF THE FLY, GASPS, AND THEN LOOKS DOWN INTO THE WATER AT HER TAIL. FISH LADY Oh crap. Not again. 10 End of Play 11