MEADOWDALE MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND PERFORMANCE CALENDAR 2015-2016 November 5 Fall Concert - MMS Music Dept. (6:00 p.m. MMS Gym) November 6 Veterans’ Day Assembly – 8th Gr Band (9:00 a.m. MMS Gym) December 18 Winter Concert - Music Dept. - School Assembly - (T.B.A.) February 4 Sno-King Middle School Honors Festival & Concert Selected 8th grade students (Edmonds Center for the Arts) Jan./Feb. T.B.A. MHS Basketball Game – 8th Grade Band February or May T.B.A. Elementary Schools Tour - 8th Grade Band, Choir, Orchestra and Jazz Band (During school day) March 1 NW Quadrant Band Concert – 8th Grade Band, NW Quad 6th Gr. Bands, MHS Wind Ensemble (7:00 p.m. MHS Gym) March 16 Sno-King Band Festival – 7th Grade Band (During school day @ Edmonds Center for the Arts) March 24 7th Grade Band Concert (7:00 p.m. MMS Gym) May 7 Sno-King Solo & Ensemble Festival Interested 7th and 8th Gr. Students (Explorer M.S.) June 9 MMS Jazz Night - 7th and 8th Grade Jazz Bands (7:00 p.m. MMS Commons) June 14 Spring Band and Orchestra Concert (7:00 p.m. MMS Gym) M.M.S. BAND STUDENT EXPECTATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Be prompt. Come to class on time and ready to rehearse. Be prepared with instrument, music a pencil and other necessary supplies (reeds, etc.). Do your best to: Maintain a positive attitude Try to improve and learn something new every day Help and support others Attend all performances. Be a “Team Player,” polite to and respectful of fellow students, their feelings and personal belongings. Be responsible for your instrument, music, and other school equipment. Provide a name tag on your instrument’s case, make sure it is properly stored and cared for. Be productive, actively participating and contributing during class. At home, practice your instrument at least 1.5 hours per week (15-20 minutes every day). CLASSROOM RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. When the Director is on the podium, everyone is silent. Play your instrument only. Don’t touch anything that does not belong to you. Avoid talking and playing out of turn during rehearsal. No food, candy, or electronic devices in the music room. Stay in assigned seats until dismissed. CONSEQUENCES Forgetting instrument, disrupting class, tardy to class a second time = EXPECTATION CITATION Three times = CALL HOME/DETENTION Two DETENTIONS = PARENT CONFERENCE Three DETENTIONS = REMOVAL FROM CLASS NECESSARY MATERIALS 7th Grade – Access on Achievement, Book 2, scale sheets, and other handouts. 8th Grade - Access on Achievement, Book 3, scale sheets, and other handouts. Books, instruments and other music supplies can be purchased at the following music stores in our area: (phone for nearest location and directions) Kennelly Keys Music 425-771-7020 September 2015 Dear MMS Band Parent: Happy new school year! First of all, I would like to welcome all the new 7th and 8th graders to our band program and look forward to a great year of music making at Meadowdale Middle School. Please read this with your child to familiarize yourselves with the procedures and expectations of all band members. Musicians can and will improve by practicing their instrument both at home and at school. A minimum of 1.5 hours per week or 15 - 20 minutes a day of additional practice is essential to your child’s musical development and improvement. Please encourage your son or daughter to schedule a regular time and place to practice and preferably make it a daily routine. We also have practice rooms available for use after school. I realize these kids have many interests and other obligations, but to succeed in music, you gotta PRACTICE! Additional private lessons are also a great option for those wishing to improve their skills, especially those switching instruments. Feel free to contact me, or any music store for names of local private music teachers who specialize on your child’s specific instrument. Performing is an excellent way for a musician to demonstrate individual talent and technique, but even more important, it provides a tremendous learning experience. When a young musician proves to him or herself that they can perform in front of an audience, a valuable lesson in selfconfidence is learned. Performance attire is “black and white,” black shoes, black pants or skirts and white blouses or dress shirts. This year’s performance schedule is attached. Please mark your calendars so you can support your young musician and attend our exciting performances. At the beginning of the school year every music student at our school is required to pay a $20 fee. The money generated by this music activity fee pays for new music, supplies, equipment, and transportation costs for our music department. You can now pay by using the link on the MMS website or send a check to school payable to Edmonds School District (ESD) to pay this fee by September 30. If you have serious financial needs, please contact the MMS counselors. If your son or daughter is fortunate enough to have two music classes, the fee is $30. Thanks to your support, we will continue to provide quality music literature and materials to inspire all of our music students to improve and do their best. Grades in all band classes are based on positive performance and productivity in class (40%), successful completion of playing and written tests (40%) and attendance at concerts (20%). Student grades will be entered into Skyward for students and parents to view and are updated as they become available, generally every 2-3 weeks. This packet and other helpful information can be accessed through the MMS website via the staff directory. If you have a preferred email address that I could contact you with concert reminders and calendar changes, please include it on the space provided below. Also, if you are interested in volunteering to help chaperone on field trips or in our band classroom, indicate that as well or just let me know. Please realize your support, both financial and otherwise, is greatly appreciated by the entire music staff at Meadowdale Middle School. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please call me anytime at (425) 431-4345, or email me at Sincerely, Bruce Laven MMS Band Director Please sign and return to Mr. Laven with your $20 band fee ASAP, preferably by Sept. 30. Date________________ Student Signature ________________________________ Parent Signature _________________________________ Preferred email address _____________________________ We have read the contents of this packet and realize the quality of the music program is dependent upon the discipline and responsibility of each student to do their best, following the rules and guidelines described herein. __ Yes! I’d love to help with band field trips or in the classroom this year. (circle one or both!) I can be reached at _____ ______________ or email __________________________________ (if different from above)