RE: Slovak Grantee Final Report All Fulbright Grantees are required to submit a final report at the end of their grant period. Grantee’s final reports provide important and useful information for the Fulbright Commission and most importantly, for future Fulbright grantees. You will find a list of questions requesting information that is useful for administration of the Fulbright Program. However you may organize your comments in any way you choose. Please email your final report to the Fulbright Commission office for receiving the final portion of the grant. Thank you. RETURN TO: GRANTEE NAME HOME ADDRESS E-MAIL CATEGORY OF GRANT LECT. LECT/RES. RESEARCH HOST INSTITUTION FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION PERIOD OF GRANT A. FROM TO PROFESSIONAL ASPECTS: 1. For Lecturers: Please describe in details the academic assignment. Include the organization of instruction, relation of your work to the curriculum, the role and status of the exchange lecturer. Specific comments are also welcome on preparation and level of students (undergraduate, graduate, PhD.), size of classes, voluntary or required attendance, voluntary or examination courses, etc. The intent here is to provide information useful to future grantees offering instruction in the same subjects matter field. For Researchers: Please describe briefly your research program. Discuss the adequacy of research for the host institution, and the availability of research materials/equipment. Were you able to complete your work? For Students: Please describe your independent research. Discuss the adequacy of the research for your PhD. study and availability of research materials. Were you able to complete your work? In case of participating in non-degree study please describe the courses or consultations attended. If enrolled in degree granting program please describe courses attended and credits obtained. 2. Do you feel you were able to accomplish the objectives of your research/study? 3. Please comment on you professional relationships with the host institution. 4. What new research/study interests have you developed as a result of your Fulbright experience? 5. What changes in your teaching responsibilities do you contemplate as a result of your grant (new courses, new material in courses, work on international activities on your home campus, etc.)? 6. Do you expect your relationship with the host institution(s) to continue after your return to the Slovak Republic? In what forms will they take place (e.g., collaborative research, assisting faculty and students coming to the the Slovak Republic)? 7. To what extend will you utilize the results of your work/study in the U.S.A (publications, lectures, continuing studies, etc.) 8. What other professional activities, programs, meetings, etc. have you attended in the United States? 9. What problems of any kind did you encounter that could also apply to future grantees? B. Educational resources 1. Please comment on the availability of educational and research resources for your research/study (book sources including libraries, computer equipment, laboratory equipment, assistance of instructors, teachers etc.) 2. What should the lecturer or researcher carry to the United States to meet his/her minimum book or equipment needs? C. 1. ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS Selection and Notification: What improvement should be made in such aspects of the program as (a) preliminary announcement of the program information, (b) selection procedures, (c) notification of awards, (d) general communications? 2. Transportation Arrangements: What comments or suggestions do you have with respect to transportation, baggage, or shipping? 3. Finances: Comments are desired on such items as (a) adequacy of maintenance, (b) cost of living. 4. Describe the usefullness of the Predeparture Program and other enrichment program (if attended). 5. Did you receive sufficient information and assistance from the Fulbright Commission during your stay in the United States? 6. Did you receive sufficient information and assistance from the cooperating agency (IIE, CIES) in the Unitied States? 7. Do you have any comments on the Fulbright experience with respect to family members who accompanied you (activities, impact, etc.)? D. OTHER COMMENTS Please discuss freely any matters you may wish to coment upon and add any recommendations.