RETURN TO: J. W. Fulbright Commission FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR FINAL REPORT NAME: U.S. HOME ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL: U.S. HOME INSTITUTION: WORK ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL: CATEGORY OF GRANT LECT. LECT./RES. RESEARCH HOST INSTITUTION: FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: PERIOD OF GRANT: Part I. Administrative 1. Selection and notification: What improvement should be made regarding (a) announcements relating to program information, (b) selection procedures, (c) notification of awards, and (d) general communications? 2. Transportation arrangements: What comments or suggestions do you have with respect to transportation, baggage, or shipping? 3. Financial: Please comments on (a) the adequacy of the stipend, (b) the cost of living, and (c) the taxes on goods or income. 4. Logistical arrangements abroad: Information on the following items will be helpful to program officers and future grantees. Please comment on availability and adequacy of the items described: A. Housing B. Household furniture and furnishing C. Food 5. D. Schooling for children (If possible, please provide the address, telephone number, and fax number of the school(s) in which your children were enrolled.) E. Local transportation F. Clothing G. Medical and dental services Suggestions: Please comment on any administrative successes or shortcomings you find of particular importance. Additionally, please include any recommendations for future improvement. Part II. Educational resources and the Academic Program of the Institution of Affiliation 1. Please comment on the availability of text and reference tools for your course(s). Please mention where you obtained your resources. 2. Could books be ordered from the United States through local suppliers? What is the normal delivery time? 3. Was the lack of textbooks a serious impediment to effective teaching? If so, what are the alternatives? 4. What should a visiting lecturer do before leaving the United States in order to cut down on the number of books he/she may need? 5. Please describe the availability and lack of educational materials, audiovisual aids, and laboratory equipment, etc. Were you able to purchase these supplies locally? If so, did they meet your needs? 6. Please comment on the organization of the department(s) in which you taught while on your grant. Discuss elements such as (a) departmental specializations, (b) courses offered in your field, (c) methods of instruction, and (d) examination requirements. Part III. Professional Activities 1. For Lecturers: Please describe in detail the nature of your academic assignment. It would be helpful if you could include information on how your organized your teaching, the relationship between your work and the school’s curriculum, and the role and status of the exchange lecturer. Additionally, please provide information on the competency of the students, the size of your classes, if the attendance was required or not, and the nature of final exams. The intent here is to provide information that will be useful to future grantees who wish to teach in similar fields. For Research Scholars: Please describe briefly your study or research program. Discuss the adequacy of the educational facilities and the availability of research materials. Were you able to complete your work? If you engaged in research, do you expect to publish your results? 2. Do you feel you were able to accomplish the objectives of assignment? (Were the objectives clear? Were you allowed flexibility to redefine any aspects of your project?) 3. Please comment on you professional relationships with (a) the host institution, (b) deans and department heads, and (c) faculty associates. 4. What problems did you encounter that could also apply to future grantees? (For example differences in approaches to education, language barriers, alternative research methods, etc.) 5. Please tell us about any occasions on which you addressed or spoke to local audiences, participated in cultural or professional gatherings, or wrote for local publications. 6. Please evaluate your experience in terms of: (a) its professional value, (b) its personal or social value, and (c) its contribution to international understanding. 7. What new research insights have you developed as a result of your Fulbright experience? 8. What changes in your teaching do you foresee as a result of your Fulbright experience (new courses, new course material, a more international focus to your assignments at your home campus)? 9. Do you expect your relationship with the host institution(s) to continue after your return to the United States? What form will this relationship take (i.e. collaborative research, assisting faculty and students coming to the United States)? 10. What role will communicative technology play in this relationship (i.e. do you imagine you will utilize email, facebook, twitter)? 11. Can you identify key people at the host institution that really helped you with the implementation of your assignment? Are there any particular members of the faculty that are interested in working with foreign scholars? 12. Do you have any comments on behalf of your family regarding the Fulbright experience (activities, impact, etc.)? If you already addressed this in the mid-term report, do you have anything to add? 13. Would you like your last payment sent to you in the same way that all other payments have been sent to you up until this point? Yes No (If no, please let us know if it should be sent to your U.S. account as your very first payment or another account) 14. Do you expect to submit any further receipts for reimbursement? If so, send them as soon as possible. (Remember that all the receipts can be reimbursed up until six weeks after the end of your grant period.) 15. Would you allow us to release your name and address to future grantees so that they may contact you with questions regarding your experience abroad? 16. Suggestions: Comment on any aspect of the grant, or the experience as whole, and offer any recommendations that you believe will enhance the program. Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire. It will help us improve the program administration and management thereby helping future grantees. Please notify the Czech Fulbright Commission and the appropriate CIES Fulbright Program Manager of all presentations or publications that you take part in or are somehow related to the Fulbright Program or to the research you conducted as a Fulbright grantee during the year following the conclusion of your Fulbright grant. Thank you very much and please keep in touch, Your Czech Fulbright Commission