Semester 1 BST101 Introduction to Computer Programming (2 2 3) Developing algorithms and software by using C programming language, introduction of C programming language/ print and scan functions, variable types, if-else functions, switch-case functions, loop usage applications, while loop, function definitions and applications of functions, one dimensional arrays, multi dimensional arrays, pointers, structures, files. BST103 Applied Mathematics (3 0 3) Description of mathematics, relation with other sciences, clusters, number systems, natural numbers, integers, divisibility, IPPC, GCD concepts, rate, proportion, real numbers, exponential, roots, cartesian , function. BST105 Algorithm Development (2 0 2) Designing of algorithms, basic concept of algorithm, flow charts, dynamic programming and other techniques. TRD101 Turkish I (2 0 2) Orthographic rules, phonetics, semantics, wording, language. ATA101 History of Turkish Revolution I (2 0 2) The aim of the revolution and related topics, the decline and fall of Ottoman Empire, the first world war, Moudros and Sevres agreements, Mustafa Kemal and the organization of the national struggle, the last Ottoman Parliament and the proclamation of Misak-I Milli, the establishment of Turkish Grand National Assembly. Semester 2 BST102 Computer Programming Applications (2 2 3) Aim of the lecture is to develop algorithm and software by using C programming language and developing applications by using C programming language. Functions, relation operations, recursive functions, pointers and memory usages, pointer arrays, structures, algorithm problems. BST104 Discrete Structures (3 0 3) Digital logic circuits, logic gates, Boolean algebra, map simplification, combinational circuits, half adder, full adder, flip-flops, sequential circuits, digital components, integrated circuits, decoders, multiplexers, registers, shift registers, binary counters, memory unit, determinants, data representation, data types, complements, fixed point representation, arithmetic addition, arithmetic subtraction, floating point representation, error detection codes, register transfer language, register transfer, bus and memory transfers, arithmetic micro operations, logic micro operations, shift micro operations, arithmetic logic shift unit, arithmetic logic shift unit. BST106 Principles of Programming Languages (3 0 3) Principles and syntax of programming language in design and application steps, BNF and analysis, compilers, data structures, control structures, styles (procedures, function programming, logic programming, modular programming, object oriented programming) developing a project by using C programming language. Definition of programming languages, programming language grammar, data variables, parsing, structural programming, flow chart, standard of programming language,syntax graphic. TRD102 Turkish II (2 0 2) Language families, accents and dialects, verbal and written expressions. ATA102 History of Turkish Revolution II (2 0 2) The national war of independence, Eastern and Western fronts, Mudanya Agreement and the end of Sultanate, Lausanne Peace Conference and the establishment of the republic, The new republic, The opposition and progressive republican party, The renovations in education and culture, The Mousul question, The experiment of multiparty system- liberal republican party. Semester 3 BST201 Data Structures and Algorithms (2 2 3) Basic data structures: arrays, lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, trees; Recursive programming, Hash tables, charts, complexity of the algorithm, O-representation, memory and time requirements of algorithms, Binary trees and search, tree search algorithms, sorting algorithms, algorithm development, loops, functions, standings, buildings, fast sorting. BST203 Object Oriented Programming (2 2 3) The basic principles of Object-Oriented Programming, structure of .net framework, class - object concepts, the basic features of C# language, the constructs of C# language (namespace concept, variables, data types, input/output functions, operators, flow control structures [if, if/else, if/else/if, switch/case], loop structures [for, while, do/while, foreach]), class and object creation, access modifiers, encapsulation, arrays, methods (functions, actions), inheritance, polymorphism. YON205 Management and Organization (3 0 3) Changing in management paradigms, inner and outer environment, institutional planning, organization structure, organizational behavior, leadership, project management. IST251 Introduction to Statistic (3 0 3) Basic concepts and relations with different disciplines of statistics, sampling and sampling techniques, measuring concept, scale types and data collection techniques, data arrangement, frequency and rate analysis, graphics and importance of graphical presentations, measures of central tendency (average, mod, median), variability and asymmetry scales, general applications of descriptive statistics (data input to computer, analysis and outputs), index concept, importance and applications, probability concept, basic probability rules and applications, basic probability distributions (binomial, hyper geometric, normal distribution), sampling distribution and estimate (single value and interval estimation), hypotheses and hypotheses tests, analysis of the relationships. ISL151 Introduction to Business (3 0 3) Concept of business administration, business functions and connections to other disciplines, business environment, business objectives, business functions and detais, management, marketing management, production management, accounting, finance, IT management, human resource management, R&D management, organizational development in enterprises. Semester 4 BIL391 Database Management System (2 2 3) The concept of database, relational database, data storage models, database components (relational database engine, SQL Server integration services, notification services, reporting services, etc.), database management systems (client-server architecture) , database products and versions, Microsoft SQL Server installation (preinstallation preparation, instance name, the service account setting, and so on.), SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server database architecture, the standard SQL server databases, database creation and deletion, DDL SQL commands (CREATE, ALTER, DROP, ADD), collation, recovery-Transact Log, compatibility, set the options for the database tables (create, add columns, change the properties of the column, delete column), data types, data-entry, and delete tables, database backup and restore, queries, the SELECT command (WHERE, ORDER BY), INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE commands, data transfer operations (import - export), join tables (INNER JOIN LEFT / RIGHT OUTER JOIN), constraints (primary key, unique, check), the concept of index (clustered and non-clustered indexes), constraints (foreign key), stored procedures, triggers, SQL Server Agent. BST202 Visual Programming (2 2 3) Achieving and Improving General Knowledge and Abilities about Visual Programming using C# Programming Language on .Net Framework. Introduction to Visual Studio .Net, Introduction to C# Applications, Data Types and Variables, Operators, Control Statements, Classes and Objects, Methods, Arrays, Object-Oriented Programming, Exception Handling, Graphical User Interface with Windows Forms, Strings and Characters, Files and Streams, Databases and LINQ, Web App Development with ASP .NET, Searching and Sorting, Data Structures, Generics, Collections, GUI with Windows Presentation Foundation, WPF Graphics and Multimedia, Web Services. BST204 Operating Systems Management (2 2 3) Installation of operating system (Windows based), system resources, file and disk management (FAT, NTFS), memory management, product activation and licensing, performance analysis, management of services, network settings and security, sharing, domain server (create, add, manage), DHCP server and settings, DNS server, structure of active directory, installation of active directory, create user-grouporganization unit, group rights, group schemas, group policy (user and computer), installation of Linux operating system. BST206 Marketing Management (3 0 3) Introduction of marketing, historical evolution of marketing, marketing information systems, marketing research, marketing mix, elements of marketing mix, decisions of marketing mix, market focused strategic management, customer concept and business approach, developing new product and product mix management, price estimation and distribution, IMS – promotion strategies. IKT151 Introduction to Economics (3 0 3) Science of economics, needs (personal needs, common needs), goods and services, classification of goods, production (production possibility, the law of diminishing returns), factors of production (labor, capital, land, entrepreneurship, technology, etc.), market concept, perfect competition, imperfect competition, supply, demand and price, the concept of national income, calculations of national income, national income flow chart, real and nominal national income, growth and changes of national income, national income per capita, distribution of national income, savings, investments, consumption expenses, function of consumption, determination of national income, investment-income relation, employment and unemployment, types of unemployment; definition and functions of money, money demand, money supply, inflation, stagflation, devaluation; international economic relations, balance of payments, IMF, foreign currency, foreign investments, global crisis. Semester 5 BIL394 Data Mining (3 0 3) Data, information and knowledge concepts, introduction to data mining, knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), databases, OLTP, data warehouses, data cubes, OLAP, KDD- data select, KDD- data preprocessing (data cleaning – data transformation), classification concepts (decision trees, id3 and bayesian algorithms, etc.), cluster concepts (k-means, k-medoids, dbscan algorithms, etc.), association rules concepts (market basket, apriori algorithm, etc.), case study with apriori algorithm. BST303 Systems Analysis and Design (3 0 3) Importance of informatics and information systems, the role of the systems analyst, understanding organizational styles and its impact on information systems, information gathering: interactive methods, agile modeling and prototyping, work process analysis, data flow diagrams, preparing the systems proposal, designing effective output and input, effective data entry procedures. BST305 Web Based Programming (2 2 3) Content of the course, .net framework structure, HTML, Windows Web Server installation, ASP.NET web forms and form controls, use validations and sessions, web programming with databases (connection string, SqlConnection, SqlCommand, ExecuteScalar, ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery, Datareader, Dataadapter, Dataset, Datatable, Databind), web.config file, use cookies, writing and using javascript. BST306 Open System Programming (3 0 3) Course will cover the process of developing new software applications while using the logic of object-oriented programming with Java programming language. The concept of object-oriented programming, Java platform, Java syntax, if - else structure, loops, directories, classes, interfaces, thread , error and exception management , Java applets, swing, database connection and database applications topics will be discussed. Semester 6 BST302 Informatics Seminars (2 2 3) General introduction, tasks in seminars, detailing the course style and finding out student expectations, activities for information seminars and organizing, preparation of articles and rules of the seminar participants, arrangement of the seminar preparation program and posters, seminar invitations and the communication process with the participants, approvals which are receiving from the participants in order to make the final poster and printing step. BST304 Introduction to Computer Networks (2 2 3) Application Layer, Transportation Layer, Network Layer, Connection Layer, Data Layer, Physical Layer, Applications related to computer networks in Linux operating system environment. BST308 Management Information Systems (3 0 3) Importance and valuation information and information systems, weekly organizations, business and network based enterprise, global e-business: how business makes use of information, information systems, organization and strategies, ethic and social issues in information systems, information systems pre-learning and recent developments, fundamental of business acumen: decision and support systems, organization redesigning, telecommunication, internet and wireless technology, information systems security, operational excellence and customer relations, corporate systems, accumulation management. BST457 Open Systems and Applications (3 0 3) Java platform, Java syntax / if - else structure, loops / classes / interface / thread / Java applets / database connection / database applications Semester 7 UBY303 Research Techniques and Applications (3 0 3) The goal of this course is explaining methods of procedures of scientific research science and principles of scientific basics. Science, science classification, science qualification, process of science method, types of scientific researching, qualification of scientific researching, criteria of problem and problem selecting in scientific research, importance and limitations of purpose in scientific research, methods in scientific research, research models: trail and browsing based research, universe and sample, data and data accusation methods: reliability and validity in data accusation tools, adaptation of foreign tests, documentary browsing (observation documents, content analysis), questionnaire, Likert scale, termination time, observation, discourse, ethical rules in scientific research. Semester 8 BST402 Project Management (3 0 3) This course provides students the opportunity to look at the way people handle and manage people and projects. Students are required to learn the duties of project team, the manager and the whole process. Project Management course aims students to understand how to involve people in projects, generating new ideas and practical tools and techniques used in projects. BST450 Graduation Project (3 0 3) Students present the completed project, which is chosen by the help of advisor, in the form of graduation project at the end of semester. Project topic suggestions, filling graduation project request form, choosing project topic, project writing phase, project development, project presentations – mid phase acceptances, start to writing code or developing model for project, project writing, project submission. Department Elective Courses(FALL) BLG101 Introduction to Computer (1 2 2) Purpose of the course is to give general information about computer science and its applications such as how computer works, history, hardware, binary system, information about operating systems and control panel tools (windows operating system), algorithm concept, office tools such as word processing (word), spread sheet (excel) and presentation software (power point) introduction, animation, master slide and presentations (students' projects). BST151 Blog (3 0 3) Living with Internet, technologic changes and environmental effects, new media blog, blog concept, necessity of building a blog, varieties, aims and applications of blog, blogosphere, institutional and commercial blogs, personal blogs, politic blogs, rules of building a blog, blog opening and applications, ready-made web blog applications, opening a blog site/ blog flow control. BST251 E-Commerce (3 0 3) E-commerce definition and scope, aims, models, portals, types,e-marketing, permission marketing, E-commerce planning, E-commerce Applications BST360 Advanced Database (3 0 3) Advanced techniques of database operations (joins, indexes, triggers [after and instead of], constraints [foreign keys, unique, check], data import / export), configure the security mechanism on database servers, use comparison (like, in, between), flow control structures (if/else, case/when) and loop (while) statements, create stored procedures (IN and IN/OUT parameters), creat and use cursor, create user-defined function (scalarvalued, table-valued), creat advanced queries, plan scheduled jobs (SQL Agent). BST455 İşletim Sistemi Uygulamalari - Linux (3 0 3) Bu ders, Linux ve unix işletim sistemi konusunda bilgi sahibi olmanın yanında, linux script yazma ve algoritma geliştirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Ayrıca linux sistem yönetimi konusunda, uygulamalar içermektedir. Ders içeriği olarak; Linux ve unix tarihçesi, linux mimarisi, linux komutları, dosya ve dizin hakları ve yönetimi, süreç tanımı ve kontrolü, uzaktan bağlantı yöntemleri, C/C++ derleme, yedekleme, mounting, Vi editörünün kullanımı, sistem yönetimi ve shell script yazımı konuları yer almaktadır. BST451 Network Security (2 2 3) What is network security. Strength and weakness of network security. Examining threats in different networks. Firewall, IDP and IDPS systems, Spoofing, sniffing, poisoning, Encryption and encryption methods. requirements, classical analysis, object-oriented analysis, design, realization, maintenance, Uml, project presentations. BST458 Mainframe Programlama Dilleri – I (3 0 3) PL/I (Programming Language / I) general structure of programming language, PL/I notation. Veri Tipleri (Arithmetic, Pointer..), Static-Automatic-Controlled and Based Storage. Relational-Logic processes, queries (IFTHEN-ELSE) and selection structures(SELECT-WHEN-OTHERWISE). DO, DO WHILE, DO UNTIL loops and combined loops, infinite loop structures. Arrays. Built-in Functions. DO, BEGIN and PROCEDURE blocks, Recursion. External structures and blocks, %INCLUDE. ON_CONDITION’s (ON_Endfile, ON_Endpage, ON_Zerodivide, ON-Error,..). OPEN, CLOSE statements. Sequential Files; Stream Input/Output (Data Directed, List Directed, Edit Directed). I/O FORMAT(SKIP, SKIP(n), SKIP(0) and PAGE statements, Structures: LIKE and BY NAME structures, Record Oriented I/O, READ, WRITE, REWRITE structures. Regional Files, Indexed Files and VSAM applications, GENKEY statement. Bölüm Seçmeli Dersleri (BAHAR) BLG101 Introduction to Computer (1 2 2) Purpose of the course is to give general information about computer science and its applications such as how computer works, history, hardware, binary system, information about operating systems and control panel tools (windows operating system), algorithm concept, office tools such as word processing (word), spread sheet (excel) and presentation software (power point) introduction, animation, master slide and presentations (students' projects). BST151 Blog (3 0 3) Living with Internet, technologic changes and environmental effects, new media blog, blog concept, necessity of building a blog, varieties, aims and applications of blog, blogosphere, institutional and commercial blogs, personal blogs, politic blogs, rules of building a blog, blog opening and applications, ready-made web blog applications, opening a blog site/ blog flow control. BST251 E-Commerce (3 0 3) E-commerce definition and scope, aims, models, portals, types,e-marketing, permission marketing, E-commerce planning, E-commerce Applications BST250 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) (3 0 3) General information on CRM, purchasing errors in CRM software purchasing period, understanding the customers, (B2B, B2C), data acquisition by information technologies, data marts, customer loyalty, strategies of customer retention, customer re-gain strategies, sale power automation & data mining, measurement of customer satisfaction, CRM system applications. BST458 Mainframe Programlama Dilleri – II (3 0 3) COBOL programming language structure; COBOL Notation. COBOL detailed structure; DIVISION’s (Identification, Environment, Data, Procedure) and SECTION’s. Data types, Array’s (Redefines deyimi), Built-in functions, ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE Structures. Arithmetic processes and COMPUTE statements. IF_THEN_ELSE query structure, loops (PERFORM statement), Structure’s. Sequential and Relative files; OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE statements. Index Access files; primary and alternate keys, REWRITE and DELETE statements, START statement. External structures and sub-programs, COPY statement. BST460 Procedural Database Ouery Language (3 0 3) PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) is Oracle Corporation's procedural language extension for SQL. Content of the course, DDL (Data Description Language) commands (CREATE, ALTER, DROP..), DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands (SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE), varaibles, constants, flow control structures (IF/THEN/ELSIF/ELSE, CASE/WHEN), loops (LOOP, FOR), stored procedures, triggers, functions, cursors. BST353 Macro (2 2 3) Advanced Excel and Macros, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), variables, operators (aritmetic, comparison, logical), flow control structures (If/Then/Else, Select Case/End Select), loop structures (For/Next, For Each/Next, Do Until/Loop, Do While/Loop), object-oriented with VBA (object, attributes, method, event), row-columncell operations (select, values, change properties), functions - subprograms, user forms (create, attributes, events, controls), ActiveX Data Object (ADO) (Connection, Recordset, SQL). BST462 Decision Support Systems (3 0 3) Types of DSS, BI history, Architecture of BI, BI styles, Decision Making, Systems, Modeling, and Support, Decision Support Systems Concepts, Methodologies, and Technologies, Modeling and Analysis, Data Mining for Business Intelligence , Artificial Neural Networks for Data Mining, Text and Web Mining , Data Warehousing , Business Performance Management, Collaborative Computer-Supported Technologies and Group Support Systems , Knowledge Management , Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Advanced Intelligent Systems , Management Support Systems: Emerging Trends and Impacts. BST460 Procedural Database Ouery Language (3 0 3) PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) is Oracle Corporation's procedural language extension for SQL. Content of the course, DDL (Data Description Language) commands (CREATE, ALTER, DROP..), DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands (SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE), varaibles, constants, flow control structures (IF/THEN/ELSIF/ELSE, CASE/WHEN), loops (LOOP, FOR), stored procedures, triggers, functions, cursors. BST461 Artificial Intelligence (3 0 3) Teaching of Basic Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technics, Application of Various Artificial Intelligence Methods, Artificial Intelligence Based Program Writing Using Prolog and Modern Programming Languages (Java, C#). Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Problems, Problem Solving, Search, Heuristic, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Planning, Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning, Learning and Perception, Expert Systems, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Natural Language Processing, Robotics Applications, Prolog Programming Language.