Intensity and Color Filters on the Output of Solar Cells

Intensity and Color Filters on the Output of Solar Cells
Section 1: Introduction
Intro statement
Length of Lesson
Note or advice to
other teachers
Section 2: Purpose
List key questions
to address
Lesson 4: Intensity and Color Filters on the Solar Cell
2 Lesson Blocks
Sunny Days are required for this lab. If that is not possible,
a standard light bulb source is necessary for each group.
Question 1: Does the color of the light affect the voltage
and current of the solar cell?
Question 2: Does the intensity of the light affect the
voltage and current of the solar cell?
Question 3: Does the location where the light hits the solar
cell affect the voltage and current of the solar cell?
Section 3: Learning Objectives / Outcomes
Key objectives
Identify Standards and Benchmarks to be taught for this lesson
plan –
SC.912.P.10.13 Relate the configuration of static charges to
the electric field, electric force, electric potential, and
electric potential energy.
SC.912.P.10.15 Investigate and explain the relationships
among current, voltage, resistance, and power.
After completing
this lesson, the
students will be
able to:
Evaluate the output of voltage and current on the intensity
of the solar cell.
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Adapted from the USDOE grant - Gateway to Energy Standardized Lesson Plan, created by Palm Beach Community College Institute for Energy
& Environmental Sustainability. Used with Permission (by Dr. Jay Mattheson, Ph.D., M.S., Director IEES.)
Compare and contrast the different color filters on the
solar cell output
Tasks / Skills to be
Ability to operate a multi-meter
Understanding a relationship between color, wavelength, and
intensity of light energy
Section 4: Identify Materials and Media to Be Used
Worksheet 1: Intensity and Solar Cells
Worksheet 2: Color Filters and Solar Cells
Articles /
Secondary Energy Infobook (e-publication)
Web Sites
Photovoltaic Cell Basics | Department of Energy
References /
DeGunther, Rik. Solar Power Your Home for Dummies.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub., 2008. Print.
Benduhn, Tea. Solar Power. Pleasantville, NY: Weekly Reader
Pub., 2009. Print.
Basic Of Solar Cell | Theory Of Solar Cell - YouTube
[PPT]Basics of Solar PPT - KidWind
Section 5: Context
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Vocabulary list
with definitions
1. ampere (A)- a unit of measure for an electric current; the
amount of current that flows in a circuit at an electromotive
force of one volt and at a resistance of one ohm; abbreviated as
2. electric current (I)- the flow of charged particles like
electrons through a circuit, usually measured in amperes. It tells
the direction and how fast the electrons are flowing.
3. power- the rate at which energy is transferred; electrical
energy is usually measured in watts; also used for a
measurement of capacity
4. voltage- the difference in electric potential between any two
conductors or between a conductor and the ground; it is a
measure of the electric energy per electron that electrons can
acquire and/or give up as they move between the two
Section 6: Preparation - technology needed to teach the subject
Needed for PowerPoint internet access
with computer
Section 7: Recommended Sequence of Learning Events
* Examples of common principles and concepts used for describing Teaching & Learning
events may include: Introduce concepts; motivate; direct attention; guide thinking; discussion;
lecture; provoke thought; identify patterns; critique; synthesize; evaluate
* Instructional
Media / Materials
Photos or YouTube Brainstorming on problems in solar
1. Present Case
on solar array
arrays in the field. What problems in
nature reduce the solar array output?
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2. Make
3. Guide discussion
Color filters,
multi-meters, light
source, wires and
alligator clips,
Worksheet 1- How does Intensity affect
Giant post-its or
poster board
Students in groups should list what
the solar cell output?
Worksheet 2 - Color Filters and Solar
Cell Output
produced the best output for the solar
cell. They should use the poster board
or giant post-its to present to the class.
4. Summarize
Photos of
different areas of
the country
What makes a good location for a solar
array production field? How does
intensity and color relate to this
5. Make assignment solar cell,
Legos, LEDs,
mason jars
Make an object such as a garden light or
toy that runs off a solar cell.
Section 8: Assessment
Five measurable test ● 1. Is there a direct or indirectly relationship with
questions to be asked
intensity and output?
and answered
● 2. Name some objects that might affect the output of a
solar array in the field.
● 3. Is it important to keep arrays clean? If so, why?
● 4. What is the best material to be used to encase and
protect the solar cell?
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● 5. List from greatest to least the color filters that
produce the most output.
Exercise thinking skills
performance measure
to assess transfer of
Why do space probes and satellites not depend on solar
Research which countries have the most solar array
production sites.
Section 9: Extensions / Enrichment
Recommended activities● How are the voltage and current affected by:
that would broaden the
● -Temperature of the solar cell
students experience
● - Layers of glass covering solar cell
● -Reflected light versus direct light
● -Thickness of water above solar cell
Section 10: Related Resources
References and
Finding the Sun Angleresources to support
additional learning
and research of
Section 11: Credit
Mary Swigert, Jupiter High
Contact information
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