SS6G2a Sample

6th Grade SS Sample Assessment Items
Which problem is being addressed by all the actions listed in the box?
A. air pollution in Mexico City
B. the destruction of the rain forests in Brazil
C. pollution from oil production in Venezuela
D. the death of coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea
Explanation of Correct Answer from Study/Resource Guide: The correct answer is choice (A)
air pollution in Mexico City. After becoming one of the world’s most polluted cities, Mexico
City implemented these changes to reduce the amount of smog created by cars and
factories. Choices (B), (C), and (D) represent other environmental problems in Latin America,
but these problems would not be specifically addressed by the changes listed in the box.
A leading cause of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is __________.
A. mining
B. air pollution
C. cattle ranching*
D. tribal conflicts
Identify the geographic factor that has the greatest influence on Mexico City’s air pollution
What is the greatest threat to the Amazon region of Brazil?
6th Grade SS Sample Assessment Items
Identify the environmental concerns and their causes for Mexico City, Brazil and Venezuela.
Include any steps to improve the environmental issues.
Environmental Issue
Steps for Improvement
Mexico City
Use the images below to answer the question.
What environmental issue is illustrated by these images?
Explanation of Answer: Deforestation OR destruction of the rain forest. The land
cover is greatly diminished in the time span shown on the two maps. This
indicates a loss of forests, which is a major environmental issue in Brazil.