This is… Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin. Click here for Final Jeopardy Economic Potpourri Geography Mexico Brazil Landforms People 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points The location of Mexico’s fastest growing industrial cities during the 1990s and early 2000s. What is along the US border? They make up 60% of Mexico’s ethnic population. Who are the Mestizos? Moved from Colombia What are the drug cartels? Mexico has seen inreased industrialization because of this (these) trade bloc(s). What is NAFTA? The cultural hearth of the Mayans. What is the Yucatan Peninsula? To draw people more to the interior of the country. Why was Brazil’s capital moved to Brasilia? Gave the Portuguese the territory now known as Brazil. What is the Treaty of Tordesillas? The main religion for Brazil and mostly all of Latin America. What is Roman Catholicism? To have land to raise livestock and grow crops. Why is deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest taking place? To populate the interior of the country. Why did Brazil move its capital from Rio to Brasilia? Tropical fruits are produced in this attitudinal zone. What is the tierra templada? Andean natives rely most heavily upon this crop. What is the potato? These two landforms have led to cultural isolation in South America. What are the Andes Mts. and the Amazon Rainforest? These two landforms in S America have limited transportation & communication systems. What are the Andes Mts. and the Amazon Rainforest? Part of Ecuador, this place lies far off the coast of the country and in this Ocean. What are the Galapagos Islands & the Pacific? Three groups of peoples whose cultures have diffused throughout the Caribbean and Central America. Who are natives, Europeans, and Africans? Africans were brought to the colonies in the New World for this reason. What is replace the shrinking labor force (to work on the plantations)? Many governments of newly independent Latin American countries leaned this direction. What is LEFT? The TWO Englishspeaking countries of Latin America. What are Guyana and Belize? People in this country are the poorest in the Western Hemisphere. What is Haiti? The two biggest oil producers in Latin America. What are Venezuela and Mexico? The top TWO economic sectors in Central America and the Caribbean. What are the primary and tertiary sectors? To create better economic ties between member nations. What is the purpose of trade blocs such as Mercosur, NAFTA, and CAFTA-DR? Europe got potatoes & turkeys; the Americas got horses & DISEASE. What is the Columbian Exchange? Connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean Sea. What is nothing? Because of industrialization and increased job opportunities. Why are people in Latin America moving to cities? Contains a series of locks, has aided the US military, allows for the spread of ideas & goods. What is the Panama Canal? The spread of technology and agriculture spread easiest in this direction. What is east and west? Puts a strain on infrastructure, can worsen income inequality, & may lead to pollution & overcrowding. What is tourism? Slums are called this is Brazil, but this in Colombia. What are favela and barrios? Make your wager List, in order, the capitals of the following countries: 1. Belize 2. Uruguay 3. Guyana 4. Chile 5. Dominican Republic What are… 1. Belmopan 2. Montevideo 3. Georgetown 4. Santiago 5. Santo Domingo