Unit 4 Section 1: Song Dynasty and Religion The Song Dynasty

Unit 4 Section 1: Song Dynasty and Religion
The Song Dynasty
 Tang dynasty falls  Military leaders ruled China 50 years
 The Song dynasty starts and rules for 319 years
 What was the Song dynasty known for?
o Prosperity and peace
o Cultural achievement
o Some problems
 Not enough soldiers for large empire
 Tibet is freed from China
 Song rulers moved capital to the South for safety
Chinese Buddhism
Who do you turn to or where do you turn when you are having problems?
China had a terrible civil war happening after the Han dynasty
o Many people died from lack of food and shelter
o Many people were suffering
At this time, traders/missionaries from India introduced the Chinese to Buddhism
o Buddhism taught that people could escape their suffering by following its teachings
o The Chinese suffered from the civil war, so…they found peace and comfort in Buddhism
Why did many Chinese people choose to follow Buddhism?
Tang rulers allowed and supported Buddhism
o Many Chinese became monks and nuns, living in monasteries
o What did monasteries provide for people?
 Schools
 Food and rooms for travelers
 Medical care
What might a non-Buddhist think when visiting a Buddhist monastery? Why?
Buddhism loses its popularity
o Some Chinese people did not like Buddhism because temples/monasteries accepted $ donations
o Others did not like that monks and nuns could not get married. Why?
 Chinese believed that did not show respect for family life
Do you believe monks, nuns, and/or priests (from any religion) should be allowed to get married? Why or why not?
Tang officials were afraid of Buddhism’s growing power  it was pretty popular
Many believed Buddhism was an enemy of China’s traditions
The Tang had many Buddhist monasteries/temples destroyed
 This event permanently hurt the relationship between China and Buddhism…even to this day
Do you believe Buddhism was “an enemy” of China’s traditions? Why or why not?
Write about a similar event from past times that permanently ruined a relationship, similar to China and Buddhism.
Buddhism Spreads East
 Korea broke free of China in A.D. 220
 Buddhism spread to Korea and then gained support in that country when Korea united into one
 Buddhism next spread to Japan
o Legend: Korea’s king wrote to Japan’s emperor, “This religion is the most excellent of all teachings.”
Reviewing Confucius
 Confucius believed a good government needed wise leaders to help the people
 Buddhism was more about spiritual things
 The Tang brought down Buddhism, and supported a new type of Confucianism called neo-Confucianism
o Neo-Confucianism: this life is just as important as the afterlife
o They wanted to separate from Buddhism
 Neo Confucianism also borrowed Buddhist and Daoist beliefs – it became rules and spiritual beliefs about
harmony and peace of mind in nature
Which do you like better and why: Buddhism or Neo-Confucianism?
Civil Service Exams
 For men to work in a good government job and become wealthy, they first had to pass China’s civil service
Thousands took the test, only a few hundred qualified for important positions. Only 1 in 5 passed.
These tests were probably the most difficult in the ancient world – more difficult than any test you’ll
take in high school
The Tang and Song rulers hired people based on merit  people are accepted for what they can do and NOT on
how rich they were or important people that they knew
Do you agree with the merit system that Tang and Song rulers used? Why or why not?
o Boys prepared for these exams in primary school (think grades K-5)
 They learned to read and write 400,000 words and sayings
 It also tested them on their knowledge of Confucian writings
 Later, students had to memorize ALL of Confucius’ writings
 Teacher hit their students if the students recited a writing poorly
 Test takers had to write with style and understanding
Do you believe it is necessary today to write with style and understanding? Why or why not?
Boys in their twenties would take the 1st level of exams (there were three levels)
 Tests were at large testing sites
 Boys had to bring their own food and beds
o What were some of the crazy results of the tests?
 Men became sick because of the poor conditions
 Many became insane because of the stress and poor conditions
o Ironically…only men could take these tests
o Ironically…only the RICH could afford to prepare for the test, have books, and have tutors
Explain how it is ironic that the civil service exam system was based on merit, but only the rich could afford to prepare
to pass the test.
o What happened if you passed the test?
 You got a government job, became wealthy, and joined a new wealthy class called the scholarofficials
o What happened if you did not pass the test?
 You taught others or assisted the officials
 You could never be given a government job – you could not take the test again
What is your opinion of the civil servant exam system? Be sure to explain your opinion clearly.