DATE: NAME: Lesson Title Subject Grade Level Highest DOK Level Lesson Length # of Sessions Pre-K/GLE/CLE/CORE state standard for lesson content Materials/Supplies (including technology needs) Objective INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS (direct instruction, guided practice, closure, independent practice) Anticipatory Set STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS TEACHER QUESTIONING – Label DOK Levels Direct Instruction/Modeling Guided Practice Closure Independent Practice ASSESSMENT (evaluation of objective) LEARNING STYLES (specific to this lesson) Visual Learner Auditory Learner Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION/MODIFICATIONS (directly tied to the objective) Early Finisher Struggling Student Other Possible Modification SOURCE OF LESSON- Lesson Reflections What changes were made in the plan, and why? What additional changes would have improved this lesson? What was the best part of the lesson, why? What was the poorest part of the lesson? Why? What evidence do you have of student learning? What did you gain, professionally, from teaching this lesson? Lesson Plan Scoring Guide Category 2 1 0 Introductory Information Includes title of lesson, subject area, grade level, DOK level, lesson length, and number of sessions. All are appropriate for lesson content. One piece of the introductory information is missing or not appropriate for lesson content. Introductory information is not included. Standard Includes appropriate Pre-K/ GLE/CLE/CORE state standard for lesson content Technology Equipment and Supplies All necessary technology equipment and supplies are listed and provided (i.e., homework sheets, scoring guides, models). Objective(s) 4 Includes appropriate objective(s) for age-level and content. Objective(s) are written with measurable verbs and specific criteria. 3 Partial or no standards are provided. Some, but not all, necessary technology equipment and supplies are listed and provided (i.e., homework sheets, scoring guides, models). No technology equipment or supplies listed. Includes measureable and Includes objective(s) but are not Includes objective(s) but are not specific objective(s), but may not written using measurable verbs or written using measurable verbs be appropriate for age level and does not include specific criteria. and does not include specific content. criteria. No objective(s) are written. Includes an anticipatory set that appropriately sets the mood and transitions nicely to the lesson content. Includes an anticipatory set, but it does not appropriately set the mood or transition smoothly into the lesson content. No anticipatory set is provided. Step-by-step instructions are provided, but are not thorough. Step-by-step instructions are provided but are hard to follow and unclear. No step-by-step instructions are provided. Questions are not appropriate or meaningful to the lesson content, or do not correlate to the appropriate step-by-step instructions. Questions are missing or lack appropriate content. No questions are provided. Anticipatory Set Step-by-step instructions Step-by-step instructions are clear and concise and provide a thorough explanation of lesson steps. Thorough step-by-step instructions are provided, but are not clear and concise. Teacher Questions Questions are appropriate and meaningful to lesson content, use a variety of correctly labeled DOK levels, further classroom discussions and transition times, and correlate to the appropriate step-by-step instructions. Questions are appropriate and meaningful to lesson content, but do not use a variety of DOK levels or DOK levels are not labeled correctly Category 4 3 Closure Learning Styles 2 1 0 Includes a closure where students appropriately review content and objective of lesson. Includes a closure, but it does not appropriately review the content or objective of lesson. No closure is provided. Correctly identifies activities to Correctly identifies activities to Correctly identifies activities to Correctly identifies activities to meet all three learning styles and meet all three learning styles but meet two of three learning styles meet one of three learning styles activities correlate to lesson plan activities do not correlate to and activities correlate to lesson and activities correlate to lesson instructions. lesson plan instructions. plan instructions. Identifies one plan instructions. Identifies three quality Identifies two quality quality instructional strategy Identifies instructional strategies instructional strategies used in instructional strategies used in used in the lesson plan to used in the lesson plan, but the lesson plan to intentionally the lesson plan to intentionally intentionally address the needs these strategies are not high address the needs of each address the needs of two out of of one out of three learning quality or intentionally included learning style. three learning styles. styles. to address the needs of each learning style. Differentiated Instruction / Modifications Includes three appropriate modifications for differentiated instruction. Includes two of three appropriate modifications for differentiated instruction Assessment Assessment process is described, Assessment process is described Assessment process is described, effectively evaluates objective(s), and effectively evaluates but does not effectively evaluate and an appropriate assessment objective(s), but an appropriate objective(s). tool is provided. assessment tool is not provided. No strategies to meet the three learning styles are provided. Includes modifications for differentiated instruction that are not appropriate for lesson content. No modifications for differentiated instruction are provided. Assessment process description is unclear and does not effectively evaluate objective(s) No assessment process was described. Lesson Reflections Lesson reflections are thorough and meaningful. Lesson reflections are provided, No lesson reflections but may not be thorough or were provided. meaningful. Source of Lesson Source(s) of lesson are provided. No source was cited. Total: ____/37 points Measurable Verbs (Based on DOK chart): Level One (Recall) Level Two (Skill/Concept) Level Three (Strategic Thinking) Level Four (Extended Thinking) Arrange Name Categorize Interpret Apprise Differentiate Analyze Apply concepts Define Quote Cause/Effect Modify Assess Formulate Connect Design Draw Recall Compare Organize Compare Hypothesize Create Prove Identify Recognize Construct Predict Construct Investigate Critique Synthesize Illustrate Repeat Distinguish Relate Critique Revise Label Report Estimate Separate List State Graph Show Match Tabulate Infer Summarize Measure Tell Collect & display Explain phenomena in terms of concepts Memorize Use Identify Patterns Use concepts to solve non-routine problems Who, what, where, when, why Cite evidence Develop a logical argument Draw conclusions Make observations Use context clues DOK SAMPLE ACTIVITIES Level One Activities Level Two Activities Level Three Activities Level Four Activities Recall elements and details of story structure, such as sequence of events, character, plot and setting. Identify and summarize the major events in a narrative. Support ideas with details and examples. Conduct basic mathematical calculations. Label locations on a map. Use context clues to identify the meaning of unfamiliar words. Solve routine multi-step problems. Represent in words or diagrams a scientific concept or relationship. Describe the cause/effect of a particular event. Use voice appropriate to the purpose and audience. Identify research questions; design investigations for scientific problems. Develop a scientific model for a complex situation. Perform routine procedures like measuring length or using punctuation marks correctly. Describe the features of a place or people. Identify patterns in events or behavior. Conduct a project that requires specifying a problem, designing and conducting an experiment, analyzing its data, and reporting solutions. Apply mathematical model to illuminate a problem or situation. Analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources. Describe and illustrate how common themes are found across texts from different cultures. Design a mathematical model to inform and solve a practical or abstract situation. Formulate a routine problem given data and conditions. Organize, represent & interpret data. Determine the author’s purpose and describe how it affects the interpretation of a reading selection. Apply a concept in other contexts. Adapted from Webb, Norman L. and others. “Web Alignment Tool” 24 July 2005. Wisconsin Center of Educational Research. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2 Feb. 2006. <>