Future Vision of Education Paper


Running head: Student Support Services: Five Years into the Future Student Support Services: Five Years into the Future Nazle Jalaludin EDU-505 Professor Waters 1

SSS Five Years into the Future 2 Student Support Services Five Years into the Future


Those who have not had the opportunity to experience all the benefits that the Student Support Services (SSS) program offers are missing out. The SSS Program is under the Department of Center for Academic Programs (CAP), which houses all the Trio Programs and Academic Access Programs. “The Trio Programs are Student Support Services, Educational Talent Search, Upper Bound, McNair Scholars Program and High School Initiatives” (Center for Academic Programs, 2014, p.1). The Trio Programs are federally funded and evolved in 1965, during President Lyndon Johnsons War on poverty. The SSS Program started in 1967 and is one of the oldest Educational Access programs in the nation (Council for Opportunity in Education, 2014, para.2). To define SSS, it is “a program that works with students who are first generation, low income, and underrepresented students in achieving their goals by working with them until they graduate” (Center for Academic Programs, 2014, p.3). Students who are accepted to the University of Connecticut (UConn) through the SSS program are required to participate in a six- week summer program that requires them to take two courses to become acquainted with the intense academic programs within the university. This program prepares students for the years ahead attending UConn, providing them with the skills and resources to become a full time college student. The SSS program provides students with access to numerous resources and opens the door for college, which may not have been possible before. Students are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the program and campus, communicate with the staff and are assigned an academic advisor who will guide them throughout their student career. For educational programs to excel and make an impact on students, the education system needs to devise strategies that provide a structured learning environment for students.

SSS Five Years into the Future 3 The futures of educational organizations are in the hands of society. Two education techniques that will be further discussed are scenarios and scanning. Both are useful future mechanisms that improve the UConn Student Support Services program. Educational organizations, like SSS should explore the options of futuring techniques. “Futuring techniques create viable change using anticipatory techniques, such as scanning and monitoring the environment or creating multiple scenarios”(Sobrero, 2004, p.1). Futuring is important for the field of education because learning is a process; something that develops over time and changes with our environment. Futuring techniques enable educational institutions to take control over situations by using different methods, such as scanning and scenarios. Futuring will be the roadmap to guide different organizations into the right direction. The issues that some organizations face are the lack of risk taking with the education system curriculum. In order for change to occur in future paths, organizations need to take action to be open to new ideals. The vision for the future of SSS will provide students with an improved learning environment. Using scenarios and scanning techniques has assisted SSS in identifying new strategies and ideas to provide students a structured learning environment. Examining these techniques has pointed out the specific technologies that will impact the future of SSS. Factors such as historical events, technology, public policy, the economy and demographic trends have made a successful impact on providing students more one on one time with their advisor, peer mentor, and tutors. It has influenced the increase in program funding, relationship building and forming social networks with multicultural students, which has reinforced the importance of communication through technology devices.

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History: Past & Present

Since 1965, the SSS program estimated 2 million students who have graduated from UConn with the assistance and support from Trio Programs. (University of Connecticut, CAP, 2014). The SSS program is available to students at all the UConn Campuses. It has evolved into a successful organization that has developed several learning methods to assist students in reaching their academic goals. The SSS program has incurred significant changes over the history of the program including improvement to communication and technology. Given that technology is advancing, methods of communication with the students have evolved. Instead of utilizing postal service for mass communication, a simple email is sent by click of a button to thousands of student at once. This not only saves the University time but also significantly reduces costs. Since students are constantly utilizing mobile devices, using email and phone calls are the best methods to get in touch with students. The current state of SSS is very successful. Our program is “serving approximately 300 students a year”(Center for Academic Programs, 2014, p.3). The SSS Program is currently providing students with the opportunities to have individual tutor time, peer advising, mentoring program, scholarships, first year experience class, counseling /advising, study abroad, and leadership conferences. Stated in Center for Academic Programs (2014): The Center for Academic Program’s (CAP) mission is to increase access to higher education for high-potential students who come form underrepresented ethnic economic background and/or are first –generation college students.

CAP prepares students for successful entry into, retention in, and graduation from a post-secondary institution through its constituent programs like Student Support Services. Student

SSS Five Years into the Future 5 Support Services provides programming to facilitate students' retention in and graduation from the University of Connecticut ( p.1

). The main focus of the SSS program is helping college students develop into young educators.

Trio Programs, such as SSS are important because “the United States needs to boost its academics and economic competiveness globally”( Council for Opportunity in Education, 2014, para. 5) . The United States needs students, no matter their background, to be on the same level as other nations. History shows that low-income students are being left behind. Statistics in Council for Opportunity (COE) stated, Only 38% of low-income high school seniors go straight to college as compared to 81% of their peers in the highest income quartile. Then, once enrolled in college, low income students earn bachelor's degrees at a rate that is less than half of that of their high income peers — 21% as compared with 45% ( para. 6 ). This shows a gap between low income and high income peers. The low income peers are at a disadvantage at enrolling and successfully completing their bachelor’s degree. As disappointing as it is, the majority of the low income students are left behind, but Trio Programs are taking initiative to draw out the main issues, such as poverty, ethnicity, environment, etcetera that cause low-income students to be forgotten. Addressing these issues head on will prevent lack in economic competiveness even further and boost the success rate of low-income students.

Literature Review

Technologically advanced devices are the main source for producing an active learning environment. Working environments, such as higher education, colleges, high schools and other learning areas require devices to provide easy access to information for students. Students benefit from technology as it provides tools to succeed academically. Technology creates a

SSS Five Years into the Future 6 different learning pane through online learning, social networks, and group discussions. Online learning has become the new technology trend. SSS has taken advantage of the online format by transforming textbook learning to online forums for learning. Studies have shown that technology has enhanced communication and learning outcomes. Perotta (2013) reported that, Teachers found a significant benefit in their teaching. The most prevalent benefit identified by teachers related to digital technology giving access to a wider range of learning content and resources (p. 319). Since the implementation of online learning in SSS educators agree it is a useful tool to engage students in active discussion. Instructors have seen improvement in students learning outcomes. Online learning is working its way up in the education field. Metz (2010) concluded: Online courses provide students with many advantages: alternatives to the traditional school, courses that they cannot enroll in otherwise, opportunities for home schooling, ways to better meet the needs of the new digital age student, and a medium for receiving extra help (p. 20). The majority of students take online courses due to its convenience, low costs and similarity to the campus environment. Education Commission (2011) discusses the effectiveness of online learning for students, especially for first generation and low-income students (p. 3). Online learning is an informative learning device for students in various life situations such as, those who work, have children, or have financial issues. Husky CT is the online forum is open to all students and its use is encouraged for students in the SSS program. Students can view their courses, complete assignments, check grades and have group discussions with peers and instructors. It also provides students access, knowledge, and resources that can be useful in

SSS Five Years into the Future 7 completing their courses. Online learning not only provides access for students, but for instructors as well. Being in an active learning environment requires quick and easy communication for students taking online classes. Instructors’ benefit from Husky CT which enables them to provide all the information about courses, post grades, email and have discussions with students via the discussion board. These positive factors increase the success for online learning due to quick and easy communication, which is an important aspect to the success of SSS.

Economics, Budget, and Public Policy

There are many factors that have a major impact on the education system, such as the economy, budget sources, and public policy. These factors have a big impact on the future of the SSS program because it relies on funding sources to run successfully and provide the students with academic resources. Since SSS is a grant funded program, if there was a budget cut or lack of funds SSS would not be able to operate. Kober (2012) discusses how the shrink in budgets not only effect education programs, but also staff pay and students services (p. 1). If SSS loses funding it will not be able to provide first generation and low income students with the resources they need, causing less students to graduate. In order for SSS to overcome these issues, they would have to reach their goals, by having students successfully achieve program completion. For example, Governor Malloy launched an incentive to provide resources to implement Common Core State Standards in all public schools. He also addressed five areas that he recommended the Connecticut School District to implement in upcoming learning programs and curriculum. Malloy (as cited in Kober, 2012) cites five core areas educators should focus on:  Developing clear and consistent knowledge of the Common Core State Standards at the classroom, school, district and state level.

SSS Five Years into the Future 8  Providing the necessary support and training to effectively transition the new standards into district defined curricula.  Supporting all teachers and instructional staff with the necessary time for professional development to master the instructional shifts that come with the new standards.  Engaging all stakeholders in a dialogue about the Common Core State Standards that uses multiple mediums, is jargon-free and keeps teachers, parents and community members informed, knowledgeable and participatory in the process.  Providing the necessary resources, defined as money, time and technical assistance, to support effective implementation of the new standards across all state districts and schools (para. 5). This demonstrates a great example to maintain success in the education system. Using these strategies will implement progress in the classroom setting, which will assist students in attending higher education. Pursing higher education requires numerous financial obligations, considering that tuition is constantly increasing, subjecting students to resort to student loans with high interest rates. Some students exercise other options instead of choosing to attend college because it can become financial burden, but studies show that college graduates are doing better than students who have a high school diploma. The Lawlor Group (2013) talks about the economic outcomes between college degrees and high school diplomas. Some industries are trending towards having a minimum requirement of a bachelor’s degree or higher. Studies have shown that students with a college education make a gross income that is significantly higher than those with a high school diploma. Most students question “if the benefits outweigh the financial burden” (p.1). There is no direct answer for this statement due to the various backgrounds of each student’s financial situation. Working with first generation and

SSS Five Years into the Future 9 low income students SSS deals with students who ponder this question. The majority of the students do not have the financial resources to pursue college. They attempt to stay away from loans to receive a higher education, which creates hesitation on making the right decision.


SSS is a diverse program. This year had 37% White, 35% African American, 19% Hispanic, 4% Native American, 4% Asians, and 1% other ( Council for Opportunity in Education, 2014, para 3). Having diversity in the program causes SSS to have a variety of cultures intermingling. It showcases the difference in the success rates among the various ethnicity groups. College institutions attract a different population of students each year. For instance, in Flynn (2014) college institutions work on meeting the needs of having a diverse group of students each year. They work on developing different strategies to attract a diverse student body. Colleges are open to more diversity and are careful when selecting participants because they want to make sure they are not only accepting a particular type of student (p.1). Institutions are required to meet the needs of the minority population and encourage enrollment of African American and Hispanic students. Attracting minority students is important for higher education institutions. Olive (2014) discusses how the motivation for Hispanic and African American students to attend higher education is lacking due to an upbringing where education is not considered valuable. It highlights the importance of academic counseling for these students’, which can assist them in enrolling in higher education (p. 74). Focusing on the minority population helps students who need that push or guidance into higher education.

Methodology/Futuring Techniques

Technologies that assist in the future success of the SSS program are learning and social

SSS Five Years into the Future 10 media technologies, such as online learning, websites, documentation, email and phone calls. These resources enable the SSS program to run student activities efficiently and successfully. Programs like SSS rely on the communication of emails between staff and students, documenting information and utilizing websites to provide students with the information they need to succeed. SSS uses an online learning site called Husky CT, Which stands for “Husky Course Tools”, is UConn’s name for our learning management system. The application we use is Blackboard Learn 9.1. Instructors may use a HuskyCT site to post course materials, online assignments, discussion forums, tests, and grades (para.1). Technology advancement changes over time influencing change in the SSS program. Previous years book learning was a common method used by students to obtain information, but today everything is electronic. For example, students take classes that require the use of online learning. SSS uses Husky CT for students to complete their weekly assignments, interact with peers through discussions and are able to view their grades. This online teaching method has created informative communication between instructors and students. It also keeps courses organized and up to speed with technology. Another technology used in the SSS program is social media technologies, such as email. The SSS program uses email on a daily basis to contact students due to the quick and easy access through electronic devices, such as cell phones, IPads, or computers. Jones (2014) stated, Email style is largely shaped by the extent to which email is viewed as a replacement of the traditional letter or as an extension of informal spoken conversation, and there is considerable variation between users (p.1). Emails have replaced letters due to the quick response from student to instructors. Using email as

SSS Five Years into the Future 11 the main source of communication allows students to receive viable information regarding their studies in a timely manner. It also helps advisors and instructors stay in touch with students. Studies have shown that students are more likely to reply to an email that rather calling or coming into the office to meet in person. LaBarbera, (2013) stated, Students’ sense of connectedness was strongly correlated to feedback on assignments, instructor interaction and support, e-mail communication, and overall satisfaction with the online learning experience. When personalized, frequent e-mail correspondence was examined, students who corresponded through such e-mails were more likely to report a perceived sense of connectedness with the instructor (p.209). Communication through email has proven to be likeable from students and among instructors. Using this tool has provided access for students to experience successful communication between student and instructor.


Futuring technologies that will assist in creating the future vision of SSS are scenarios and scanning. Scenarios are about active planning and preparing for potential futures. They are strategies for us to outline the possible outcomes. Coming up with multiple scenarios can eliminate the challenges education programs face. For instance, SSS is working towards enhancing the academic advising process, the lack of communication, tutoring availability, student focus, budget increase, and relationship building. Creating scenarios will be an advantage to the futuring context. They will provide data and an overview of information that will benefit the SSS program, for example Sobrero (2014) states, Using data-driven intelligence and results of assumption analysis to develop four scenarios for each targeted issue area where change is likely to occur. The scenarios

SSS Five Years into the Future 12 should range from a very desirable future to an undesirable or even catastrophic future. Develop these scenarios in a written format, and include details (para.14). This thought process portrays the positives of scenarios and how to utilize them correctly.


Another useful technique is the scanning tool, which is used to help make visions become reality. Scenarios organize thoughts and use scanning to put them in perspective. The scanning process involves “reviewing and analyzing current literature, web sites, and other media to identify and describe noteworthy trends and their possible development and future impacts”(World Future Society, (2014), p.1)


Scanning assists in making decisions for education programs. Johnson (2009) states, Much of the social activity of life is organizational activity. As organizational participants, we not only make decisions that affect the organizations we inhabit, we are influenced by the decisions made by coworkers in these organizations (Pg.4). Educational organizations require the input of team members to enforce new decisions. Team work ethic leads to success of the organization. The goal of the scanning tool is taking advantage of the resources it offers. The advancement in technology and creative techniques, such as scenarios and scanning is beneficial in achieving the overall goal of SSS. The scanning tool will enhance the future of SSS by analyzing academic reports from prior and current years to pin point areas of improvement. This technique will evaluate the effectiveness of SSS in five years. Possible areas of improvement are student focus, staff increase and changing the time frame of tutoring schedule. Appointing these changes will be time consuming, but manageable with the assistance of scenarios. For example, students in need of academic advising require a great deal of time adding another advisor would

SSS Five Years into the Future 13 ease the process. Multiple staff requires increasing the budget. Factors as hiring staff members and additional funds call for innovative planning and strategizing methods. Applying scanning and scenario techniques to certain situations like these create room for improvement. If an idea does not work as planned, develop another one that will (Lindahl, 2013, Pg. 59). Researchers face challenges like these, but it is important to have back up plans in case it does not work out, but utilizing scanning and scenarios will help us eliminate those issues.


Scenarios demonstrate viable change to the SSS program, where the focus is creating plans for future success. The goal of SSS five years from now is to increase the amount of staff, maintain an individual focus on students, increase the budget, develop relationships between faculty and students, and improve communication methods. The changes to SSS will not only improve the organization itself, but also increase the success of students completion of academics. Coles (2012) discusses, How making changes to higher education programs have assisted students in college preparation and planning, leading to increasing the success rate of college graduates (p.2). The changes in academic programs will be beneficial to students. The resources utilized make the ideas possible. The future plans for the SSS program are adding staff to ease the academic process, and allow feasible time for student advisement. SSS assists over 300 students requiring advisors to focus on academics ensuring all students receive individual attention. Petty (2014) emphasizes: Postsecondary institutions should provide a range of programs to help these students face their challenges and weaknesses. Colleges and universities should escalate

SSS Five Years into the Future 14 the process of creating bridge programs that link higher education to secondary education. These experiences provide academic and social pathways that assist first generation students overcome inadequate preparation for college (p. 257). The challenges, opportunities and plans to improve the SSS program are explained in the chart.


Academic Advising Student Support Service (SSS)


300 students)

Plan for Change

Staff Increase (more than one Academic advising is key for coordinator per campus /over student success, allocating for More than One Tutor Per more staff can ease the academic process Tutoring assist students in Tutoring (Math, English, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology) Student Focus Subject (two tutors per subject their academics, having another tutor can be beneficial and help more students who need this resource Maintain an Individual Focus Since SSS assists over 300 Rather than Group Focus students, advisors need to maintain an individual focus, making sure all students receive individual time by having increasing the staff and requiring each student to make monthly appointments with

SSS Five Years into the Future 15 Budget Budget Increase Relationship Building Close Relationships=Better (students & faculty members) Communication their advisor & less peer distractions for students Increasing the budget will allow to hire more staff and increase resources for students Relationship building with students allow for better Communication Ways for better communication allows for students to receive the information needed communication when dealing with students academic needs Utilizing email, online learning can assist in making the process of learning successful Focusing on the positive aspects of SSS is an asset to students throughout their years at UConn. Plans to increase funds will be the ultimate change to the SSS program, which will lead to increase staff, improve communication, etcetera. Changes to the SSS program will improve the structure and function of the program. The SSS program will transform into a future oriented organization adapting to these changes. If change does not occur for future improvement goals will not be maintained, which causes student resources to slip. In the event that this occurs the SSS program will slowly loose funding and eventually disperse. Taking action will direct the SSS program on the right path. The first step to see change occur in students learning environments are working with the Director of the Trio Programs to

SSS Five Years into the Future 16 increase the budget allocated for the SSS Program. Increasing the budget will allow to hire more staff to focus their attention on advisement for students. The future of SSS will transform learning resources for students once components start to fall into place. Description of State Performance Funding Programs (2013) states: Decisions regarding program funding include the approval by the state legislature of a budget that has a line item providing for performance funding or the decision by a state governing board for higher education that encompasses a large portion of public higher education to use its discretion over how state appropriations are spent to reward colleges and universities that it deems as performing well (p.17). Funding for programs have to be justified to the state to request or receive additional funds for education programs. Necessary proof of success of education programs is needed to keep programs like SSS in effect. In order to achieve this goal, success rates from previous years would have to be up the goal mark and also meeting with the director of the Trio programs to explain why this increasing in the amount of funding is necessary. Once this goal is accomplished the rest of the changes to the SSS program fall into place, meaning more staff can be hired which leads to more individual and advisement time for students. The SSS program is successful when all of its components function correctly causing the bigger picture to take affect. This vision for the SSS program five years from now will enhance the success rate of first generation, low income, and underrepresented students in higher education.


The vision for future organizations will benefit society. Having the use of futuring techniques, such as scenarios and scanning are beneficial ways of maintaining success in the

SSS Five Years into the Future 17 future. Utilizing these techniques to the fullest will show change in education organizations, such as improvements in grades, budget and relationship building with mentors. These factors will improve the success of the SSS Program five years from now. The resourceful journal articles have assisted in explaining how SSS utilizes these resources to make it possible to achieve their goals. The SSS Program is nation wide and is successfully growing. It also has assisted in providing equal opportunities to those who do not have the resources in order to pursue higher education. These trends have supported the main goal of SSS in providing access to the campus resources and improved the retention graduation rate from UConn. They have influenced the future vision and have proven to be beneficial to first generation and low income students. Therefore SSS has gained the use of advanced technology, expanded the horizon on accepting different ethnicities into the program, adapted Common Core Standards in the learning environment, and are continuingly working on completing their goals to keep the program in effect. The Student Support Services Program has grown over time. It is widely known and has established a strong foundation for students to build on. SSS demonstrates benefits of the resources that assist students in successfully graduating from college. Students who are given the chance to be part of the SSS program should take advantage of the opportunity due to the long term benefits.

SSS Five Years into the Future 18


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Governor Malloy: Gov. Malloy Launches "Connecticut Core Initiative" (2014, June 26). Retrieved from: http://www.governor.ct.gov/malloy/cwp/view.asp?Q=547590&A=4010. HuskyCT FAQs | Digital Learning Center.Retrieved October 13, 2014 from: http://dlc.uconn.edu/huskyct-faqs/. Johnson, B. L., & Kruse, S. D. (2009). Decision Making for Educational Leaders : Underexamined Dimensions and Issues. Albany: State University of New York Press.

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SSS Five Years into the Future 19 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Jones, J, Mason, V. (2014) Understanding Style, Language and Etiquette in Email Communication in Higher Education: A Survey, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 19:1, 75-90, DOI: 10.1080/13596748.2014.872934. Kober, N., Rentner, D., & Center on Education, P. (2012). State Education Agency Funding and Staffing in the Education Reform Era. Center On Education Policy.

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Olive, T. (2014). Desire for Higher Education in First-Generation Hispanic College Students Enrolled in a Graduate Counseling Program. Journal Of Phenomenological Psychology, 45(1), 72-91. doi:10.1163/15691624-12341269 Petty, T. (2014). Motivating First-Generation Students to Academic Success and College Completion. College Student Journal, 48(2), 257-264.

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Sobrero, P., (2004). The Steps for Futuring. Journal of Extention, 42(3). The Lawlor Group. (2013). Ten Trends for 2013: How Marketplace Conditions Will Influence

SSS Five Years into the Future Private Higher Education Enrollment—And How Colleges Can Respond .

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The Mind Maps that assisted in developing the structure my FVE Case Study: 21

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