
Unit 1 - Discovery, English Colonial Policy
6 Days
Chap 1 & 2
What political & religious events led to
migration to the New World? What were the
socio-economic differences amongst the
three major geographic regions of the
American colonies and what caused these
differences to develop? How did economic
relationships between England and her
colonies affect the governmental
relationships between the two? – give at
least 3 examples
Objectives Students will be able to: Compare and
contrast the socio-economic differences of
the geographical regions of the American
colonies and provide an analysis of their
effects. Correlate how events in Europe, and
England in particular, led to the emigration
of large numbers of people to the American
colonies. Explain how the social culture of
the New England colonies facilitated the
emergence of a representative government
that later gave rise to a mindset of
independence from royal authority.
Breakdown the cause & effect relationships
that led to the rise of slavery in the American
colonies. Compare and contrast the impact
that geography had on the development of
urban areas in the colonies and on the
economic development of different regions
as it relates to natural resources. Detail the
contributions of individual characters that
were influential in the development of the
Unit 2 - F & I War, Colonial Taxation,
Rising Tensions, Declaring Independence,
Revolutionary War
10 Days – Chap 3 & 4
What part did the F&I War have in the rise
of tensions between England and the
colonies? What were the political and
economic events leading up to armed
rebellion between England and her
American Colonies after the F&I War? How
did the War for Independence develop from
a minor skirmish in New England to an allout conflict across the 13 colonies?
Unit 3 - Constitutional Convention, Bill of
Rights, Federalism, Presidencies of
Washington, Adams, & Jefferson
6 Days Chap 5 & 6
Why did the Founding Fathers feel a need to
develop a new Constitution? Analyze the
issues addressed during the Constitution
Convention and how they were resolved.
What safeguards were put in place to prevent
the abuses suffered under English rule before
the Revolution? Compare and Contrast the
various social and political policies of the
first presidents and how they affected the
nation. Explain how the technological
advancements in the first decades of the
1800's resulted in Sectionalism between
Northern and Southern states?
Students will be able to: Determine the
causes of the French & Indian War. Outline
how England's economic situation after the
war led to tensions between England and the
American colonies. Diagram the cause &
effect sequences of England's various
taxation acts and the rise of resistance by
certain factions within the colonies.
Summarize the contributions of key colonial
figures and the role they played in opposing
English authority in the colonies. Categorize
the events leading up to the outbreak of
hostilities between England & the colonies.
Summarize the effects of key battles and the
role of key individuals that had a major
impact on the eventual outcome of the War
for Independence. Breakdown the meaning
and purpose of the Declaration of
Independence. Editorialize how historical
perspective plays a role in how history is
Students will be able to: Explain the process
used to establish the 1st US Constitution.
Compare & contrast the relationships
between the 3 branches of government.
Correlate how the rights of citizens as
established by the Bill of Rights, and
amendments to the Constitution have a direct
impact on their lives. Compare/contrast early
forms of US government. Distinguish
between the powers of the States and the
Federal Government. Compare and contrast
the political beliefs of the Federalist vs.
Democratic-Republican parties. Analyze and
explain effects of the domestic and foreign
challenges that faced the nation in the 2
decades following the signing of the
Constitution. Distinguish the key causes,
results, and events associated with the Lewis
& Clark Expedition. Summarize the causes
of the War of 1812.
Assessments: Formative Quizzes to include
Primary Sources Reading/Evaluation.
Summative Assessment, Establishment of a
colony and the writing of a "constitution"
project, textbook based worksheets. Chapter
tests, the writing of a Slave Journal, Team
presentation using Power Point to introduce
one of the 13 colonies, textbook based
Assessments: Formative Quizzes to include
Primary Sources Reading/Evaluation.
Summative Assessment, the writing of an
editorial piece pertaining to the Boston
Massacre, Individual projects to introduce a
key battle or major figure from the War for
Independence, oral performance of the
Declaration of Independence along with an
explanation of its meaning, classroom
simulations of the battles of Bunker Hill and
Lexington/Concord, textbook based
Assessments: Formative Quizzes to include
Primary Sources Reading/Evaluation.
Summative Assessment, Lewis & Clark
Winter Count project, textbook based
worksheets, mapping project outlining
agricultural vs. industrial advancements
between North and South.
16.A.4a, 16.B.4a, 16.B.5c, 16.D.4
16.A.4a, 16.A.4b, 16.B.2b (US), 16.B.3b
(US), 16.B.5c
14.A.4, 14.A.5, 14.B.3, 14.F.3b, 16.A.4a,
16.A.5a, 16.B.4, 16.B.3c(US), 14.E.4,
14.F.3a, 14.F.3b, 16.A.4a, 16.A.5a, 16.B.2d,
Notes :
Unit 5- Civil War/Reconstruction
15 Days
Chap 10, 11 & 12
Explain the impact that Pro Slavery vs. AntiSlavery factions had on the equilibrium of
the nation as it expanded West. How did the
concept of Sectionalism, the economic
differences between the North and the South
impact the election of 1860? How did
President Lincoln try to preserve the Union
through his political decisions? Compare and
Contrast the strategies and goals of the
Union vs the CSA. Identify the pivotal Civil
War-battles and the critical leaders both
militarily and politically? What were the
challenges faced by newly freed African
Americans and compare & contrast the
various policies of Reconstruction?
Unit 6-Westward Expansion
6 Days
Chap 13
How did interactions between Native
Americans, miners and ranchers have an
effect on the dynamics of westward
movement? How did the Homestead Act and
the expansion of Railroads impact Westward
Expansion. Who were some of the key
people of the era and what role did they
Objectives The students will be able to: Compare &
contrast economic and political beliefs
between the Northern & Southern states.
Evaluate how nationalism affected the
nation's foreign policy after the War of 1812.
List and evaluate the impact of decisions
made by Andrew Jackson's administration.
Explain the concept of Manifest Destiny and
the role it plays in westward movement.
The students will be able to: Assess the
strengths and weaknesses of each region's
economy Contrast the political situations of
the Union and the Confederacy. Contrast the
effects of war on regional economies.
Analyze the soldiers' wartime experiences.
Analyze the importance of events at
Vicksburg and Gettysburg and their impact
on the war. Assess the events of the war's
aftermath. Contrast Lincoln's plan to reunite
the nation with that of the Radical
Republicans. Identify how African
Americans worked to improve their lives.
Identify the main features of congressional
The students will be able to: Identify factors
that caused the growth of the mining
industry in the West. Analyze the ways that
new technology changed open-range
ranching. Analyze why and how people
began settling the Plains. Assess the
importance of technological improvements
that made commercial farming on the Plains
possible. Analyze the causes of conflicts that
arose between the Plains Indians and
American settlers. Evaluate the effects that
attempts to assimilate Native Americans into
Western culture had on Native Americans.
Formative Quizzes to include Primary
Sources Reading/Evaluation. Summative
Assessment. Battles of the Civil War, Civil
Formative Quizzes to include Primary
Sources Reading/Evaluation. Summative
Assessment. Westward Expansion brochure.
Unit 4 - The Young Republic - Manifest
6 Days - Chap 7, 8, & 9
How did sectional differences lead to
growing tension between various
geographical regions of the country. What
political decisions impacted the growth of
the nation socially, economically, and
politically? How does the concept of
Manifest Destiny play a role in the nation's
Formative Quizzes to include Primary
Sources Reading/Evaluation. Summative
War Scrapbook, Civil War Generals,
16.D.4a, 16.D.4b, 16.D.5, 16.B.2d
16.B.2d, 16.C.4b, 16.D.2b
Unit 7-Industrial Age
12 Days
Chap 14 & 15
How did the events and new technologies
lead to the rise of industry, railroads, growth
of big business, & establishment of unions.
What urban society problems came about as
a result of these changes and how did
immigrants play a role. What was the
Gilded Age and how did it lead to various
reform movements?
Unit 8- Progressivism & Imperialism
8 Days
Chap 16, 17, & 18
What impact did the politics of populism
have on the nation? How did the result of
Plessy v. Ferguson impact the rise of
segregation? What were the contributions of
the administrations of TR, Taft, and Wilson
to the concept of Progressivism? How did
the concepts of imperialism and
expansionism affect American policies in the
Pacific and Central America? What impact
did the policies of Teddy Roosevelt’s “speak
softly and carry a big stick” have?
Unit 9- WWI
14 Days
Chap 19
What events led to the outbreak of WWI and
how was the US drawn into the war? What
new technologies came about as a result of
the war and how was the war felt on the US
homefront? After the New Versailles Treaty
what were the lasting effects of WWI?
Objectives The students will be able to: Analyze the
effects of expanding population on industry.
Predict the effects of technological
innovations had on American development.
Describe ways in which railroads were
financed and grew. Evaluate the impact that
railroads had industrial growth, land use, and
settlement. Evaluate the relationship
between industrial working conditions and
growth of labor unions. List reasons why big
business came to dominate American
business. Evaluate the impact that big
business had on American culture, society
and politics. Analyze the circumstances
The students will be able to: Analyze world
circumstances that led to U.S. expansionism.
Describe the reasons for the rise of
Progressive movement. Identify the major
economic problems of the period. Describe
how African Americans in the South were
disenfranchised and how segregation was
legalized. Analyze the factors that led to war
between the U.S. and Spain. Analyze how
the war made the U.S. a world power.
Describe the Open Door policy and its
effects on relations between the U.S. and
The students will be able to: Analyze the
causes of WWI and why the U.S. entered the
war. Describe how the U.S. raised an army
and won support for WWI. Examine how the
government controlled the economy to
support and finance the war. Analyze the
relationship of fighting techniques and
technology and the death rate of WWI.
Explore the American response to the
Versailles Treaty. Analyze the effects of the
postwar recession the U.S.
surrounding the great wave of immigration
after the Civil War. Examine the role that
political machines played in urban politics.
Describe Progressive efforts to help the
urban poor.
Multimedia Project, The Gilded Age-A
Documentary, Formative Quizzes to include
Primary Sources Reading/Evaluation.
16B.2d, 16.C.2c, 16.C.4c, 16.A.4a
Country Table, Imperialism Newspaper
assignment, Formative Quizzes to include
Primary Sources Reading/Evaluation..
14.E.4, 16.A.4a
World War I Learning Center-The War to
End All Wars, Chapter tests and quizzes.
Unit 10- Roaring 20's
8 Days
Chap 20 & 21
Which Social Movements and new
technology led to; prohibition, the flapper
generation, and the Harlem renaissance?
What were the effects of these events on
American culture? How did the political
leadership of the era impact the economy of
nation and what was meant by “Boom and
Bust” cycle?
Unit 11- Great Depression & New Deal
10 Days
Chap 22 & 23
What events led to the Great Depression and
what were the differences between the
responses of the Hoover vs. the FDR
administration? How did the Dust Bowl
complicate the issues of the Great
Depression? How did FDR’s New Deal
answer the social and economic issue of the
day? What were the social implications and
how were minorities groups affected?
Unit 12- WWII
14 Days
Chap 24 & 25
What events led to the outbreak of WWII
and how was the US drawn into the war?
What new technologies came about as a
result of the war and how was the war felt on
the US homefront? What were the pivotal
battles and who were the critical leaders,
both militarily and politically? After the
New Versailles Treaty what were the lasting
effects of WWI?
How were the impacts of the Holocaust felt
in Europe and across the world? What were
the American policies that were put in place
as part of the liberation of European?
The students will be able to: Analyze causes
of Great Depression and impacts on U.S.
families. Evaluate presidential policies and
impacts on U.S. society including the New
Deal. Describe Hoover's attempts to revive
the economy. Describe the characteristics of
the 1920s stock market. Analyze how the
New Deal affected Americans' sense of
security and their attitude towards the role of
The students will be able to: Describe the
reasons for the rise of totalitarian
governments & their impact on world
politics. Describe Nazi prejudices. Evaluate
the impact of the Holocaust on European
Jews. Describe the causes of U.S.
involvement in the war. Evaluate the impact
that the war had on the home-front. Analyze
tactics allies used to invade Germany &
Objectives The students will be able to: Describe the
values of the youth culture during the 1920s.
Describe the rise of popular culture & its
effects on society. Analyze the rise of new
technology & its impacts on society.
Evaluate the importance of the Harlem
Renaissance & increased African American
cultural roots and pride. Compare/contrast
the values of the new youth culture to that of
16.D.4b, 16.B.2d, 14.E.4, 16.A.4a
traditional culture.
government. Assess why the Social Security
Act is still regarded as an important piece of
defeat Japan.
Golden Age of Advertising, Roaring 20s
Activity, Rise of Organized Crime projects,
Chapter tests and quizzes.
16.D.4b, 14.F.5, 14.F.4b, 15.A.5b
Depression Era Scrapbook, Chapter tests and Who’s Who of WWII, Campaigns of WWII,
Weapons of WWII, Holocaust Project,
WWII Scrapbook, Chapter tests and quizzes.
16D.4b, 16.B.2d, 16.C.4c, 14.F.4a
16.D.4b, 16.B.2d, 14.B.5, 16.B.5a
Unit 13- Origins of Cold War
10 Days
Chap 26 & 27
How did the end of WWII lead to the
Korean War and the conflict between
Democracy and Communism commonly
referred to as the Cold War. What were the
politics of McCarthyism, the Marshall Plan,
and the Red Scare. How did the Red Scare
Unit 14- Civil Rights
10 Days
Chap 28 & 29
How did the Civil Rights Movement, the
Kennedy presidency, and LBJ’s Great
Society transform American culture? What
was the impact of Brown v Board on the
cause of Equality?
Unit 15- Vietnam
12 Days
Chap 30
What was the path of American involvement
in the Vietnam War and what events,
including major battles, war protests, and
presidential policies, impacted how the war
was conducted and how support for the war
changed as time passed?
affect American society. In what ways did
the prosperity of the post WWII era impact
American politics, consumerism, and
Objectives The students will be able to: Analyze
growing tensions between the US and Soviet
Union. Define Containment and compare the
ways it was used around the world. Identify
the causes of Korean War. Assess the
importance of the Red Scare and its impact
on the American public. Analyze how
American society reflected fears of nuclear
age. Identify the reasons for & the effects of
the nation's economic boom.
Compare/contrast the values of the new
youth culture to that of traditional culture.
The students will be able to: Describe the
historical progress of civil rights from the
Civil War to the 1950s. Analyze the
leadership styles and importance of major
civil rights leaders on the movement. Assess
the effectiveness of Kennedy's Presidential
policies on Civil Rights. Assess the
effectiveness of Johnson's presidential
policies on Civil Rights.
The students will be able to: Describe the
historical origins of American involvement
in Vietnam. Identify the main events of the
war. Analyze why US public support of the
war weakened. Analyze impacts of Vietnam
War on U.S. Society.
Soviet/American Empire, Cold War Gets
Hot projects Chapter tests and quizzes.
14.B.5, 14.B.4, 16.B.3d
Living the Story-Civil Rights WebQuest,
Chapter tests and quizzes.
14.F.4b, 16.D.4a, 14.D.4, 14.D.5
Vietnam War WebQuest, Chapter tests and
16.D.4b, 14.B.5, 14.D.4, 14.D.5, 14.E.4
Unit 16- 60's Culture- Kennedy to Nixon
10 days
Chap 31
In what ways did the JFK, LBJ, and Nixon
Administrations impact American culture in
regards to; counterculture, pop culture,
feminist movement, and environmentalism?
Unit 17- A changing Society
14 Days
Chap 32, 33, & 34
What changes have come about as a result of
Watergate, the resurgence of conservatism,
Reaganomics, new technology, the end of
Cold War, Desert Storm, 9/11, and the
Clinton and GW Bush presidencies?
Objectives The students will be able to:
Compare/contrast Kennedy's New Frontier
and Johnson's Great Society. Analyze the
rise of social movements (feminist,
environmentalist, counterculture) and their
impact on U.S. Society. Describe Nixon's
domestic agenda and foreign policy
The students will be able to: Describe
Reagan's conservative economic and social
policies. List military/foreign policy
conflicts. Analyze the impact of
technological achievements on society and
culture. Describe the relationship between
the end of Cold War and rise of War on
Terror. Analyze the reasons for the nation's
involvement in world affairs during the
Clinton presidency. Describing the
importance of the contested 2000 election.
Identify key programs in President Bush’s
We Didn’t Start the Fire, Chapter tests and
16.D.4b, 16.B.2d, 16.b.5b
Austin Powers Groovy Time Trek, Chapter
tests and quizzes.
16.B.2d, 14.D4, 14.D.5, 14.F.5
Notes : Here is an example of how Science Dept addressed the fact that the NCCS are not written for Science yet. They addressed all
Standards they covered generically.
Course Common Core Objectives
Present information, findings and supporting evidence clearly,
concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of
reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are
appropriate to purpose, audience, and task. (current events)
Apply knowledge of language to understand how language to
understand how language functions in different contexts, to make
effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully
when reading or listening.
a. Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a style
manual appropriate for the discipline and writing type.
(Current Events)
Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words L.9-10.6
and phrases; sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at
the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in
gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
(Common course theme) Learning vocabulary throughout course.