Reading Topics Chapter 31 Visuals Part 1 1 Opening Quote…who

Reading Topics Chapter 31
Visuals Part 1
1 Opening Quote…who? Who is he?
2 PC 721-bbox721 Who are “enemy reds?” Bolshevism? Term comes from what?
3 photo 732 Pointy hats? What group shows a resurgence?
4 asterisk 723-PC 723-chart 724 Subject? What action does congress take? How many acts are shown
on the chart and what years? According to caption what changes? In what year?
5 bbox 725 what does Ford do? To whom? Is this legal?
6 Brown/gold/tan pages… subject? Work photo-Industry? How many by 1920? What is the main
religion? 1st Poles came to America…where, when? American Warsaw?
7 photo 728 G-Men? Why destroy?
8 photo 729 “speakeasies?”
9 photo 729 Prohibition provided some people the opportunity to make large sums of $$$... Who is
shown? What is he jailed for in 1932?
10 bbox top and bottom 730- photo 731 Subject? Revolt against what? “Imperial Wizard…harry potter?
Court Case? Where?
11 1920’s America does what? Why?
12 “Golden 20’s?” why?
13 What (3) things made the 20”s roar?
14 Causes of Anxiety? Fear?
Seeing Red
15 communist revolution occurs where in 1917? What action by labor in America spurs fears? Seattle
General Strike? (zinn has some neat info on 13 I think)
16 “Big Red Scare” 1919-1920?
17 A. Mitchell Palmer? Bomb?
18 How many imprisioned?
19 U.S.S. Buford- 12/1919? Wall St?
20 States- Criminal Syndicalism Laws? Which Union is persecuted? NY Legis. 1920?
21 “Closed Shop?” the “American Plan?”
22 Sacco & Vanzetti (details) who what when where why? *****impt****
Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK
23 “Hooded Hoodlums?”
24 more closely resembled?
25 anti-what? (12) pro-what? (3)
26 Against the forces of….. (finish)
27 Geographic strength? # of members? Political power?
28 Names of officeholders…(4)?
29 chief warning? Principal weapon? Brutal slogan?
30 Why collapse?
31 The KKK was an alarming manifestation….(finish)
Stemming the Foreign Flood
32 “Isolationist America in the 1920’s?” Immigration 1920-21?
33 Emergency Quota Act, 1921? (details- %, year of census)
34 National Origins System? Explain..
35 Immigration Act, 1924? (details- why change? % - year of census)
36 Asterisk*** Imm. Act of 1929 (details) % - year of census
37 Japanese? Exemptions? (1924 act)
38 How a pivotal departure in American Policy? 1931?
39 Act – an end to an era? How?
40 How were new imm. diff… how they lived?
41 ethnic Variety undermined… (finish)
Year abolished?
42 “Cultural Pluralists?”
43 Kallen & Bourne – Symphony Orchestra v. Many colored rug….Pluralism v. Cosmopolitanism v.
melting pot? Supporters? (3)
The Prohibition Experiment
44 Supported by? (2)
45 Volstead Act?
46 “made the world safe for hypocrisy?”
47 popular where/ why specifically?
48 strong opposition where? Why specifically?
49 why naïve? (4 reasons)
50 What conditions made it difficult to enforce? (8 conditions)
51 enforcement officials - Problems?
52 “Speakeasies?”
53 Foreign “Rum-runners?” what countries?
54 Dangers of “Homebrew-bathtub Gin- Moonshine?”
55 What is called the “Noble Experiment?” why ? Positives of 18th Amendment? (2)
The Golden Age of Gangsterism
56 What is the Cause?
57 “typewriters?”
58 City? Who ? Nickname? # murdered?
59 “public enemy # 1?”
60 other profitable and illicit activities? (5)
61 by 1930 annual “take” in $$$ ?
62 Hero’s son kidnapped in 1932? New Law?
Monkey Business in Tennessee
63 Gains in Education, specifically HS?
64*** John Dewey (who what when where why)
65 newborns increased life span 1901 to 1929?
66 “fundamentalists?” perspective on Darwinism?
67 “The bestial hypothesis?” Law? What State?
68 **** Monkey Trial (who what when where why) Death? Result?
69 P.732?
70. Fundamentalism, with its emphasis….(finish) 2-church’s?
Part 2
1 photo 732 Who is the “Sultan of Swat?”
2 photo 733 Who is the “Father of the Traffic Jam?”
3 graph 734-photo 734-adv. 735- bbox 735 common subject? By 1920 how many months salary would
a Model T Ford cost the avg. person? What new type of business begins? Why? Which Model Ford is
shown in the advertisement? To whom is it being marketed to?
4 photo 736 Who? Name of aircraft? 1st to do what? Who made him a “hero?”
5 Photo 737- bbox 737 What new invention captures the family audience? How does it bring people
6 bbox 738 purpose of the “Hayes Code?” applies to which new popular entertainment?
7 ex. The evidence 739 Star? Movie? 1st what? Why Blackface?
8 photos top and bottom 740 What is a Flapper? What new freedom? For whom? What is the Man’s Job
at the Beach?
9 photo 741- painting 741 – bbox 743 jazz & poetry ahhhhh. What Great Jazz virtuoso is kneeling?
Who is called the “poet laureate of Harlem?” What movement is illustrated by these three sources?
(toward the end of the chapter)
10 photo 742 The symbol of the 1920’s, who? What Great Novel?
11 PC 744 The 20’s are known as the ___________ AGE?
The Mass Consumption Economy
12 What puts the “roar” into the 1920’s?
13 Tax Policies? Who?
14 Henry Ford’s plant “river rouge” produced a car every how many seconds?
15 Other than OIL what new energy becomes a Giant Business in the 1920’s?
16 By 1930 Americans owned how many cars?
17 Ingenious machines and cheap energy increases productivity… is their danger ahead…production is
high…..So what has to be cultivated? By what new arm of American commerce? By what methods? (4)
18 Bruce Barton? Book …who is the greatest “adman” in History?
19 What becomes big bus in the 1920’s? 2 sports stars?
20 KEY…innovation in the post-war economy? What items? (4) Danger-vulnerablities?
Putting America on Rubber Tires
21 What was the “principal prophet” of the new Industrial revolution of the 1920’s? Based on what
Methods and Techniques?
22 1910 production of cars?
23 “Motorcar Capital of America?” “Father of Scientific Management?”
24 Henry Ford? Dedicated to the Gospel of______? Fordism?
25 Colors?
26 Fords by the mid-1920’s were well within the price for whom?
27 1914 production? 1930 production? 1929 how many vehicles registered?
The Advent of the Gasoline Age
28 New Kingpin Industry? How many employed?
29 Supporting industries? (5) effect of the Standard of Living?
30 effect on the Petroleum industry (oil) ? RR Industry?
31 Social Change? Badge of …(2)? Effect on Women? Schools? Suburbians begin to _____ to work?
32 By 1951 how many deaths? More than….?
33 Morals? Indiana Judge? Crime?
34 What invention brought more convenience, pleasure, and excitement into more peoples lives than
any other?
Humans develop Wings
35 Wright Bros. ? Where? When?
36 Effect on World? 1st transcontinental Route when? From where to where?
37 Charles A. Lindburgh?
38 Humanity’s new wings increased…(finish)
39 Impact on RR’s? As a Weapon? Isolation now…?
The Radio Revolution
40 Gugleimo Marconi?
41 Nov. 1920 KDKA?
42 later miracles? (3)
43 _______________knitted the nation together?
44 How does it Standardize language?
45 Impact on many…Education, Culture, & sports…How so in Politics?
Hollywood’s Filmland Fantasies
46 1903, 1st Movie? By whom? Title? 5 cent theatres called?
47 1st fall length classic, 1915?
48 Home to Movie Industry?
49 New Era, 1927, why? What?
50 Effects of New Mass Media? Standardization of ? (2)
The Dynamic Decade
51 Census 1920?
52 Birth Control Movement?
53 NWP’s Amendment? How long did it fight? Success?
54 “Sex O Clock in America” – “Erotic Eruption”? Why? How? Advertisers? Flappers? Freud? Jazz?
55 Jazz? From where to where? All white?
56 Racial Pride? Harlem? Renaissance-why?
57 Marcus Garvey-UNIA? #’s Later important to founding of what movement?
Cultural Liberation
58 New Generation of writers from where? Impact?
59 “Patron Saint” of young writers ? Mag? Assailed (criticized) What?
60 War’s impact on literature?
61 “This Side of Paradise?” who-what?
62 Ernest Hemingway-books – influences?
63 Sinclair Lewis – Babbit- Theme?
64 Faulkner books –Theme?
65 Ezra Pound- T.S. Eliot?
66 Eugene O’Neil?
67 Greenwich Village?
68 Harlem Renaissance? Describe the “new negro?”
69 Frank Lloyd Wright? Empire State Building?
Wall Streets Bull Market
70 How many banks failed yearly in the 1920’s?
71 Real Estate Boom-Where? Why a problem?
72 Buying Stocks “On Margin” ****HUGE***?
73 National Debt – 1914? 1921?
74 New Gov’t Bureau? Purpose?
75 Millionaires-Mellon’s Tax Theory?
76 Tax Policy 1921-1926? 1921 Wealthy person income? Paid tax? 1926 change?
77 Mellon’s policies effect of debt? Criticisms (2)
78 Single minded focus of Politics in the Post-War World?