
Cr Mary-Anne Lowe on Eastern FM — August 2015
Thursday around noon is where you are and the first Thursday of each month
we feature a visitor from the City of Maroondah, and with us today, we have Cr
Mary-Anne Lowe. So, welcome once again. We haven’t seen you for a while.
No, it has been a little while now. I’ve been on Council nearly a whole year, so
it’s great to be back again.
Time flies quickly, doesn’t it?
It does go quickly.
How has your year been?
Very busy, very busy. It’s been a great year. I’m really enjoying being on
Council and getting out and meeting lots of community groups. It certainly has
opened my eyes to how much the Council does.
Yeah, and there’s a lot of things that…
… so many different groups.
Yeah, it’s been fantastic. And of course, you know, every week is different.
Coming up next weekend is the opening of our new aquatic and leisure facility
down in Ringwood.
Next weekend?
Next weekend. Well, officially opens next weekend and the best news is that
next weekend on Saturday and Sunday, it’s actually free for all residents of
Maroondah to come and try it out.
I have to find my bathers.
Yes, so, if you can find your bathers or board shorts. So, next weekend, it is
going to be a really busy weekend but free for all Maroondah residents and
foundation members. Everything will be open so all the water slides, the diving
boards, the gym. So, you’ll be able to get in and look at all the health club
facilities and check it all out.
Just to have a quick look around would be worthwhile, wouldn’t it?
Yeah, absolutely. Look, we’ve been quite lucky to actually attend a preview day
down there and check out the different areas and it truly is an amazing facility.
The kids’ splash zone is fantastic for families that have got young children, a
lovely tranquil warm water pool for those that want to just have a nice relax and
have a nice spa without the children, that’s the other option. Also great café
facilities on site, and lots of accessible parking down there as well. So, it truly is
a great facility.
I’ll look forward to catching up on that, I’ll tell you, I’m really looking forward. I’ve
been waiting for that warm water pool for ages.
Yeah, no, it certainly is great. So, then, for anyone who’s interesting in joining
Aquanation as a member who hasn’t already done so, we have had thousands
of people join up as foundation members, which is great news.
And for anyone interested in swimming lessons, you still have the opportunity to
save money with those foundation membership packages before the centre
officially opens next week.
Better get busy.
Yeah. So, Friday the 14th of August, so, the day before our free weekend, is the
last day for people to take advantage of those rates. So, I’d encourage them to
visit the Maroondah Leisure website today.
That’s an easy way to do it, too, the Maroondah Leisure website.
Yeah, so, that’s maroondahleisure.com.au or they can call one of our customer
service centres to point you in the right direction.
So, if you’re around and about you can wander in and have a chat with the folk
behind the counter there at the centre.
Well, we’re going to look forward to that and I’m sure lots and lots of folk are.
And that’s going to be a great acquisition to the City of Maroondah for years
and years to come.
Yes, absolutely.
It’s Thursday around noon with the City of Maroondah segment and our special
guest, Cr Mary-Anne Lowe. So, back to Mary-Anne with some more information
about things happening in the City of Maroondah.
Well, there’s a few great festivals coming up later this year. One of them is the
Seniors Week Festival which is in October and that’s an annual Victorian
Seniors Festival with a range of activities and events on for people of all ages. It
is a great initiative and it recognises the achievements and contributions of
older people within our community.
And of course, Maroondah does have an ageing population. That’s a wellknown fact across the municipality. With assistance from some of our local
service providers, seniors clubs are involved, community houses, Council has
co-ordinated a really interesting program of events with lots of information
sessions, physical activities, art classes, and much more.
And this year, the Seniors Week Expo is going to be held down at Karralyka in
Ringwood on Thursday the 8th of October. And there will be lots of displays and
information provided by local organisations. And as part of that celebration,
Russ, we are thrilled to officially launch the Maroondah Active & Healthy Ageing
Initiative as well, which is a great piece that the Council has been working on
The initiative will help Council and the community prepare for the ageing
population which we have, given that by 2020 it’s estimated that more than 40%
of Maroondah’s population would be aged 45 or over. So, that’s a very big
It is.
With that ageing initiative, it will explore the features of an age-friendly city and
also identify priority areas and initiatives specific to Maroondah.
With the Seniors Festival, there is also a great event, and I do believe there’s a
lunch with Denise Drysdale, if I remember correctly, which will be very well
received but you do have to book tickets for that one.
What you need to do is you just need to go to the Council’s website. You can
also pick up a hard copy of the program from the service centres and also from
the Ringwood and Croydon libraries. And you can contact Council’s Social
Inclusion and Wellbeing team on 9294 5531.
And that’s a great event for everyone of all ages so even if you don’t consider
yourself a senior, maybe take along your parents or your grandparents and
really get involved in what’s happening across the community.
Now, as always, some interesting things happening over that period, isn’t it?
This year sounds like it’s going to be very interesting.
Yeah, no. So, this is the event that last year and in previous years has they’ve
actually held down at Eastland Shopping Centre. This year with all the works
down there they are holding it at Karralyka.
Which is a good idea. There would be a bit more space up there, wouldn’t it,
because Eastland is still in a state of flux, isn’t it?
Yeah, it’s still in a construction phase at the moment, but it is also very exciting
because that first stage of Eastland is due to open at the end of October as
well, so... and that will, of course, also feature the opening of the new Ringwood
Library and realm buildings, so.
It will be fabulous.
I’ve been waiting for that.
One of the other great things that’s happening a little bit later in the year as well,
although, we’re already in August so we’re here now, aren’t we?
We’re flitting past.
Oh, it’s crazy. So, it’s actually only a few weeks now until Maroondah Biz Week
which kicks off on the 31st of August and runs until the 4th of September. And
this is a whole range of events and workshops to help people get on and stay
on the road of business success.
So, if you’re in business, if you want to be in business, if you’d like to just do
business better, this is a great event to be a part of. This year is the 16th year
that Biz Week has been running across Maroondah and I’d really like to
encourage all business owners, operators even send your staff down.
There’s over 20 different workshops on offer covering a huge variety of topics
such as crowd funding, exporting, social media, entrepreneurship. And as well
as learning from industry experts and professionals, the attendees will also
have the opportunity to meet other like-minded businesspeople and do lots of
networking. So, it’s a great way to meet other local business owners.
That’s one of the real strengths of those operations is the opportunity to network
with other folk in the same sort of areas that you are or even in different areas
but you can pick up some great tips on things that might help your business
Absolutely. Look, we can all learn something new about how to run our
businesses better, or you know, how to do our job process better. One of the
signature events of the week, of Biz Week, is the Biz Week Eastland Lunch.
It’s a must-attend event for many locals, and once again, this year we do have a
very special guest speaker, Pauline Nguyen, who is the co-owner of one
Australia’s most awarded restaurant, Sydney’s Red Lantern, will be the special
guest at that lunch. So, that’ll be a great lunch with a great speaker, so, well
worth attending.
And this year we are also having a Biz Week Business Breakfast. So, for those
that want to sneak out for breakfast if they can’t get to the lunch, we have guest
speaker, Brad Smith, who is the founder of motorcycle branch, Braaap. And this
will also be a great opportunity to network again and to hear from this very
successful young entrepreneur.
Book early because, of course, a lot of these workshops and events do book
That’s right.
There is limited space and they are a very low cost. So, they’re a great
alternative to spending a lot of money on educational resources. To find out
more, there is a website set up bizmaroondah.com.au or you can call our team
on 9298 4320.
We’ll repeat that number again, but Biz Week, of course, is a very, well, it’s just
mentioned earlier how long it’s been going for. It’s been a very big feature of
things for the business folk of the City of Maroondah and around the area. So,
I’m sure it’ll be another goodie.
There we go. It’s 18 minutes past midday, and as I mentioned, our special
guest, Cr Mary-Anne Lowe from the City of Maroondah. So, back to Mary-Anne
with some more information about things that are happening in your city.
Thank you. Well, the last thing I want to talk to you about today, Russ, is Run
Maroondah, so, not quite sure if you’re into running… not your thing?
Not recently, no.
Not really? Well, you can walk that I’ve been told.
Yeah, no, that’s good.
Running’s not my thing either. So, I know it’s been mentioned last month, I
think, last, when Natalie Thomas was here, but it is a great community event
and we want to make sure we spread the word so everyone knows that it’s
It is a great event. It’s going to be bigger and better than ever. And it’s taking
place on Sunday the 27th of September. It is a family friendly event so you can
bring the kids, you can walk them in the pram.
There’s a five kilometre run/walk option or a 10 kilometre run. And it’s all about
challenging yourself within a supportive environment. So, it’s not about who’s
running the fastest. It’s about catering for all levels of fitness and ages and just
get out there and having a go.
You’re not competing against somebody else. You’re competing against
yourself. And that’s really what we want you to do.
Yeah, that’s exactly right. So, this year, however, it will be a timed event for
those that do want to compete against themselves or check out how they’re
running. And thanks to event sponsors, Active Feet and adidas, there will be
eight pairs of running shoes up for grabs for winners as well.
The course begins at HE Parker in Heathmont and continues along the
Dandenong Creek Trail. So, it is a great course as well to enjoy, whether you’re
running it or walking it.
And all funds raised through Run Maroondah this year will go to projects that
work towards preventing violence against women in Maroondah. So, this is a
very important cause so hopefully that helps to motivate a few participants as
So, you know, if nothing else come along and be a part of it to raise money for
this really important cause.
It’s been very well participated in previous years so I guess this year will be no
different. And the fact that it’s nice and local, you don’t have to travel a long
distance to take part in it.
And it’s very pleasant down there along the Dandenong Creek Trail.
Yeah. So, the early bird entries do close at the end of this month, so anyone
interested should register now to take advantage of the discounted registration
fees. So, they can just jump on the Council’s website to check out that. And it is
a smoke-free event, and unfortunately, dogs are not permitted.
No doggies.
No, unfortunately.
That’s very important on those days. So, on that particular day, if you’ve been in
the habit of walking your dog along the trail then put it on the backburner for
that day.
That’s right. So, you can bring the kids but don’t bring the dog.
It’s always a problem with dogs that don’t get on together. That can be a
problem. Okay. Well, we’ve done pretty well. Does that cover most of the things
you wanted to go over? Perhaps a recap on the opening of the new
Yes, Aquanation, so, next weekend, Saturday and Sunday, both days are free
entry for everyone that lives in Maroondah. So, that’s the 15th and 16th of
August. From the 17th of August, the centre will be open on its normal sevenday-a-week operation, which will be great.
So, on that weekend, don’t forget, free access to the water slides, the diving
boards, and the gym. So, you’ll be able to attend any of the classes in the group
fitness as well.
So, come along and check out the facility, but keep in mind that it might be busy
so maybe look at coming outside the peak time. So, come early in the day or
later in the evening and you’ll miss a crowd.
There’s still an opportunity for you to pick up the membership.
Yes, there is. So, foundation memberships close off next Friday. So, if you go to
the maroondahleisure.com.au website, that can give you more information and
I’m pretty sure that the booth is still set up down at Eastland Shopping Centre
as well where staff have been chatting to lots of members of the community
about the new centre and showing them videos of it.
Alright. Well, if you’re down there and that is still operating, have a quick look.
But there’s the opportunity for you next weekend. Next weekend, am I right?
Not this coming one, the one after.
No, the one after, yeah, 15th and 16th of August.
Yeah, okay. Well, have a go at that if you have any interest in it, but I’m sure
that a visit down there will open your eyes to what is going to be a great adjunct
to the City of Maroondah.
Okay, Mary-Anne, well, thank you very much for joining us today and we’ve
covered a lot of information there. So, if you did have any queries on anything
that you’ve heard today, get onto the Council website and you’ll find all the
information about what Mary-Anne has been letting you know today.
And we look forward to catching up with a representative from the City of
Maroondah on the first Thursday of next month. So, thank you once again.
Thank you so much.