Box Social 2012/04/03 - The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop



- people

- consensus decision making process



Tomorrow is award ceremony - J and J S

2) J

J is taking a leave of absence - we will need to find somebody to cover program (Tuesday and

Thursday) for the month of April


- new space woot woot!

- looking for a permanent shop space and a space where we can move things for MC once a month

- soft opening is on Friday

- lease is until December 31 - part of the lease states that they will give us 60 day notice b/f we get the boot

- creating a memorandum of agreement with MC


- bins for recycling and garbage

- quotes for garbage and metals → garbage bin $90/month for standard size garbage bin and pick up twice/month (more pickups = more $)

- do we want those bins for those items or better ways to handle items

- get update from M for recycling and garbage - L and R to contact M to get an update about this

- possibility of buddying up with another business to share with their garbage

- metal recycling - TWV van to take recycling with program in Ogden


- we are using trolleys instead of walls for the movable “tool board”


- first MC is April 21 - we will be open but reduced space


- we were with ATB in ECM

- should have 2 of us doing banking for security

- transfering money from here to the bank - we have a fee with ATB

- ATB are kind of useless so far

- TD in Northhill mall but it is up the hour (but there are mall hours)

- BMO is better with nonprofits and small community groups

- First Calgary is not that far either

- somebody research BMO - R + R to do research on a switch incl EFT stuff (ask T), we are empowered to do make the switch but do the research to see if it’s worth it to keep the ATB account atm (if there is no cost)


- our space is HUUUUUUGEE with 2 bathrooms - we are responsible for cleaning these things

- canadian linen company instead of paper towels - issue is that we work with grease so that might be an issue with their linens

- PROPOSAL - do the bathrooms ourselves and if it’s not working out, then revisit paying somebody to clean the bathrooms

- D is a professional cleaner- D to send contact information and availability days so we can see of whether or not that can happen – D can bring rags for drying hands and stuff

- J to look into S leads for TP


- J has been looking at a Home Depot Grant for buying stuff and moving in

- it is $5000 max

- it has to be an eco project


- has been a lot of talk about sexism in the shop and theft

- bike shops are traditionally male dominant spaces and GL wants to make our space fun and inclusive but sometimes it is difficult to do that as there are a lot of members and volunteers who may be using the shop who do not have the similar anti-oppresive perspectives

- theft - we don’t have much staff around to watch people and we don’t want to make it seem uninviting for members and volunteers to come

- the meeting is on Monday (shop closed this day) from 10 - 6 most likely at the GL location

- we will build the agenda - R will send out the initial agenda and people who aren’t on the listserve come to me

- background: WW is open to women and trans to create an inclusive and safe space for women and trans - has come up with opposition from people within the group and outside of the group but we have had a lot of success with it

- in the membership people agree to our policies which includes no ___ist behavior in the shops and we have done some anti-oppression training in the shop

- hiring is looking for gender diversity and staff


- changes in the staf, J taking a leave of absence, R is moving

- J may be gone too for a little bit

- summer students: we applied for 5 summer student positions

- P - would be a separate discussion amongst core staff (Rnot incl)

- hours:

T W R - 12 to 8

M F Sat 10 to 6

Sun 12 - 5

- delegate this to the staff team, recognizing that summer students are a huge bonus (the program pays for half of the wage of the summer students)

- to apply for this L will put a/the form back on the website for the summer student position

- J calculating out the staff hours

- if we want to hire someone ASAP open that criteria up so it does not just fit the summer student

- through the summer student program we got 2 staff who have been staffed all year long through this program! :)

- PROPOSAL - if we find we don’t have enough staff b/f the summer students start we hire someone (1 person) before May

- PROPOSAL - J to look at the hours and after that decide hiring somebody before May, about about summer students - GL will be prepared and start the summer student thing by May

- J, S and L are on the hiring committee


- moved to Culture change meeting




- soft opening is on Friday (opened in a reduced way)

- hard opening is at the end of the month

- having a party with the MC - Friday April 27 (week after MC of April) - benefit is building collaboration and being transparent

- give MC a few dates and if they do not respond by a certain date then we will be empowered to go forward with the big opening party

- soft opening: hard-core orientation for larger community

- Hardopening during Market Collective? No, MC reckons it’s too crazy.

- Important to maintain autonomy and recognize that clientele differ

- Where to advertise? Broad as possible - lots of members all over Calgary

- Committee: JM LG LE BA AK L M D


- Move to internet

Resolution: paying folks to go to networking events in order to get through these rough times with emphasis on getting volunteers

- all consent


- what a bout cleaning after MC? It’s their job. R proposes to help out during MC

- Invite them to leave paint up and, further, collaborate with them on that painting: L

Proposal: Make it look sweet in the shop collaborating with MC. L Cheerleader.

-all consent

- Storage: GL will be pushed to the back and move as much as possible out to accommodate them - by 11am Thursday. Theme is Earth Day. CPA can help w/ C-can; however, we ought to avoid this.
