
September 10, 2012
Answer the following questions and save to your
1. How do entrepreneurs often discover business
start-up ideas?
2. How can governments encourage entrepreneurial
3. Explain the following statement: "Restrictive loan
policies have a negative affect on domestic smallbusiness growth."
4. Explain what a 'mom and pop" business is.
5. True or False: Many people start entrepreneurial
ventures during times of economic growth.
6. Which of the following is an example of a written
business inquiry:
A. A memo outlining an upcoming meeting agenda
B. An e-mail requesting vendor pricing and discounts
C. A form describing an employee's performance
D. A report summarizing annual financial information
7. When writing a letter of inquiry, when should you
identify the purpose of your letter?
A. At the beginning of the letter
B. After describing your company
C. Once the recipient has agreed to meet with you
D. After identifying what prompted your inquiry (such
as an advertisement)
9. What component is important to include in all types
of inquiry letters?
A. Contact information C. Project specifications
B. Personal qualifications D. Attention-getting title
10. What is "DECA" ?
Today's Activities:
E1 - 2.01 Employ entrepreneurial discovery strategies
to generate feasible ideas for business
1. After reviewing the power point presentation on E1
- 2.01 Entrepreneurial Discovery, discuss with your
partner the entrepreneurial discovery briefing.
2. Identify a change occuring in your community that
has encouraged entrepreneurial discovery and
identify new businesses or products that have been
developed in response to that change.
3. Determine what type of change it is (e.g.
technological, political, legal, social, demographic,
etc.) and identify new businesses or products that
have been developed in response to that change.
4. Discuss your insights with your partner and submit
your findings to me for review via Edmodo.
Reflection # 6
Write a reflection on "how I think entrepreneural
discovery is impacting or has impacted the 2012
presidential election campaign."
September 11, 2012
Answer the following questions and save them to
your ebook:
14 KB
Today's Activities:
1. Complete the guided notes below and save
to your ebook:
32 KB
2. With your partner, discuss the
entrepreneurial discovery process. Each
partner explain to the other partner three of
the six objectives.
1. Discuss differences between entrepreneurs and nonentrepreneurs that can aid entrepreneurs in perceiving
opportunities (e.g., life experiences, a person’s position in
a social network, the nature of the search process a
person uses, an individual’s ability to focus on the
opportunities, and intelligence).
2. Distinguish between scientific discovery (when a
physical or technological observation is made) and
circumstantial discovery (when an observation is made
based on specific knowledge of time, place, or
3. Describe areas of entrepreneurial discovery (i.e.,
introduction of a new product or a new quality of product,
introduction of a new production method, a new market, a
new vendor and/or resource source, and the
reorganization of an industry).
4. Explain techniques that entrepreneurs can use to
recognize opportunities (e.g., analogies, pattern
recognition, experiments, simulation of prototypes. reverse
engineering, etc.).
5. Discuss ways that entrepreneurs try to distinguish
themselves from their competitors.
6. Discuss stages of entrepreneurial processes (i.e.,
discovery, evaluation, and exploitation).
3. With your partner, identify five
entrepreneurial discoveries and the areas of
entrepreneurial discovery for each one.
Develop a profile of each entrepreneur, and
compare their characteristics to determine
their shared or similar traits that probably
aided them in making the entrepreneurial
discovery. Determine the techniques that the
entrepreneurs used to recognize the
4. Record your findings and be prepared to
present them to the class for discussion.
September 12, 2012
Answer the following questions and save
them to your ebook:
14 KB
14 KB
14 KB
Today's Activities:
1. With your partner, identify five
entrepreneurial discoveries and the areas of
entrepreneurial discovery for each one.
Develop a profile of each entrepreneur, and
compare their characteristics to determine
their shared or similar traits that probably
aided them in making the entrepreneurial
discovery. Determine the techniques that the
entrepreneurs used to recognize the
2. Record your findings and be prepared to
present them to the class for discussion.
Reflection # 7
In your journal, complete this statement: "To
me, the most important entrepreneurial
discovery was ...,"
September 13, 2012
1. Review the remainder of the content
information for Obj. 2.01 (see power point
slide for ES 2.01-Part 2)
List one example for each type of change that has
encouraged entrepreneurial discovery.
a. technological change
b. political change
c. legal change
d. regulatory change
e. social change
f. demographic change
Today's Activities:
1. Complete the entrepreneurship discovery
presentations remaining from yesterday
2. Review the power point presentation for
3. Complete the activity - 2.02 - Webquest
28 KB
4. Review the Environmental Scan of the
United States below to identify ways in which
economic, social, technological, competitive,
and regulatory environments are impacting
the United States. Determine how these
different factors are affecting the United
States, as well as how the United States is
responding to those factors.
You will develop a written report detailing
your findings.
Your report should include two emerging
trends for each of the five environment factors
listed in the environmental scan (10 total). You
should list one environmental force and two
trends identified by the environmental scan.
Be sure to provide an explanation for the
trends. You may work in a group (4 people),
with a partner (2 people), or by yourself.
September 14, 2012
Log into Edmodo and complete the test on ES
1.01-2.01. Update your Data Tracker with your
test score.
Today's Activities:
Complete the assignment from yesterday
1. Review the power point presentation for
2. Complete the activity - 2.02 - Webquest
28 KB
3. Review the Environmental Scan of the
United States below to identify ways in which
economic, social, technological, competitive,
and regulatory environments are impacting
the United States. Determine how these
different factors are affecting the United
States, as well as how the United States is
responding to those factors.
You will develop a written report detailing
your findings.
Your report should include two emerging
trends for each of the five environment factors
listed in the environmental scan (10 total). You
should list one environmental force and two
trends identified by the environmental scan.
Be sure to provide an explanation for the
trends. You may work in a group (4 people),
with a partner (2 people), or by yourself.
4. Update your Data Tracker. Remember it is
worth a test grade. I have allowed extra time
to have your data trackers in order. All Data
Trackers should be up to date today.
Reflection # 8
Read the article below. Complete the following
statement in your journal: "I feel like the New
York soda ban is...,"
Monday September 17, 2012
Answer the following quesions:
1. What is an environmental scan?
2. What is a demographic trend?
3. How do environmental factors affect each
4. What are three (3) sources of assistance for
Today's Objectives:
a. Distinguish between outside-in and
inside-out analyses used to identify
opportunities for business ventures.
b. Discuss ways in which work experience can
help an entrepreneur to identify opportunities
for venture/product creation.
c. Describe the impact of educational
background on an entrepreneur’s
determination of opportunities for
venture/product creation.
d. Explain the importance of considering
personal interests when determining
opportunities for venture/product creation.
e. Explain ways in which experiences as a
retail or industrial customer can be used to
identify venture/product opportunities.
f. Demonstrate methods used to determine
opportunities for venture/product creation.
Essential Questions:
1. How are outside-in and inside-out analyses used to
identify opportunities for business ventures?
2. How can work experience, educational background,
personal interests and experiences as a customer be
used to identify venture/product opportunities?
Today's Activities: E1-2.03 Employ
entrepreneurial discovery strategies to
generate feasible ideas for business
1. Review the articles below:
2. Use the handout Think, Think, Think! below
to identify and record several possible
opportunities for venture/product creation.
Think about (a) what you’ve noticed or learned
at work about a particular industry, products,
competitors, production methods, etc.; (b)
what you do in your free time, including
personal interests and hobbies; (c) the
frustrations and problems that you have
experienced as a customer; (d) complaints
and ideas that other people have shared with
you; (e) local, regional, national, and
international trends and changes that are
intriguing to you; (f) and other random
thoughts and observations that you have had
pertaining to venture/product opportunities.
Be sure to consider needs, wants, and
obstacles that you or others have had or
experienced. After completing the handout,
discuss the opportunities for venture/product
creation that you identified with a group of
your classmates. Add to your handout as
needed, and insert it into your VIP portfolio.
19 KB
3. Answer the following questions from the
1. Which of the following is a global trend that
might encourage an entrepreneur to consider
international business opportunities:
A. Higher allowances C. Enforceable trade
B. Lower tariffs D. Flexible currency rates
2. When determining venture-creation
opportunities, entrepreneurs must first
A. obtain financing. C. identify staffing needs.
B. conduct research D. select a location
Ticket Out:
Complete a 3-2-1 review in your eBook: 3 main
ideas from the lesson, 2 questions you still
have, 1 answer to the essential question.
Tuesday September 18, 2012
Review the following homework questions
with your partner:
1. Which of the following is a global trend that
might encourage an entrepreneur to consider
international business opportunities:
A. Higher allowances C. Enforceable trade
B. Lower tariffs D. Flexible currency rates
2. When determining venture-creation
opportunities, entrepreneurs must first
A. obtain financing. C. identify staffing needs.
B. conduct research D. select a location
Today's Objectives:
a. Distinguish between outside-in and
inside-out analyses used to identify
opportunities for business ventures.
b. Discuss ways in which work experience can
help an entrepreneur to identify opportunities
for venture/product creation.
c. Describe the impact of educational
background on an entrepreneur’s
determination of opportunities for
venture/product creation.
d. Explain the importance of considering
personal interests when determining
opportunities for venture/product creation.
e. Explain ways in which experiences as a
retail or industrial customer can be used to
identify venture/product opportunities.
f. Demonstrate methods used to determine
opportunities for venture/product creation.
Essential Questions:
1. Why would you need to examine the market structure when
assessing opportunities for venture product creation?
2. What are techniques that entrepreneurs use to assess venture
product opportunities/
Today's Activities: E1-2.03 Employ
entrepreneurial discovery strategies to
generate feasible ideas for business
1. Complete the analysis of your findings from
the handout "Think, Think, Think!" using the
following criteria:
a. Identify the opportunity
b. Explain what specific unmet need is being addressed
c. Indicate whether you have the knowledge and skills
necessary to pursue the opportunity
d. Identify resources that would be needed to pursue the
e. Discuss the market structure, including industry
competitors, that most closely "fits" with the opportunity.
f. Describe whether the timing is right to pursue the
2. Students will identify which venture/product
creation that they believe would be the best to
3. Use presentation software to explain the
opportunity to the your partner, obtain their
feedback, and make modifications/additions
as necessary.
Wednesday September 19, 2012
Go to Quizlet and complete the vocabulary for
E1-2.04. Play the scatter game. The goal is <45
Today's Activities:
1. Review the power point slide for E1-2.04
and E1-2.04-A with your partner. Compare the
information contained in the two slides.
Then complete the following:
E1 2.04 - Identify two methods/techniques that
you could use to generate venture/product
ideas. Record the advantages and
disadvantages of each strategy, and explain
to your partner how you plan to implement the
methods/techniques. Insert the completed
document into your VIP portfolio.
E1 2.05 - Search the Internet for two examples
of creativity in business. Record your
findings, and be prepared to discuss them
with the class, identifying the impact of the
examples on business.
Use the Internet, your classmates, and other
resources to start thinking about possible
venture/product ideas. Generate a list of five
or more possibilities, and discuss them with
your partner. Insert your list into your VIP
Reflection # 9
"Sketching and doodling are ways to build
creativity because...,"
Thursday September 20, 2012
Warm-Up: Review the following videos
<iframe width="560" height="315"
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315"
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
After veiwing the video, write your thoughts in
your journal (reflection #10) about the
characteristics of success exhibited by the
designer of Red Box.
Today's Activities:
Complete the activity from yesterday. Answer
the questions below.
1. Which of the following processes helps aspiring
entrepreneurs generate venture ideas:
A. Financial planning C. Goal setting
B. Decision making D. Creative thinking
2. When generating ideas for new businesses,
entrepreneurs often look for ways to
A. rationalize spending. C. solve problems.
B. increase liability. D. control outcomes.
3. Which of the following is a way that a business can
determine if a product will fulfill its target market's needs:
A. Observe workers C. Ask the customers
B. Distribute promotional materials D. Develop a prospect
4. A business might take an existing product and alter it to
fulfill a specific need for a different
A. medium. C. utility.
B. product mix. D. target market.
Study for your test tomorrow on E1-2.03-2.05!
Friday September 21, 2012
Go to Edmodo and complete the test on E12.03-2.05.
Today's Activities:
1. Using the methods/techniques selected in
the previous activity, generate as many
different venture/product ideas as possible for
the opportunity that you assessed and
selected previously. Share your ideas with
your partner/team, add to your list as
necessary, and insert your list of
venture/product ideas into your VIP portfolio.
2. Using the same list that you created
in the previous activity, choose three
ventures/products that you believe
have the most potential to be
successful. Discuss the products
and/or ventures with partner/team.
Determine the venture/product and
venture/product benefits that appeal
most to them. Create a feature-benefit
chart to highlight those benefits.
Identify ways that you can use the
information in marketing activities.
Record the information, and insert it
into your VIP portfolio.
3. Review the powerpoint on E1 2.08 Apply ethics to demonstrate
Reflection # 10
Write a reflection on a personal decision that you must make and identify
the options and the potential risks that you may face as a result of that
decision. Submit your word processed reflection to the inbox. Yes, you
may print!