20th Biological Science Graduate Congress (BSGC) 9 – 11 December 2015 Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Registration form Name of Participant (as in IC or passport) PhD or Master Email address Supervisor(s) 1. 2. 3. Title of Abstract Theme (1 – 4) Remark Theme 1: Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics Theme 2: Applied Science and Biotechnology Theme 3: Biochemistry and Physiology Theme 4: Cell and Molecular Biology EXAMPLE 20th Biological Science Graduate Congress (BSGC) 9 – 11 December 2015 Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Registration form Name of Participant (as in IC or passport) PhD or Master Email address Supervisor(s) Title of Abstract Theme (1 – 4) Mr. Wanthane Khetkorn PhD p_wanthane@hotmail.com 1. Prof. Dr. Am Incharoensakdi 2. 3. Effect of several factors on hydrogen production by N2-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena siamensis TISTR 8012 2 Remark Theme 1: Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics Theme 2: Applied Science and Biotechnology Theme 3: Biochemistry and Physiology Theme 4: Cell and Molecular Biology EXAMPLE Effect of several factors on hydrogen production by N2-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena siamensis TISTR 8012 (Topic: Time New Roman 11 and Bold, please use the capital letter only the first word of sentence except the scientific name) Khetkorn, W., Incharoensakdi, A. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bngkok 10330, Thailand E-mail: p_wanthane@hotmail.com (Author: Author’s last name, followed by first initial Address: Department, Faculty, University, City, Country, email Time New Roman 10 and Bold, please underline the name and email of presenting author) In nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria, there are three enzymes involved in the hydrogen metabolism. Nitrogenase is an enzyme, which catalyzes the nitrogen fixation from atmospheric N2, to produce ammonia and concomitantly produce H2 as by produce. The product H2 is taken up to protons and electrons by an uptake hydrogenase usually found in all nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria. The last enzyme, reversible hydrogenase, catalyzes the H2 uptake and H2 evolution. This enzyme has also been found in all non-nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria and in some nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria. Anabaena siamensis was isolated from a rice paddy fields and shows high capacity to fix atmospheric N2 with subsequent increase of the rice growth rate. This strain has high potential for hydrogen production. The efficiency of hydrogen production depends on several factors. Therefore, the objective of this research is to compare the growth and H 2 production performances of A. siamensis TISTR 8012 under different conditions. It was found that i) Addition of external nitrogen sources inhibited hydrogen production in A. siamensis TISTR 8012, ii) cell age could affect hydrogen production rate, ii) the most preferred substrate for hydrogen production in Anabaena siamensis TISTR 8012 was fructose and the environmental conditions such as pH, temperature and light intensity also influenced hydrogen production in A. siamensis TISTR 8012. (Content: Time New Roman 10 and the abstract must not exceed 250 words. No references, image, table diagram and graph)