Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, September 2015

Sacramento Insight Meditation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
The Board of Directors of Sacramento Insight Meditation, Inc. (SIM) held its scheduled inperson Board meeting on Tuesday, September 15, 2015, at the Sacramento Friends Meeting
House, 890 57th Street, Sacramento, California. Board members in attendance were Dennis
Warren (President), Brian McKinsey (Vice President), Lynelle McNiel (Treasurer), Barbara
Colton (Secretary), Renee Kunz and Diane Wilde, members-at-large, and Jaana Elina,
Financial Coordinator. Board President Dennis Warren, who presided at the meeting,
distributed an agenda. A record of the important actions taken during the meeting follows.
Prior to discussion of the agenda, the meeting began with a five-minute sitting, followed by
oral review of Board Participation as Dharma Practice with the reading aloud of the
“Statement of Principles.”
Agenda Revision:
Two items, both related to the SIM website, were added to the agenda: details of PayPal; and
a means to sign up for the eNews (on the website.) Brian will work with Robin to make the
minor changes necessary to improve PayPal utility, and to make the sign-up for the eNews
easily accessible.
The minutes of the August meeting were approved. Barbara will send the final
version to Brian to be posted to the website.
Board Mentors Retreat
A Board member retreat will be held on Sunday, November 15 from 9 until 4. Dennis, Rich,
and Diane (the mentors) will meet separately on a date prior to the meeting. Dennis
encouraged all Board members to suggest topics for the retreat.
Difficult Person Policy
The Board entered into executive session to discuss this item. The Board resumed open
discussion following the conclusion of the executive session.
Volunteers – Master List of Coordinators & Board Liaisons
Renee has prepared a revised list of coordinators and Board liaisons that she will send each
Board member electronically. Board members are asked to review the list, make any changes,
additions, or deletions, and return to Renee, who will consolidate the changes and prepare an
updated list.
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Sacramento Insight Meditation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Fiscal - (Lynelle)
Treasurer’s Report
Lynelle reported on balances in SIM accounts, and noted that the current bank balance does
not reflect payments for the retreat, which will reduce it considerably. She had not received a
statement from the Angela Center, whose charges will be the largest retreat expense.
Michelle, the retreat cook, has been paid for food and services; the dana collected for her has
not yet been sent. The amounts collected for dana for teachers, for the cook, and for the
(Angela Center) staff were reported. The checks should go out to each person within the next
few days. Lynelle also reported the amount collected in the PayPal account.
Bookkeeping / Accounting Search – Request To Community
The search for an accountant/bookkeeper is continuing, with a request in the eNews and
contact with candidates suggested by some Board members.
Bank of America account changes
The account signatories will be changed once the new roster of fiscal personnel (SIM Board
treasurer; SIM financial coordinator; bookkeeper/accountant) is in place.
Insurance Expense Reimbursement – Mentors
The Board approved reimbursement to Rich Howard for the expense of insurance related to
his service as a SIM Community Mentor.
Post Office Box (this item was added to the agenda)
Board members approved changes in the responsibilities for collecting and opening SIM
(USPS) mail. Jerry Simkins formerly collected the mail from the PO Box at the Post Office on J
Street. Diane offered to collect the mail, as she lives closest to the post office. Renee gave a
key to the PO Box that she has had, to Diane. Diane will give the mail to Jaana, who as
financial coordinator will handle both checks and bills, in coordination with the treasurer. Jaana
will give any mail not related to finances to Dennis or another Board member.
Venue Issues
Alternative venue search
Dennis reported that the alternative venue that had been identified, with which certain issues
remained before a decision could be made, could not in the end accept SIM’s proposal. While
parking was a concern, in the end the problem lay with a possible tax liability for the owners
of the facility.
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Sacramento Insight Meditation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
SDC Relationship
Dennis reported on a note he had received from one of our SDC representatives. The Board
approved a donation of $5,000 to the Dharma Center. SDC has requested that each of the
member sanghas become “sustaining” members of SDC. In their note, SDC also indicated that
parking is likely to be limited at most sites within city limits (as it has become at our current
site at Friends.) The SDC Board is considering how to meet the challenge of finding a suitable
location, at an affordable cost, with adequate parking.
Residential Retreats
2015 Report
By all accounts, the 2015 retreat, the first to run ten days, went very well. Two medical
situations were handled, including an injury to the cook. The yogis came together to prepare
the final meals. Dennis asked Lynelle to notify the Angela Center that SIM will pay for the
crystal tray that was broken, and will replace the Angela Center’s foil that was used.
The Board approved a full refund of retreat fees/tuition to the two community members who
had paid in full, but who had received a very serious medical diagnosis immediately prior to
the start of the retreat (the members are husband and wife; the wife had received the
Follow Up Pot Luck – October 26, 2015
A follow-up potluck meeting for 2015 retreatants will be held, possibly October 26, once a
venue is identified (The Beginning Meditation class meets at SFM through the end of October;
once the class has concluded, SFM might be a possibility on a Monday.)
2016 Planning – September 2-11, 2016
Planning for the 2016 Retreat, to be held September 2-11 at the Angela Center, will begin
soon. Dennis, Rich, and Diane will be the teachers, with Dennis as the senior teacher. Michelle
Reynolds, the cook this year, is available for next year, and the Board approved offering her
the position.
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Sacramento Insight Meditation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Next Meeting – Tuesday, October 20, 2015
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 20, 2015. The September meeting
was adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Colton
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