Vocabulary Review

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Science Multicellular Organisms Study Guide
Vocabulary Review
Define the following terms.
Classification – the process of grouping things that are similar.
Kingdom – the largest group used to classify living things.
Species- a single kind of living thing
Vertebrate- an animal that has a backbone.
Invertebrate- an animal that has no backbone.
Gymnosperm- a plant with a naked seed
Angiosperm- a plant with flowers and protected seeds.
Concepts to know
8) What is a kingdom? A kingdom is the largest group used to classify animals.
9) Which characteristic is used to classify living into kingdoms?
The characteristic used to classify living things into things into kingdoms are
whether they are single celled or multi-celled organisms.
What kind of plant would you choose to attract butterflies to your
garden? Explain Why? I would use and angiosperm because it’s a
flowering plant and butterflies are attracted because they go to the flowers
and pollinate the flowers.
What group has the largest number of species? The Invertebrate
group has the largest number of species.
What are the differences between the animal and the plant
kingdom? Plants make their own food and animals eat other living
One major group of plants makes fruit. What does the other group
usually make? The other major group makes cones.
Explain why living things are classified in the same genus are more
alike than those in the same class. Because the genus means they are
in the same scientific name and it’s the second smallest group after the
A hill behind your house is washing away. What kind of plant might
help keep the soil in place. Explain. A vascular plant that has true
roots would be the best choice because the roots can help to anchor the
plant into the soil and keep the hill from washing away.
Two plants are named Vinca minor and Vinca rosea. Are they close
relatives? Explain. Yes they are close relatives because the share the
same genus name and only their species name is different.
Compare and contrast the wings of a robin and the wings of a
dragonfly. Communicate using the words structure and function in
your answer. The function of both sets of wings is to allow both
animals to fly. The dragon fly’s wings don’t have bones, and the robin’s
does, so they are structurally different.
A scientist finds a new life form. The life form is 2m tall. It makes its
own food. It has tubes that carry food and water through it. It
reproduces by making seeds. Classify this life form as an animal,
bacterium, fungus, plant, or protist. Then explain how it’s classified.
This life form is a plant. Plants make their own food. Vascular plants have a
xylem and a phloem to carry food and water.
Sam collects trading cards of athletes. The athletes are from several
different teams and sports. Each athlete has certain team. Some
athletes play basketball other athletes play soccer and some athletes
play football. Sam’s friend asks if he has a certain card to trade. Sam
does not know because his cards are in a big pile. How can Sam make
his cards easier to find and trade? Describe at least one way Sam
could do this, using the characteristics of the athletes. Sam can
classify them by teams or sports.
Name the categories the Animal Kingdom is divided into From the
largest category to the smallest category. Kingdom, phylum, class,
order, family, genus, and species are the categories the animal kingdom is
divided into.
What are the differences between vascular and non-vascular plants?
Non-Vascular plants don’t have true roots; however, they are anchored by
in the ground by small root-like structures. They have parts that look like
stems. They don’t have true stems or leaves because they don’t have any
veins. They absorb water and nutrients from their surroundings. Vascular
plants on the other hand have tissue that supports the plants and carries
water and food. Roots stems and leaves all contain vascular tissue .