Science sumit 2 - Sasha-Myp2

When Chloe’s dad cooked burgers, he did not cook them long enough so the germs survived the heat.
But by the time that they had complained, they had already eaten part of food and the bacteria had
already begun its journey into the immune system.
Bacteria: Black Square
Lysozymes: red stars
Enzymes: purple star
White blood cells: big blue circle
The bacteria enters the body through the mouth
The lysozymes try to defeat the bacteria and fail
Do the bacteria goes down the trachea and enters the stomach
The enzymes defeat the bacteria
But if they fail the White blood cells come and eat then discarded of the bacteria
How the bacteria reproduce
Binary fission is creation of two bacterial cells that are genetically identical. However, bacteria have to
have certain conditions in which to reproduce. Bacteria reproduce in mostly in warm, moist, sugary
and organic rich takes about 20 minutes to reproduce.
What you can do to help your body
1. The immune system will do most of it
2. Listen to your body
How can the body defend itself next time?
The white blood cells make antibodies and they will make antibodies for the virus. The antibodies will
then be there the next time the body comes into contact with the same bacteria and it will be ready to
fight it off.
Why did the guest get food poisoning?
They got the food poisoning because the food is under cooked. So they were not cooked long enough to
kill the bacteria.
How to prevent it?
You can prevent food poisoning by:
not under cooking the food
ensure that all foods from animals are cooked well or are pasteurized
Avoid eating raw or undercooked meats and eggs
Check the expiry dates on meats before cooking it
Do not drink or eat expired produce
Do not drink unpasteurized milk.
Do not thaw foods at room temperature always s put them in the fridge
Wash raw vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating
How did it get into their bodies?
It came in through the mouth, when the guest consumed the food.
How does the body defend itself from the bacteria entering?
The body has a very large defence system and the bacteria will have a lot to overcome.
1. Stomach acid
2. Enzymes
3. Lysozymes
4. White blood cells
How does the body react when it is infected?
It responds by using the immune system and white blood cells that attack the microorganisms
that are causing the infection. Vomiting and diarrhoea are common symptoms of food poisoning. The
bacterium reacts with the chemicals inside of your body and makes you sick.
Why does it take a few hours before a person feels ill?
In this case, the salmonella needs time to reproduce in numbers large enough to affect your body.
How are some human cells specialized to stop bacteria?
The body responds to infections by the B and T cells when a foreign cell enters the body and they are
ready to fight it off. When the contact with the bacteria happens the B cells make the antibodies for that
specific cell with the help of the T cells. The antibodies will then be there the next time the body comes
into contact with the same bacteria and it will be ready to fight it off.