Bacteria-Slot Notes There are more bacteria organisms in your

Bacteria-Slot Notes
There are more bacteria organisms in your mouth right now than there are people on the
entire planet!!
Bacteria were ________________________ by accident in the late 1600’s by a Dutch
merchant named Anton van Leeuwenhoek.
Bacteria are ________________________:
– No _________________
– _____________ in a loop in the cell
– Few _____________________
– Usually have a ______________ wall
– Usually __________ a flagellum
Most bacteria _______________ have one of ______________ basic shapes:
Obtaining Food and Energy
Like all______________________ things, bacteria ______________ to have a source of
food and a way to break that food down in order to ____________________.
Most bacteria need ___________________ to break their ___________________ down,
but a few do not _________________ oxygen for _________________________.
Bacteria can _______________________ asexually (one _____________) by means of
binary fission: one cell divides into ____________ identical _______________.
Bacteria can reproduce sexually (_________ parents) by means of conjunction: one
_________________ transfers some genetic __________________ to another bacteria
through a thread like __________________.
Endospore Formation
Some ______________________ can survive harsh conditions like ________________,
heating and drying by ________________ an endospore.
An endospore is a small rounded, thick _________________, resting _____________
that _________________ in a bacteria cell and houses the bacterial ___________.