vocabulary menu

MENÚ DE VOCABULARIO - Sra. Oke-Bello – 01-15-15
Directions: Choose from the
following activities to complete 30
points worth of activities. This
assignment is due the day of the
vocabulary quiz. Label activities.
10 Point Activities
a. Dibujar -Draw pictures that
represent 10 vocabulary
words.Write the words and the
b. Vocal/Consonante - Write a list
of 15 vocabulary words using one
color for consonants and another
for vowels. Write the English
translation for each word.
c. Escribir en la Espalda – Write 15
words on a friend’s back and see if
they can guess the words by writing
them down or saying what they are
in English. Hand in a list of the
words drawn and their translation
with a signature.
d. Rebota Palabras – Bounce a ball
for each syllable of 15 vocabulary
words and say the word in Spanish
and English . Hand in a list of the
vocabulary words used and have
someone sign off as a witness to
this masterful feat.
e. Quizlet - Use the quizlet for this
chapter and give me a screen shot
of your game score.
f. Fuentes Fabulosas (Fancy
Fonts)-Use interesting fonts on the
computer (or write by hand) to write
15 vocabulary words . Write the
translations of the words
g. Techie word pictures – Use word
cloud site on the computer to write
15 vocabulary words or more.
Write the translations of the words
20 point activities
h. Por Orden Alfabético -Write all of
the vocabulary words in
alphabetical order then translate
them into English.
i. Abánico – Write all words 3 times
in Spanish and English making a
folded paper fan. First write
Spanish, then translate to English.
Work vertically down the list of
j. Cortar y Pegar -Cut the letters of
5 vocabulary words out of a
newspaper or magazine. Paste the
words to make the Spanish
vocabulary words. Write the
English translation.
k. Letras en Formas - Write
wordshapes for 5 vocabulary
words.Write the words in the shape
of what they represent. Write the
word in Spanish. Write the English
l. Buscapalabras -Make a word
search using the vocabulary words.
MENÚ DE VOCABULARIO - Sra. Oke-Bello – 01-15-15
Solve it or have a friend solve it.
Translate each word you find in a
list format.
m. Categorías - Write a chart
sorting 20 vocabulary words
according to parts of speech or
another set of categories that you
describe. You may use a
brainstorm, columns, or another
cognitive map I approve.
n. Dime un cuento - Write a story in
Spanish using 10 vocabulary
words. Write a translation.
Underline the vocabulary words in
Spanish and English.
o. El Titular - Write newspaper
headlines using 10 vocabulary
words. Translate the headings into
English. Underline the vocabulary
words in English and Spanish.
p. Create a comic strip in Spanish
using 10 vocabulary words.
Underline the vocabulary words.
Include an English translation of the
comic strip with the translated
vocabulary underlined. You may
use English for the other words
since you are in Spanish 1.
from the vocabulary list and its
q. Tarjeta Postal - Write a postcard
in Spanish using 10 vocabulary
words. Underline the vocabulary
words. Write an English translation.
Underline the vocabulary words in
v. Llena el Espacio Blanco - Write
10 fill-in-the-blank sentences for
vocabulary words. You may use
matching or a word bank. Write the
translations of the sentences and
the answers.
r. Diálogo - Write a dialog of at least
10 lines using 10 vocabulary words.
Underline the vocabulary words.
Write the translation. You may use
English for unknown words.
30 Point activities
s. Tarjetas - Make a hand written
set of all vocabulary on flashcards
with the English on one side and
Spanish on the other.
t. Crucigrama – Make a crossword
puzzle using at least 10 words.
Write the solution for each clue.
u. Oraciones -Use 10 vocabulary
words in a sentence and circle the
target word. Translate the
sentence to English. Circle the word
w. Cantante/Rapero – Sing a song
or perform a rap using 10 words
from the list. Write the lyrics and
translate the target words to
x. Powerpoint - Make a Powerpoint
labeling 10 of the vocabulary words
with original(your own) photographs
or art. Write the English
MENÚ DE VOCABULARIO - Sra. Oke-Bello – 01-15-15