SNMMI Board of Directors Conference Call November 15, 2012

SNMMI Board of Directors
Conference Call
November 15, 2012
Minutes - DRAFT
Members in Attendance:
Carolyn Anderson, PhD; Gary Dillehay, MD, FACNM; Fred Fahey, DSc; Bennett Greenspan, MD;
Peter Herscovitch, MD; Brenda King, CNMT, FSNMTS; Anthony Knight, MBA, CNMT, RT(N),
NCT; Cindi Luckett-Gilbert, MHA, PET, CNMT, FSNMTS; Jeffrey Norenberg, PharmD; Richard
Noto, MD; Virginia Pappas, CAE; Harvey Ziessman, MD;
Members Not in Attendance:
Peter Conti, MD, PhD; Munir Ghesani, MD, FACNM; Scott Holbrook, BS, CNMT, FSNMTS;
Hossein Jadvar, MD, PhD, MPH, MBA; George Segall, MD;
SNM Staff in Attendance:
Nikki Wenzel-Lamb, MBA
1. Welcome and Call to Order
Fred Fahey, DSc, SNMMI President, called the meeting to order at 12:03pm (ET). Richard
Noto, MD, SNMMI Secretary/Treasurer announced that a quorum was present.
2. American Medical Association (AMA)
Gary Dillehay, MD, SNMMI President-Elect and SNMMI AMA Delegate reported that the AMA
requires all member organizations to comply with a 5‐year review process. This year, 2012,
was SNMMI’s year to submit its review. SNMMI submitted the items to the AMA and received
notification on Monday, October 15, that we, unfortunately did NOT meet the threshold of AMA
members to be in compliance with their guidelines and is subsequently on “probation” for one‐
year (September 2013).
Dr. Dillehay explained that during the AMA meeting last week, the House of Delegates voted
to change the guidelines associated with AMA membership, specific to specialty
organizations, from 25% of eligible members being AMA members to 20%. This is a positive
change for the SNMMI as it will remove SNMMI from probation and will make the next review
date September 2017.
3. ACR/SNMMI Task Force III
Dr. Dillehay reported that with the decision of the ACGME in September, to uphold the
proposed changes to the Nuclear Radiology training program – which virtually a duplication of
the program requirements already in effect for Nuclear Medicine (NM), which is already a
subspecialty - the SNMMI/ACR Task Force III was no longer necessary.
4. Guidelines Committee
Bennett Greenspan, MD, FACNM, Committee on Guidelines Board Liaison provided a brief
overview of the two guidelines that were submitted for approval; SNMMI-EANM Guideline for
FDG in Infection and Inflammation and CMSS Principles for the Development of Specialty
Society Guidelines.
A motion was made to approve the SNMMI-EANM Guideline for FDG in Infection and
This will be the first collaborative guideline to come from the partnership between EANM and
SNMMI. Once approved, it will be published in JNM and posted to both organizations
websites. The committee has reviewed the guideline and recommends the Board approve of
the final proof.
It was moved and voted to approve the SNMMI-EANM Guideline for FDG in Infection and
A motion was made to approve the CMSS Principles for the Development of Specialty Society
The Board of CMSS has approved a document for Guideline Principles. This was in response
to the IOM recommendations. They created a set of recommendations they felt were better
suited for medical societies. Currently, SNMMI does not have what is considered evidencebased guidelines. If the Board chooses to adopt this code, SNMMI will need to change how we
approach guideline writing.
The Guideline Committee recommends the SNMMI Board of Directors approve signing on to
the CMSS Guideline Principles. The future is moving in this direction and payers, the National
Guideline Clearinghouse, and other collaborating organizations are all looking for this from our
It was moved and voted to approve the CMSS Principles for the Development of
Specialty Society Guidelines.
5. Education and Research Foundation (ERF) Name Change
George Segall, MD, reported that the Education and Research Foundation (ERF) for the SNM
has been a long time supporter of SNMMI programs and initiatives. The ERF, through its
representation on the SNMMI Board of Directors, was involved in the discussions of the
Society name change and supported our efforts to expand the mission and vision for the
organization. Following the June 2012 SNM name change to Society of Nuclear Medicine and
Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), the ERF approved a name change to also reflect the growing
diversity in our field. The Foundation will soon be known as The Education and Research
Foundation for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.
The ERF and SNMMI leadership worked together to draft a joint statement that will be used to
notify both internal and external stakeholders. The statement was reviewed by the Board of
A motion was made to approve the statement as written (attached in Appendix A).
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the statement as written (attached in
Appendix A).
6. 2nd Sino-American Conference
Dr. Fahey provided and update on the conference planning. Andrei Iagaru, MD and Adam
Alessio, PhD are serving as the co-chairs of the conference. Dr. Fahey thanked them for their
efforts in coordinating the 2nd Sino-American Conference and invited all board members to
attend the conference starting on Wednesday, January 23.
7. Global Initiatives
a. Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative
Dr. Fahey reminded board members of the purpose of the Nuclear Medicine Global
Initiative. The first meeting was held during the EANM meeting in October 2012 in Milan,
Italy. Representatives from ten difference international organizations were present. Based
upon the discussion during the meeting, the following top three areas were identified; (1)
dose optimization; (2) coordination and collaboration of guidelines; and (3) education. The
majority of representatives voted to focus on dose optimization as the first topic for the
Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative. Each organization was asked to write (in two pages or
less) what is most important to their specific organization regarding dose optimization and
what efforts in these regard each group has in process. Each organization was also asked
to identify one (1) individual to serve as their representative on the Dose Optimization
Focus Group. SNMMI Staff will begin working on the logistics of the Web-Ex conferencing
for mid-December.
Board members commended the international outreach efforts and were encouraged by
the progress made to-date.
b. Joint Programs with IAEA
Dr. Fahey informed the board members that SNMMI was working with IAEA on finalizing
the details of the CT education program.
c. EANM Meeting Report
Dr. Fahey provided a brief summary of the SNMMI/EANM Leadership meeting at the
EANM meeting in October. EANM and SNMMI continue to work together on joint
guidelines and EANM is also a participant in the Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative.
SNMMI also provided EANM with some background information to assist with lobbying
efforts within Europe.
d. Japan Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting
Dr. Fahey informed the board that the SNMMI leadership also had a good meeting with
the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine. The JSNM is very involved in the Global
Initiative and is working with the SNMMI Clinical Trials Network.
8. Henry Wagner Memorial
Dr. Fahey reported that a web-page ( was
created for individuals to provide their comments, thoughts, stories, etc related to Dr. Wagner.
In addition, there will be a session at the Annual Meeting dedicated to Dr. Wagner.
Virginia Pappas, CAE, SNMMI Chief Executive Officer informed the board that she was asked
to speak at Dr. Wagner’s memorial on behalf of the Society. In addition, Mrs. Pappas reported
that the session at the Annual Meeting will be recorded and Mrs. Wagner will be presented
with a copy of the DVD.
Board members asked for more information on whether the memorial service was captured
and if so, it was requested that it be available on the SNMMI website.
9. Informational Reports
a. MITA PET Endpoints Meeting
Dr. Fahey reported that the MITA Endpoints meeting was earlier this week. The guidance
document, once finalized will be published in JACR and JNM simultaneously.
b. Stakeholders Meeting
Dr. Fahey provided a brief overview on the Stakeholders meeting. Overall, the feedback
from meeting participants was positive. Minutes from the meeting will be circulated to the
board soon.
c. Pettigrew Meeting
Carolyn Anderson, PhD, reported that she, Fred Fahey, Virginia Pappas and Sue Bunning
met with Ron Pettigrew, MD, PhD, Director of NIBIB, to discuss policy issues related to the
SNMMI as well as to give Dr. Pettigrew an update on current initiatives particularly those
involving new agents and technologies. Specifically, with respect to the current
Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Medicine research program, it was noted that Dr.
Pettigrew clearly agreed that this is a critically needed area of exploration and that he
agrees that DOE should continue to fund this research because it plays a leading role in
the production of isotopes for medical use and has a lengthy and positive history in the
research arena.
Dr. Pettigrew was invited to attend the SNMMI Mid-Winter and Annual Meeting in 2013.
d. Image Wisely
Dr Fahey reported that the Image Wisely website is begin updated with the nuclear
medicine specific information, as it is finalized. A press release will be released just prior
to RSNA announcing the completion of the Nuclear Medicine section of the Image Wisely
10. Next Board of Directors Conference Call
Dr. Fahey announced that the next Board of Directors conference call will be held in January
2013. SNMMI Staff will send out an availability grid to begin scheduling the call.
11. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the SNM Board of Directors conference call at 1:02pm (ET).
It was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the SNM Board of Directors conference
call at 1:02pm (ET).