St. Michael & St. Francis Bulletin
January 5th and 6th, 2013
Pastor: Fr. Steve Schaftlein
The Epiphany of the Lord
It must have been quite a sight on the streets of Bethlehem as the magi, those
star-searchers, made their way to the house of Joseph (in Matthew’s Gospel the Holy Family are
residents of Bethlehem until the flight to Egypt). Imagine the wonder that filled the eyes of the
neighborhood children as this caravan made its way. Matthew doesn’t tell us many specifics
about them (he never numbers them as three or calls them “kings”), but travel was hard in that
time, and “safety in numbers” was the rule for making a long trek. Most likely it was a lengthy cortege that wound its way
under the guidance of that star. If the celestial phenomenon that guided them there hadn’t already excited the village, the
arrival of these women and men (in the ancient world astrologers and sign-readers were frequently female) with their
dromedaries, unusual clothing, foreign ways—and gifts!—certainly would have roused the neighbors. News travels fast in
small towns, and imagine the surprise when it was learned where these travelers stopped.
We can include the magi on our list of role models in faith for the season. They were not Jews, but were willing to
follow a route that led to an insignificant and troublesome Roman province. When they were led to the Holy Family’s
humble abode in Bethlehem they did not say, “No way! This can’t be the place. It’s too lowly, they’re not affluent
enough.” They simply bowed down and worshiped Jesus the Christ, in a scene that prefigures the disciples bowing to
worship him later in Matthew’s Gospel after his resurrection. These sign-seekers were willing to be led by their wonder,
ready to persist in their journey, not knowing where the quest for their revelation would lead them, but open to its possible
presence anywhere. We, like they, must be ready to seek the epiphania, the manifestation of God, earnestly and honestly,
and be prepared to bow in worship when we find it.
Today’s Readings: Isaiah 60:1–6; Psalm 72:1–2, 7–8, 10–13; Ephesians 3:2–3a, 5–6; Matthew 2:1–12
St. Michael
Sat.– 5:30 pm
Sun.– 11 am
Misa en Español
Domingo – 1:00 pm
Fr. Steven Schaftlein, Pastor
Website -
St. Michael - 101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, In 47111
Ph. 812-256-3200 - Fax 775-307-6142
Office Hours – 8:30 am-1:00 pm Tues. Wed., & Fri.
St. Francis Xavier – 101 North Ferguson, Henryville, IN 47126
Ph. 812-294-4682 - Fax 775-307-6142
E-mail –
Office Hours – Thursday Afternoon
Reconciliation – 5:00 pm Saturday or call the Rectory
Marriage – Please contact the pastor a year in advance. Advent and Lent
are not times for celebrations.
St. Francis Xavier
Baptisms of Infants or Adults Joining the Church – Please contact
the DRE: St. Michael–Juliann Eickholtz, St. Francis–Father Steve
New To The Parish: Please call the office to register. Please introduce
yourself to the pastor at mass.
Parishioners Who Are Ill: Please call the pastor if a relative or friend
is sick. Due to privacy laws hospitals no longer inform churches.
Bulletin Announcements: Get all bulletin announcements to the office
in writing by Tuesday evening.
Corpus Christi Place - A spiritual support ministry with gay people &
their families. Confidentiality is assured.
At 9:00 am
St. Michael Early Childhood Center – Infancy Care, Pre-S, Pre-K, Kindergarten & Day Care
Rita Poff – Director – Ph. 256-3503 Infancy Care – 256-3500
Mass Schedule
Mass Intentions
St. M
St. M
No Mass
No Mass
St. M
St. FX
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
St. M
St. M
St. FX
8:30 am
5:30 pm
9:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
St. M
St. M
Bernard Wessel
Lawrence & Barbara
For the People
Pro Populo
The Pastor’s Corner
The Year Of The Liturgy
Liturgical Bits & Bytes
The Bread
The church documents state that the bread for the eucharistic
celebration should appear as actual food. In past years the host
used to be thin and dissolvable, because we were not supposed
to chew it. Since the meal aspect of Eucharist has once again
come into focus, many parishes use hosts that have a texture
that can be chewed, so that it is more like eating bread.
Liturgical Bits and Bytes © 2010 Resource Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Advent-Christmas-Epiphany Calendar
Epiphany – Sunday, Jan 6
Feast of The Baptism of Jesus – Sunday, Jan 13
Many Thanks To All
Who Have Made
Our Christmas Season Special
Have A Blessed Christmas!
Fr. Steve
Rosary at 5:00 before Saturday Evening Mass
Rosary at 10:30 before Sunday Mass
The Prayer Group at St. Michael welcomes anyone to
come and pray with them at 6:00pm every Monday in the
Rectory Chapel. Bible Study is every Monday at 7:00pm
in the Rectory Chapel. Spanish Bible Study is on
Tuesday nights at 6pm.
Faith Formation News: Preschool thru High School
classes resume January 6 at 9:30am. If your child is
absent on Sunday morning, please give the office a call
at 256-3503.
Assistants are needed each week for faith formation
classes. One of the ways to live the Year of Faith is to
bring non-perishable food items to be donated to the
North Clark Outreach Center. There is a wooden box
in the church for donations.
The next mass with the Youth Choir will be Sunday,
January 13th. We will meet in church at 9:30am for
Rosary Music Practice.
Faith Formation Calendar
Jan 6 Session Sixteen
Jan 13 Session Seventeen Rosary & Music practice,
11:00 Mass, Youth Choir (Gift Bearers-High School)
Jan 20 Session Eighteen
Jan 27 Session Nineteen
Our service project each week is to collect nonperishable canned goods for the North Clark Outreach
The St. Michael Birthday Bash is on Sunday, January
13th from 12:30pm-2:30pm. The Birthday Bash is held
in the Parish Hall and is sponsored by the Faith Formation
Commission. It would be an honor to have you at your
birth month table. Bring a covered dish. Do not bring
gifts; your presence is gift enough. Please RSVP by
calling Malia at 256-6255, Juliann at 256-3280 or Betty
Cole 812-889-2284.
First Eucharist Parent Meeting is Saturday, January
12th at 9:00am in church. It is very important for the
child and a parent, grandparent or godparent to attend this
meeting. Christine Flum from the New Albany Deanery
Center will be here with religious items to sell at cost.
St. Michael offers Server Training on the second
Sunday of each month after 11:00 Mass for youth who
have received First Eucharist. If you are interested in
being a server at Mass please contact Juliann.
Faith Formation Commission Meeting is January 15th
at 7:00 in the Rectory Chapel. Note change of date.
Some of the ladies at St. Michael have expressed an
interest in starting a Ladies Club. The Ladies Club
would be a great way to meet other women of the
parish. We will have a very short meeting in the lobby
after 11:00 mass today.
St. Michael Ministries Schedule
Sat. January 12– 5:30 pm
Eucharistic Ministers: Sara Seals, Carol DeVary
Servers: Chuck Ledbetter
Gift Bearers: Tim and Sandy Baltz Family
Cantors: Steve and Sherry Buit
Musician: Carolyn Eickholtz
Lector: M. P. Beach
Sun. January 13–11:00 am – St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: Cheryl Dunn, Jerrylyn Dean, Jim Kinder
Servers: Christian Jackson, T.J. Jackson
Gift Bearers: High School Religious Education Students
Cantors: Youth Choir, Jessica Sarver
Musician: Nancy Kinder
Lector: Cheryl Dunn
Faith Formation – Religious Education will resume
today after mass. We will have one class in the balcony,
two in the basement, and three in the “parish house”.
FF – (Martin Luther King on Mon)
Come out and enjoy St. Francis
Xavier’s Fish Fry the first Friday
of every month 5-7pm. The menu
includes fish, fries, slaw, fried biscuits,
drinks & desserts. Thanks to everyone for your support.
Congratulations to Barbara and Lawrence Yochum on
their 60th wedding anniversary.
St. Francis Xavier Ministries Schedule
Sun. January 13– 9:00am
Eucharistic Ministers: Kim Young, Toni Allen, Gino Couch
Servers: Tyler Haycraft, Ben Ulrich
Ushers: Cindy Murphy, Jack Murphy
Gift Bearers: Bill and Martha Hawkins Family
Lector: Ann Harbeson
Care Packages for our Troops - It is so important,
especially this time of year to let them know we care.
There is a box in the back of church at St. Francis for
donations to send overseas.
Virtus Training-January 8, 6:30-9:00pm at St. Anthony,
Clarksville. Please go to to register.
Save the Date: Sunday, February 24th at 3:00pm.
Saint Michael Catholic Church Presents: Year of Faith
Concert “I will praise your Name” - A Collection of
Psalms. Performed by Katelyn Walker and Tom Yost,
from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in New Albany,
the concert features a collection of Psalms offering
insightful reflections of our faith expressed in music and
Collections December 29th and 30th
St. Michael
St. Francis Xavier
$ 2,390.00
$ 1,120.00
“To everything there is a season and a time to every
purpose under heaven a time to be born a time to love
a time to heal a time to die and a time of peace.”
Bea Beach, Alicia Blair, Elmer Blevins, Annie Bolger,
Sheryl Bridges, Charlotte Buckman, Sherry Buit, Melchor
Carillo, Kaydance Couch, Carol DeVary, Lydia Downey,
Danny Fleming, Eunice Frazier, Beryl Hammerla, Lucy
Hanson, Susan Harrell, Hector Hernandez, Charlotte
Higdon, Sharon Hoague, Aiden Johnson, Sylvia Jones,
Peggy Kelshaw, Rosalie Koenig, John Lindenmayer,
Spencer Lindenmayer, Debbie Lyons, Rovilla Lyons,
Vickie Mader, Terri Lynn Maples, Bill Martin, Elmer
Masters, Glen McClain, Barbara McNay, Monroe
McRichie, William Kenneth Miller, Carolyn Murphy,
Mitch Newland, Anne Peacock, Denny Poff, Maria
Puckett, Christopher Puckett, Abbey Puckett, Lisa
Reynolds, Susan Riggs, Brooke Schmiesing, Mirian State,
Joey Sullivan, Roger Synovec, Doug VanDyke, Thelma
VanDyke, Lynn Vogt, Isabelle Wade, Logan
Westerhouse, Troy Williams, Kenneth Yost. Names will
remain on the list for 6 months unless you tell us to remove
them or request that they be kept longer.
Youth Ministries Office will be hosting a Coaches
orientation on Sunday, January 13 from
7-9:00 p.m. at the Aquinas Center (Deanery Center
attached to Providence High School). This is a one-time
attendance required training for all coaches and assistant
coaches. To register call the CYM Office at
812-945-2000 by Friday, January 11, 2012.
Upcoming High School Retreats- Offered by Catholic
Youth Ministries
Sophomore- January 12-13- Diving In
Grades 9-12- February 9-10- Catholic 101
Seniors – February 14-17 – Christian Awakening
Juniors- March 9 and 10 – On the Journey.
Registration forms are in the back of Church or contact
Juliann or Father Steve.
October Baby is the story of a 19 year old girl, who
finds out she is adopted and is the survivor of an
attempted abortion. She goes on a road trip to find
answers, locate her birth mother and ultimately
discover how powerful forgiveness can be. The
Aquinas Center has purchased a license to show this
film on January 20th, 2013 at 2:00pm in the
Providence High School Auditorium. It is open to
friends and families. Free will offering will be taken.
Come Pray for the Unborn.
MOMS – A ministry of mothers sharing their
experiences, taking time to discover and affirm all they are
today and all they desire to be. This program is offered at
the Deanery Aquinas Center to register please call 812945-2000.
Holy Family Theatre Group's 29th production
This season's performance is "Endless Summer" and the
next shows will be on January 18th and 19th in
Marchino Hall. Friday's performance is a family night and
the Saturday performance is for an adult only audience (21
and older). The doors open both nights at 6:45 p.m. and
the show starts at 7:30 p.m. Recommended donation:
$5.00 (adults) and $3.00 (High School and younger.) For
reservations call 812-948-2820 or 502-544-9731.
January 25 – 26 - Women’s Retreat, “Women of the
Scriptures – Revelations of God”. Friday night get
acquainted time 8PM. Saturday retreat day begins with
8:15AM Morning Prayers and concludes with 4:30PM
Mass of anticipation. Presenter: Brother Bob Baxter,
OFM Conv. Register early now by calling 812-923-8817.
February 9 -Couples Retreat Day, “Gifts for the
Journey”. Retreat day begins at 9AM with continental
breakfast and concludes with a Saturday evening Mass
followed by candle light dinner. Presentations by Dawn
and Sal Della Bella and Brother Bob Baxter, OFM Conv.
Visit our website and/or Facebook page for more
information. Call 812-923-8817 to register.
Question of the Week
The Epiphany, when the Magi visit Jesus, is not just an
event in the past. God still calls us, and there are many
people who still seek God. What do we seek?
Saturday, Jan. 19, at Huber’s Orchard, Winery &
Vineyard’s Plantation Hall. Our Lady of Providence Jr.Sr. High School will host its annual Gala on Jan. 19
beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Huber’s Orchard, Winery &
Vineyard’s Plantation Hall in Starlight. Cost is $65 per
person and includes dinner, live auction, silent auction,
and entertainment by Smokin’ Joe and the Mudflaps.
Providence alumnus Joe Dotson (’90) will emcee this
year’s event. This year’s Alumni Awards of Distinction
will honor Nicholas Sieveking ‘57, Ph.D., for Outstanding
Alumnus; James W. Robinson for Honorary Alumnus; and
Homer Ferree, M.D., for the Community Service Award.
Other highlights include the Blue Pride Wheel of Chance
and silent auction tables. The food buffet will be open
from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. To RSVP or for more
information, call 945-3350 or go to
Hosparus Southern Indiana needs volunteers and
will offer free training
Hosparus Southern Indiana needs patient care
volunteers who live in Clark, Crawford, Floyd,
Harrison, Scott and Washington counties. Hosparus
will offer free volunteer training, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.,
Saturday, January 26 (lunch is provided) at its New Albany
office, 624 E. Market St. To register or for more
information, contact Vonya Gresham at or 812-542-2809.
WELCOME – If you are new to St. Michael or St.
Francis Xavier Parish we are happy to welcome you
into our family and hope you enjoy a pleasant
experience as you worship with us. If you would like
to become a member of the Parish family registration
forms and offering envelopes are available by calling
the Rectory 256-3200.
Rejoice in the Lord Always...
812-256-3503 Rita Poff Director
Mon-Fri. 7AM-6PM
Infant Care/Day Care: Full or part time
Before & After Care: ages 6-12
Summer Camp: ages 6-12
Pre-School: 9-11:30AM Tues. & Thurs.
Pre-K: 9-11:30AM or 12:30-3PM Mon. Wed. & Fri.
Full Day Accredited Kindergarten: 8:20AM-2:40PM
Other Catholic Schools:
Pre-K thru Grade 6: St. Paul 246-3266
Grades 7-12: Our Lady of Providence 945-2538