SESSF Total Allowable Catch recommendations for the 2014-15 season Introduction This paper outlines AFMA Management’s recommendations for total allowable catches (TACs) for species in the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) for the 2014-15 season, commencing 1 May 2014. This paper is to provide you with an opportunity to consider AFMA Management’s TAC recommendations before the South East Management Advisory Committee (SEMAC) TAC meeting on 30-31 January 2014. If you have any questions or comments, please raise them with the relevant member of SEMAC ( or AFMA Manager (Marcus Finn for Trawl and Great Australian Bight on 02 6225 5433 or David Power for Gillnet, Hook and Trap on 02 6225 5475). SEMAC will not be discussing Bight Redfish and Deepwater Flathead which are considered by the Great Australian Bight Industry Association (GABIA) and the Great Australian Bight Management Advisory Committee (GABMAC). The commentary below summarises some of the issues considered by SESSF Resource Assessment Groups (RAGs) and AFMA Management in making its TAC recommendations. Also relevant are stock assessment outcomes, harvest strategy control rules, TAC setting principles and rebuilding strategies. This paper does not represent the views of the AFMA Commission and the Commission may make decisions that are different to the AFMA Management recommendations in this paper. GABIA will assess the changes to catch rates of Great Australian Bight (GAB) species. SESSF Harvest Strategy Framework, stock assessment methods and TAC setting process in 2012 The SESSF Harvest Strategy Framework (HSF) uses harvest control rules to determine a recommended biological catch (RBC) for each stock in the SESSF quota management system. HSF rules are then applied to the RBCs to derive the TAC recommendations by AFMA Management The HSF has been updated a number of times, most recently in 2013, and is available on the AFMA website at Calculating the TAC Step 1: Calculating a Recommended Biological Catch (RBC) The RBCs are developed by SESSF RAGs. Under the HSF, stocks are assigned to one of three tier levels depending on how much information is known about them. Tier 1 stocks have the highest level of information and this information is used in a stock assessment model to estimate the size of the stock. Assessments for Tier 3 stocks are based on AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 2 estimates of fishing mortality, while Tier 4 stock assessments are based on catch per unit effort (CPUE). The Tier 2 level is no longer used. Step 2: Commonwealth RBCs For most species, the Commonwealth RBC (recommended biological catch for Commonwealth waters) is calculated by: applying a discount factor to RBCs for Tier 3 and Tier 4 species due to the lower level of certainty in these assessments. As a default, the RBCs are discounted by 5% for Tier 3 species and 15% for Tier 4 species, unless there is precaution afforded through other measures subtracting discarded catch and catch taken by other sectors or jurisdictions (e.g. state and recreational sectors) from the RBC. Step 3: Total Allowable Catch (TAC) Under the Small and Large Change Limiting rules, the Commonwealth TACs are prevented from changing by small (less than 10% or 50t) or large (more than 50%) amounts from year to year. While AFMA Management recommendations generally reflect a direct application of the harvest control rules and TAC setting principles, in some cases other considerations have been taken into account. Three species – Blue Warehou, Eastern Gemfish and School Shark – are subject to rebuilding strategies and incidental catch TACs. This means that there is no targeted fishing for these species. Orange Roughy is subject to the Orange Roughy Conservation Programme which sets out various management arrangements to protect the species. The programme is under review this year and AFMA will continue to work with industry to promote further rebuilding. Multi-Year TACs The use of multi-year TACs can reduce stock assessment costs and provide more stability around fluctuating TACs. When a multi-year TAC is set the RAGs develop indicators, or ‘break out rules’, to ensure that stocks remain within acceptable risk boundaries each year and are reassessed if necessary. Research Catch/Effort Allowance The AFMA Commission may allocate Research Catch Allowance (RCA) for research projects. The amount of RCA is determined in accordance with the AFMA Research Catch and Effort Allowance Policy and is allocated within the recommended sustainable AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 3 catch of that species. This can either be included within, or in addition to, the TACs. Changes in amounts of research catch between fishing years may cause variations in multi-year TACs. Research Catch Allowance for the Fishery Independent Surveys (FIS) is to be determined after a survey has taken place. That is, the actual FIS research catch of each quota species is deducted from the next year’s TAC. There is a review trigger for this arrangement if the total catch (quota and/or non-quota species) for the FIS increases by 10% above the previous total FIS catch. If the trigger is reached, catches will be reviewed with input from RAGs. Overcatch and undercatch Overcatch and undercatch provisions can be set at up to 10% of the TAC to allow flexibility between fishing seasons. The amount of quota over caught (or under caught) in a fishing year will be subtracted from (or added to) the operator’s quota allocation for that species in the following season. The RAGs make recommendations to the AFMA Commission on the overcatch and undercatch amounts to be applied. Alternative target reference point TACs for most SESSF species currently reflect the target level for maximum economic yield (MEY) for that individual species by using an MEY proxy of 48% of the unfished spawning biomass. SESSFRAG has proposed that, instead of setting each individual species’ TAC based on an MEY target, the objective of maximising economic returns is better pursued by setting TACs for some secondary species (commercially less important and not generally targeted) at a biological target of 40% of unfished spawning biomass. This year, following recommendations from SEMAC and SESSFRAG last year, AFMA Management are proposing 40% targets for Ocean Perch and Ribaldo. The aim is to achieve biologically sustainable catches, but not unduly restrict the ability to achieve MEY for key target species. Other secondary species may move to alternative targets in future seasons consistent with the Commonwealth Harvest Strategy Policy (HSP). Individual species summaries Please note that those species with (MYTAC) next to them are recommended for a multiyear TAC. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 4 1.1. Alfonsino (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 AFMA 2014/15 Change from C’wealth TAC 2013/14 RBC recommendation 89t 1125t 3 1 year: 1070t 1017t 3 year: 1070t 1017t (1st year -108t of a 3 year MYTAC) In 2013, the Tier 3 assessment was updated with additional age data. SlopeRAG considered that the Alfonsino stock extends beyond the Australian Fishing Zone (AFZ) to the high seas. For this reason, high seas catch just outside the AFZ was considered as part of the assessment. In recommending the RBC, the RAG took a biologically conservative approach and subtracted high seas catches from the RBC. The RAG agreed with the assessment and the application of the 5% Tier 3 discount factor to recommend a three year RBC of 1070 tonnes, with a review to occur if catches increase to over 70% of TAC. Consistent with the RAG advice, after deducting the discount factor, AFMA Management recommends setting a TAC of 1017 tonnes for the 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 seasons. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.2. Blue-eye Trevalla 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 332t 388t 4 2014/15 RBC 269t 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 229t 229t -119t A single stock is assumed for Blue-eye Trevalla across the SESSF. Trends in catch rates differ between the eastern and western part of the fishery, with catch rates in the west being variable with a relatively flat trend, while eastern catch rates have exhibited depletion over the last 5 years. The RAG also noted that, while adults stayed near specific features (e.g. seamounts) for relatively long periods of time, there was enough juvenile and adult movement to allow the RBC to apply for the entire fishery. In making recommendations for 2014-15, the RAG noted that last year it did not have sufficient confidence in the Tier 4 assessment to use it for an RBC recommendation. Instead, the 2012-13 RBC was continued through to 2013-14 with recommendations for additional scientific work around the effect of Killer Whales, the New Zealand experience with Blue-eye Trevalla and the effects of closures and fishing on seamounts. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 5 Although this additional work was undertaken, some uncertainties with the assessment remain. In 2013, the Tier 4 assessment treated eastern and western zones separately to better account for spatial differences in stock depletion. The RAG noted that the assessment did not account for the potential influence of Killer Whale depletion of catches or the effect of recent spatial closures, and so was inherently conservative. For this reason, and the additional precaution provided by closures, the RAG recommended that the default Tier 4 discount factor of 15% should not apply to TAC-setting for 2014-15. The RAG recommended that Blue-eye Trevalla be reassessed in 2014 to allow the effect of spatial closures and Killer Whales to be better dealt with, but noted that there was currently a lack of information available to treat Killer Whale depredation in an evidencebased manner. Consistent with the RAG’s advice, AFMA Management recommends that the TAC be set at 229 tonnes for one fishing season (2014-15). It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10% and that no discount factor be applied. 1.3. Blue Grenadier (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC 3718t 5208t 1 1 year: 8810t 8065t year) 3 year: 8810t AFMA 2014/15 Change TAC from recommendation 2013/14 (3 7812t (1st year +2604t after large change rule) 8810t (2nd and 3rd year) 5 year: 8677t In 2013, the 2011 assessment was updated with new data up to 2012. The updated assessment estimated a large recruitment event in 2010 which provides an optimistic outlook but will need to be monitored to see if it flows through to future catches. The stock was assessed as being above the target reference point (at 77% of unfished biomass in 2012) and trending upwards. In 2014 the stock is estimated to be at 90% of unfished biomass. The RAG recommended a: one year RBC of 8065 tonnes; three year RBC of 8810 tonnes; or five year RBC of 8677 tonnes. SlopeRAG recommended a review of the Blue Grenadier multi-year TAC if: AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 6 the most recent observed value for the standardised non-spawning CPUE falls outside of the 95% confidence interval of the value for the standardised nonspawning CPUE predicted by the most recent Tier 1 stock assessment; or the most recent observed value for the standardised non-spawning CPUE from the acoustic survey falls outside of the 95% confidence interval of the value for the standardised non-spawning CPUE predicted from the acoustic survey (when survey values are available); or less than 70% of the TAC was caught; or the observed age composition is significantly different to that projected. AFMA Management recommends a TAC of 7812t in the 2014-15 season (after applying the large change limiting rule), and 8810t in the 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.4. Blue Warehou 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 Tier TAC (incidental) 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 48t 118t 0t 0t 118t 4 0t ShelfRAG noted that Blue Warehou was being assessed for listing under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) for decision by 30 September 2014. A workshop was held on 22-23 April 2013 to assist in determining a suitable index of abundance and ensure the best possible recovery estimates for Blue Warehou. The workshop noted difficulties with using CPUE as index and recommended looking at the Tier 4 assessment in more detail, in addition to alternative approaches. The Tier 4 assessment showed that standardised catch rates remain below the limit reference points for both the east and west stocks, resulting in an RBC of 0t. The RAG recommended continuing the incidental catch of 118t. No overcatch and undercatch provisions were recommended because the TAC is set at a level intended to allow landing of incidental catches only. The discount factor does not apply to species under an incidental catch TAC. ShelfRAG noted that there appeared to be low levels of targeted fishing however the RAG had less confidence in the targeting analysis this year than previous years given the very low catch levels. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 7 Consistent with the advice of ShelfRAG, AFMA Management recommends that the incidental TAC be set at 118 tonnes with no percentage determined for overcatch or undercatch. 1.5. Bight Redfish (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 267t 2358t 1 na na 2358t (3rd year of 0t a three year MYTAC) The 2014-15 season is the final year of a three year TAC for Bight Redfish. In 2013, GABRAG considered the following breakout rules for Bight Redfish that were developed in 2011: if the most recent observed value for the standardised CPUE falls outside of the 95% confidence interval of the value for the CPUE predicted by the most recent Tier 1 stock assessment; or if the most recent observed value for the CPUE from the Fishery Independent Survey falls outside of the 95% confidence interval of the value for the CPUE predicted from the Fishery Independent Survey (when survey values are available). GABRAG reviewed data from the fishery and agreed that Bight Redfish had not breached the breakout rules but noted lower catch in recent years. The age frequency data did not give rise to concerns. Consistent with GABRAG advice, AFMA Management recommends continuing with the final year of the existing three year TAC of 2358 tonnes. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 8 1.6. Deepwater Flathead (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 948t 1150t 1 2014/15: 1,146t 2014/15: 1,146t 2015/16: 1,122t 2015/16: 1,122t 1,150t (1st year 0t of a three year MYTAC) 2016/17: 1,112t 2016/17: 1,112t In 2013, the Tier 1 assessment gave an RBC of 1146 tonnes, with the long term RBC of 1016 tonnes. GABRAG recommended a multi-year RBC of 1146 tonnes in 2014-15, 1122 tonnes in 2015-16 and 1112 tonnes in 2016-17. The RAG also recommended a review of the multi-year TAC if: the most recent observed value for the standardised CPUE falls outside of the 95% confidence interval of the value for the CPUE predicted by the most recent Tier 1 stock assessment; or the most recent observed value for the CPUE from the Fishery Independent Survey falls outside of the 95% confidence interval of the value for the CPUE predicted from the Fishery Independent Survey (when survey values are available). Consistent with GABRAG advice, AFMA Management recommends a three year TAC of 1150 tonnes in the 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons (after applying the small change limiting rule). It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.7. Deepwater shark basket – east (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC 27t 85t 4 1 year: 78t 3 year: 47t 3 year: 47t AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 47t (1st year of a -38t 3 year MYTAC) AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 9 The RAG noted that catches of deepwater shark eastern basket have remained low because of large depth closures covering much of the stock. The RAG noted concerns that the CPUE was determined from a small area of the stock that was open to fishing and that this may not be representative of the whole stock. The CPUE trend is declining and is currently below the target. In 2013, the updated Tier 4 assessment produced an RBC of 78 tonnes for 2014-15. The RAG recommended: a one year RBC of 78 tonnes; or a three year RBC of 47 tonnes. This RBC was recommended on the basis of the average of the three most recent CPUE points (instead of the most recent four points as is normally the case– see below) on a precautionary basis. The RAG recommended a review of the three year TAC if catches in the second and third years of the multi-year TAC are lower than the average catch of the last three years. The RAG agreed that existing closures in the fishery provided sufficient precaution for the stock and recommended that the 15% Tier 4 discount not apply. It agreed that 10% overcatch and undercatch should apply. Consistent with the advice of SlopeRAG, AFMA Management recommends that the TAC be set at 47 tonnes for each of the next three years. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 10 1.8. Deepwater shark basket – west (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change TAC from recommendation 2013/14 64t 215t 4 1 year: 3 year: 263t (1st year of +48t 300t 263t a 3 year MYTAC) 3 year: 263t Long term: 124t As with deepwater shark east, catches of deepwater shark west are constrained by deepwater closures. Standardised catch rates in the western zone are currently higher than catches rates in the reference period. The RAG recommended: a one year RBC of 300 tonnes; or a three year multi-year RBC of 263 tonnes, using the three most recent CPUE points on a conservative basis (as for Deepwater Shark East) with a review if catches in the second or third year are lower than the average catch over the last three years; or a long term RBC of 124 tonnes until catches reach this level. Consistent with the advice of SlopeRAG, AFMA Management recommends that a TAC be set at 263 tonnes for each of the next three years. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.9. Elephant Fish 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 72t 109t 4 116t 116t 109t 0t SharkRAG noted that estimates of discards were improving over time, but that there was not currently a sufficient time series for including discards in the assessment. As a result Shark RAG selected the Tier 4 analysis without discards which was 116t. The RAG did not recommend a multi-year RBC on the basis that further information on discards is required. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 11 Despite being uncertain as to the index of abundance for Elephantfish, SharkRAG did not have concerns about the current status of the stock based on the available catch and effort information. SharkRAG did not recommend applying the Tier 4 discount of 15% because of closures in inshore areas and in South Australia. Consistent with the advice of SharkRAG, AFMA Management recommends that the TAC for the 2014-15 season be set at 109 tonnes after applying the small change limiting rule. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. Consistent with the RAG’s recommendation, AFMA Management recommends that no discount factor be applied. 1.10. Flathead (tiger) (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 AFMA 2014/15 Change from C’wealth TAC 2013/14 RBC recommendation 2701t 2750t 1 1 year: 3428t 2878t 3 year: 3334t 2878t (1st year +128t of a three year MYTAC) 5 year: 3252t In 2013 the 2010 Tier 1 assessment was updated to provide an estimate of stock status in 2014. Additional data included catch, discards, CPUE, length and age data, additional years of recruitment estimates and the Fishery Independent Survey results. The assessment estimates that current spawning biomass is at 50% of the unfished stock biomass, which is above the target of 40% of the unfished stock biomass. This reflects estimates of recent strong recruitment. The RAG recommended three possible RBCs: a one year RBC of 3428 tonnes; or a three year multi-year RBC of 3334 tonnes, using an average RBC over that period; or a five year multi-year RBC of 3252 tonnes, using an average RBC over that period. The RAG proposed a review of the multi-year TAC if: the most recent observed value for either the Danish seine or trawl methods’ standardised CPUE falls outside of the 95% confidence interval of the value for the CPUE predicted by the most recent Tier 1 stock assessment; or the actual total mortality is greater or less than the projected total mortality by more than 20%. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 12 Having considered the proposed RBCs and deducting State catches and discards, AFMA Management recommends a TAC for flathead of 2878 tonnes for three seasons; 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.11. Gemfish – East (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 Tier TAC (incidental) 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 63t 100t 0t 0t 100t (1st year of 0t a three year MYTAC) 1 This stock has been classified as overfished since the commencement of the Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS) (now the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES)) Stock Status Reports in 1992. Eastern Gemfish is currently listed as conservation dependent under the EPBC Act and is under a rebuilding strategy. No targeting has been permitted since 2002, but AFMA Management accepts that an incidental catch of Eastern Gemfish is likely to be taken in association with fishing for Mirror Dory and Blue Grenadier. The RAG noted that discard rates of Eastern Gemfish had declined substantially, and that discarding was now lower than landed catch. The RAG noted industry’s position that concession holders were doing a good job of avoiding Eastern Gemfish, and that a reduction to the incidental catch TAC may increase discarding without further reducing total fishing mortality. During 2013, AFMA Management revisited previous Tier 1 assessments to consider the impact of different levels of catch on stock status. That is, if catches were higher than has previously been reported, could the stock be more productive than estimated (such that if catches were controlled it would rebuild faster) or otherwise explain why the stock is not rebuilding. However, when a series of higher catches was included in the model, the impact was minor. The RAG agreed that Eastern Gemfish were a good candidate for a multi-year TAC, and recommended continuing the current incidental catch TAC of 100t for three years while monitoring total catch and catch rates for significant variation. AFMA Management considers a TAC of 100t to be appropriate to minimise targeting and reduce the amount of discards. AFMA Management recommends an incidental TAC of 100t for the 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons, to be managed under the Eastern AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 13 Gemfish Rebuilding Strategy. It also recommends that no overcatch or undercatch percentage be set for the 2013-14 fishing season. 1.12. Gemfish – West (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 54t 199t 1 3 year: 247t 183t 199t (1st year of 0t a three year MYTAC) Western Gemfish occur within the Commonwealth Trawl Sector (CTS), Gillnet, Hook and Trap (GHAT) and Great Australian Bight (GAB) Trawl Sector. Western Gemfish caught under CTS and GHAT concessions must be covered with quota, while the GAB Trawl Sector that operates in the western part of the fishery is managed under a trigger limit. Two assessments were completed for Western Gemfish in 2013: a Tier 1 assessment that covers the entire SESSF stock of Western Gemfish (i.e. GAB, CTS and GHAT) a Tier 4 assessment that uses data from the quota-managed portion of the Western Gemfish distribution (approximately Kangaroo Island east to Tasmania). GABRAG considered the updated Tier 1 assessment for Western Gemfish but noted some uncertainty with catch rates, sensitivity to length frequency data, stock structure and where and when spawning fish occur. The Tier 1 assessment produced an RBC for the entire Western Gemfish distribution in the SESSF of 676 tonnes. The Tier 4 assessment was conducted using data from the CTS and GHAT zones where Western Gemfish are caught (western Tasmania and western Victoria). Given the additional work the RAG recommended for the Tier 1 assessment, the lack of an agreed mechanism to split the Tier 1 RBC for the entire Western Gemfish distribution into GAB and CTS/GHAT components, and because the Tier 4 assessment applies specifically to the area of the quota-managed fishery, the RAG agreed to use the Tier 4 assessment to recommend the RBC. In recommending an RBC for the CTS/GHAT, GABRAG used the Tier 4 assessment to recommend: a one year RBC of 346 tonnes; or a three year multi-year RBC of 247 tonnes, reflecting catch rates over the reference period. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 14 AFMA Management recommends a TAC for Western Gemfish of 199 tonnes for three seasons, 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.13. Gummy Shark (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 1373t 1836t 1 3 year: 2010t 1918t 1836 (1st year of 0t a three year MYTAC) Based on the updated stock assessment conducted in 2013, SharkRAG recommended a three year RBC of 2010 tonnes. This included a model scenario with 75% of South Australian catch caught on longlines and close to 100% of catch caught with gillnets for the remainder of the fishery. This reflects the current and expected fishing activity. After adjusting for State allocations, the RBC of 2010 tonnes would produce a Commonwealth TAC of 1918 tonnes. However, the RAG expressed the need for caution when increasing the Commonwealth TAC above the current level of 1836 tonnes and noted that in setting the TAC the following factors should be taken into account: reported catches of shark from holders of State issued Marine Scalefish concessions in South Australia have been high (161 tonnes) and there remains uncertainty regarding the species identification of these catches. AFMA and the RAG is currently seeking further clarification on catches of Gummy Shark from South Australian endorsed fishers catch has never been sustained for TACs set above 1900 tonnes and catches at this level have historically driven down catch rates and resulted in reductions in TACs in following years hook catches in the fishery have increased and further increases are expected. The size selectivity and availability of hooks for Gummy Shark remains uncertain. The model is very sensitive to changes in both of these parameters and currently presumes an even catch distribution for all age classes of Gummy Shark. A shift in the selectivity for hooks demonstrating older sharks dominate catch would see a dramatic decline in the RBC for the fishery. SharkRAG is currently seeking more data on these parameters and recommends a precautionary approach until further data is obtained. SharkRAG recommended a review of the multi-year TACs if: AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 15 standardised CPUE moves outside the 50-percentile range (catch rates impact on economics and bycatch) in Bass Strait; or catches fall below 1200 tonnes (providing an indication of reduced recruitment); or length frequencies from the line catch change significantly from the model parameters. SharkRAG recommended that an overcatch and undercatch limit of 10% apply. Consistent with the RAG advice, AFMA Management recommends that the TAC be continued at 1836 tonnes for 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17. AFMA Management also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.14. Jackass Morwong (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 350t 568t 1 2 years: 624t 598t 568t (1st year of a 0t two year MYTAC) In 2013, the assessment was updated using actual catches from 2011 and 2012, and estimated catches for 2013. The 2014 spawning biomass was estimated at: 40% of the unfished spawning biomass in the east, giving an RBC of 400t 68% of the unfished spawning biomass in the west, giving an RBC of 292t. The RAG recommended an RBC of 624 tonnes for each of the next two years, which is the same as the current TAC after adjustments for overcatch. This is lower than the RBC of 692 tonnes produced under the 2013 assessment. The RAG adopted this lower recommendation because the eastern part of the stock is rebuilding. The RAG recommended a review of the multi-year TAC if: the most recent observed value for the standardised CPUE falls outside of the 95% confidence interval of the value for the CPUE predicted by the most recent Tier 1 stock assessment; or the catch exceeds the RBCs in either the east or west. AFMA Management recommends that, after subtracting State catch and discards from the RBC and applying the small change limiting rule, the TAC be set at 568 tonnes for 201415 and 2015-16. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 16 1.15. John Dory (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 78t 221t 3 n/a n/a 221t (3rd year of 0t a three year MYTAC) John Dory is currently in the second year of a three year TAC of 221 tonnes. ShelfRAG noted that the observed catch rates for John Dory were within the forecast limits, not triggering this or any other of its breakout rules. AFMA Management recommends continuing the multi-year TAC of 221 tonnes. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.16. Mirror Dory 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 380t 1616t 4 680t 414t 808t -808t The Tier 3 assessment was not accepted by ShelfRAG because of a lack of representative sampling data. The RAG recommended an RBC of 680t for 2014-15 using the Tier 4 assessment. ShelfRAG did not recommend a multi-year TAC be applied because of the apparent high variability of the stock and the lack of a stable assessment. AFMA Management recommends, after applying the 15% discount factor and the large change limiting rule, the TAC be set at 808 tonnes. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 17 1.17. Ocean Perch (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 199t 195t 4 3 year: 385t 194t 195t (1st year of a 0t three year MYTAC) Ocean Perch is assessed as two stocks, inshore and offshore. The inshore stock is generally regarded as a bycatch species (80% discards) while the offshore stock is occasionally discarded. Inshore Ocean Perch was defined as those catches from depths of 0 – 200 m. ShelfRAG recommended that the allocation of separate quota be investigated for the two species. Ocean Perch are generally not targeted with only 15% of catch taken during targeted fishing in 2006, and are not key economic drivers of the fishery. Using the single-species maximum economic yield target of 48% of unfished biomass for Ocean Perch has the potential to constrain catches of Pink Ling, Mirror Dory and Blue Grenadier. Therefore, to maximise the economic returns for the SESSF as a whole, SESSFRAG and SEMAC recommended in 2012 that Ocean Perch be managed as a secondary species with a target reference point equivalent to 40% of unfished biomass rather than a maximum economic yield reference point of 48% of unfished biomass. Consistent with this, the RAG recommended a three year RBC of 385 tonnes using a target of B40 based on target catch rates during the reference period of: inshore: 102 tonnes offshore: 283 tonnes. ShelfRAG recommended the Tier 4 discount factor of 15% be applied. AFMA Management recommends, after applying the 15% discount factor and the small change limiting rule, that the TAC be set at 195 tonnes for the 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.18. Orange Roughy – General The Orange Roughy Conservation Programme (ORCP) specifies that only targeted fishing activities required to support research and to monitor the recovery of Orange Roughy stocks in the south-east (which under the ORCP includes the western zone) can be conducted. These research and monitoring activities can only be undertaken within defined fishing areas such as St Helens Hill and St Patrick’s Head, Maatsuyker and Pedra Branca. Since the introduction of the ORCP, the TACs for southern, eastern and western AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 18 zone Orange Roughy have been established on the basis of the incidental catch taken as a result of fishing for other species. Under the ORCP, targeting Orange Roughy is allowed only on the Cascade Plateau. The ORCP is being reviewed however the review will not affect the setting of the 2014-15 TACs. 1.19. Orange Roughy – South 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 18t 35t 1 0t 0t 35t 0t The assessment for the Southern Zone has not been updated since 2000, and calculations in 2005 recommended an RBC of 0t for this fishery. TACs have been set on levels that recognise the incidental catch while fishing for other species. Available information indicates that 35t will cover incidental catch in the southern zone and does not impede recovery of the stock. SlopeRAG agreed that the 35t TAC should be maintained for the 2014-15 fishing season. Consistent with the ORCP and SlopeRAG advice, AFMA Management recommends maintaining the TAC at 35 tonnes for the 2014-15 fishing season, and that no provisions for undercatch/overcatch be applied. 1.20. Orange Roughy – East 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 3t 25t 1 0t 0t 25t 0t The last agreed assessment for Eastern Zone Orange Roughy was in 2006. More recently, assessments have not been agreed because of conflict between ageing estimates in the model and results of acoustic surveys. The RAG noted that both the assessment and the acoustic surveys show the biomass is trending up but they differ in the current depletion level. SlopeRAG recommended a Tier 1 assessment be undertaken in 2014. The RAG acknowledged that the current TAC of 25t in the eastern zone is adequate to cover any incidental catch and will not impede the recovery of the stock. SlopeRAG therefore recommended that the 25t TAC should be maintained for the 2014-15 fishing season. Consistent with SlopeRAG advice and the ORCP, AFMA Management recommends maintaining the TAC at 25t, and that no provisions for undercatch/overcatch be applied for the 2013/14 fishing season. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 19 1.21. Orange Roughy – West 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 26t 60t 1 0t 0t 60t 0t The situation for the western stock is similar to that for the east. Available information indicates that the current TAC of 60t in the western zone will cover any unavoidable incidental catch and does not impede the recovery of the stock. Accordingly, SlopeRAG recommended that the 60t TAC be maintained for the 2014-15 season. Consistent with SlopeRAG advice and the ORCP, AFMA Management recommends maintaining the TAC at 60t, and that no provision for undercatch/overcatch be included for the 2014-15 fishing season. 1.22. Orange Roughy – Cascade Plateau 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 6t 500t 1 n/a n/a 500t 0t The stock structure of Orange Roughy in the Australian Fishing Zone is currently uncertain. However based on existing data, the Cascade Plateau is regarded as a separate stock for management purposes. The ORCP requires that the biomass in the Cascade Plateau Zone be kept above 60% of the unfished biomass. The last formal stock assessment for Orange Roughy on the Cascade Plateau was in 2009 using revised data to 2005. This assessment estimated the biomass of Orange Roughy to be at 63% of unfished levels in 2011. SlopeRAG recommended rolling over the TAC, noting low effort and a lack of new data. The RAG also recommended 10% undercatch/overcatch be applied for the 2013/14 season. Consistent with the ORCP and SlopeRAG’s advice, AFMA Management recommends that the TAC be maintained at 500t. AFMA Management also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 20 1.23. Orange Roughy – Albany & Esperance 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 0t 50t 1 n/a n/a 50t 0t The current arrangements for Orange Roughy from the Albany & Esperance zone include no commercial targeting of Orange Roughy, an incidental catch trigger of 10t per deepwater management zone, and closures over recognised Orange Roughy seamounts. GABRAG recommended maintaining the TAC at 50t to cover incidental catch on the basis that this posed little risk to the stock. GABRAG recommended that the Orange Roughy research program in the GAB trawl sector be continued in 2014-15 and that 200t of research allowance (in addition to the 50t TAC) be available for this purpose as the level of research catch posed little risk to the long term recovery of the species. Consistent with the ORCP and GABRAG advice, AFMA Management recommends maintaining the TAC at 50t (plus 200t research quota), and that no provisions for undercatch/overcatch be applied for the 2013-14 fishing season. 1.24. Oreo smooth – Cascade 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 0.5t 150t 4 n/a n/a 150t, until 0t catches reach 10t SlopeRAG noted that current low effort and catches on the Cascade Plateau meant that the Tier 4 assessment was not reliable. Therefore the RAG recommended maintaining the 2013-14 TAC of 150 tonnes until catches reach at least 10 tonnes. Consistent with SlopeRAG’s advice, AFMA Management recommends that the TAC be set at 150 tonnes and the TAC only be reassessed once the 10 tonne trigger is reached. AFMA Management also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 21 1.25. Oreo smooth – other 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 0.7 t 23t 4 n/a n/a 23t until catches 0t reach 10t SlopeRAG noted that deepwater closures have been influential on catches of this species, with most historical catch coming from areas that are now closed. The RAG noted that, due to current low catches, the Tier 4 assessment was not reliable. Consistent with last year’s advice the RAG recommended continuing the TAC of 23 tonnes and recommended not reviewing the assessment until catches exceed 10 tonnes. AFMA Management recommends that the TAC be set at 23 tonnes and the TAC only be reassessed once the 10 tonne trigger is reached. AFMA Management also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.26. Oreo basket (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 104t 132t 4 128t 128t 132t (1st year of a 0t three year MYTAC) The Oreo basket consists of Spikey Oreo, Warty Oreo, Black Oreo and Rough Oreo. SlopeRAG noted recent data includes the use of a general name Oreo Dory. The Tier 4 analysis uses data from areas currently open to fishing. Catch rates have been relatively stable since 2006. The Tier 4 analysis gave an RBC of 128 tonnes, which was accepted and recommended by SlopeRAG for one or three years. The RAG also recommended that, as in previous years, the precautionary 15% discount factor for Tier 4 assessments not be applied due to deepwater closures providing a greater level of precaution. Consistent with SlopeRAG advice AFMA Management recommends that, after the application of the small change limiting rule, the TAC be set at 132 tonnes for the 201415, 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons. AFMA Management also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 22 1.27. Pink Ling (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change TAC from recommendation 2013/14 991t 834t (combined east/west) 1 East: East: East: 349t -one year 122t (noting catch/recovery times in the table below). -three year 349t (using 400t catch from the table below) West: 647t West: West: -one year 807t -three 661t -three year 661t +162t (1st year of a three year MYTAC) year In 2013, the RAG agreed on an updated stock assessment model for Pink Ling that produced biomass estimates of: o west: 58% of unfished spawning biomass, giving a: one year RBC of 807 tonnes three year RBC of 661 tonnes o east: 26% of unfished spawning biomass, giving a one year RBC of 122 tonnes and catch and rebuilding estimates of: Annual catch (t) B2015/B0 B2020/B0) P(B2015> B2013) P(B2020> B2013) P(B2015< 0.2) P(B2020< 0.2) Rebuild year to B48 0 0.33 0.56 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 2019 250 0.30 0.44 0.98 0.99 0.04 0.00 2022 300 0.30 0.42 0.96 0.99 0.05 0.01 2024 350 0.29 0.39 0.93 0.97 0.07 0.02 2026 400 0.28 0.37 0.88 0.93 0.09 0.04 2029 450 0.28 0.35 0.82 0.90 0.11 0.07 2034 500 0.27 0.32 0.75 0.82 0.14 0.11 2047 AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 23 Where: B2015 means the biomass estimate in 2015. B0 means unfished biomass. P means probability. 0.2 means 20% of unfished biomass, the limit reference point. Rebuild year means at least a 50% probability of being at or above the target reference point of 48% of the unfished biomass. In 2014-15, AFMA is seeking to manage the eastern and western zones separately. For this reason, AFMA Management recommends for the 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 fishing seasons: an eastern zone TAC of 349 tonnes.1 This allows for incidental catch of Pink Ling to be landed instead of discarded, while having a less than 10% chance of breaching the limit reference point in 2015 or 2020. This allows for rebuilding to the target reference point in less than a generation plus 10 years, an example rebuilding time provided in the Commonwealth Fisheries Harvest Strategy Policy. a western zone TAC of 647 tonnes. If it is not possible to manage Pink Ling with separate east and west quota, AFMA Management recommends a combined east and west TAC of 996 tonnes for 2014-15, with alternative controls to restrict catches in the east to below 349 tonnes. AFMA Management also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.28. Redfish 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC 67t 276t 3 0t (using 0t Tier 4) AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 138t -138t Similarly to last year, in 2013 ShelfRAG considered a: 1 Tier 3 assessment, which reflects an age and size structure indicative of a healthy stock. This assessment suggests that fishing has not had a significant impact on the stock with older fish in the population and evidence of new recruitment. Based on an annual constant catch of 400 tonnes in the east less State catch and discards. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 24 Tier 4 assessment, which suggested that catch rates have been decreasing, and that the stock is currently below the limit reference point. The RAG expressed concern that for a number of years, catches and the CPUE for Redfish have been declining, and that this change had not been reflected in the Tier 3 assessment. The RAG noted that catches had been declining since 1998, and CPUE had declined over a long period of time to a historically low level in 2012. The RAG noted that natural refuges may mean significant numbers of fish are not available to trawl effort which might explain the difference between assessments. Further, industry members of the RAG had previously noted that Redfish is subject to variable availability. Given the long term declines in catch and CPUE, the RAG noted that it was becoming increasingly important that a Tier 1 assessment be completed. ShelfRAG took a precautionary approach and recommended the Tier 4 RBC of 0 tonnes for the 2014-15 season, noting that the large change limiting rule would give a TAC of 138 tonnes. This TAC is above landed catches since the 2011-12 season so would be unlikely to lead to increased discarding. Consistent with ShelfRAG advice AFMA Management recommends a TAC for Redfish of 138 tonnes. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.29. Ribaldo (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 114t 168t 4 355t 355t 2014-15 252t 2015-16 355t +84t (in year 1) 2016-17 355t Ribaldo has been assessed as a Tier 4 species since 2008. In 2013 the assessment was updated with the latest catch and effort data. SlopeRAG noted that trawl catch rates had been relatively stable from 2000 and auto-longline catch rates had been stable since 2005. Ribaldo are generally not targeted and are not key economic drivers of the fishery, with less than a quarter of Ribaldo catch being taken in targeted shots. Further, using the single-species maximum economic yield target of 48% of unfished biomass for Ribaldo has the potential to constrain catches of Deepwater Shark, Blue Grenadier, Pink Ling and oreos. Therefore, to maximise the economic returns for the SESSF as a whole, SESSFRAG and SEMAC recommended in 2012 that Ribaldo be managed as a secondary AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 25 species with a target reference point equivalent to 40% of unfished biomass rather than a maximum economic yield reference point of 48% of unfished biomass. Consistent with this reference point, SlopeRAG recommended a: one year RBC of 355 tonnes; or a three year RBC of 355 tonnes with a review if one or more of the following occur: o 70% or more of the TAC is caught o the trawl CPUE changes by 50% or more o there is a significant change in the proportion of catch by the line sector. The RAG recommended that a discount factor not apply because of the existing large closures for both trawl and auto-longline methods. Also, the review triggers were sufficient to trigger a review of the discount factor at the same time as the RBC. AFMA Management recommends a three year multi-year TAC, after applying the large change limiting rule, of 252 tonnes for 2014-15, 355 tonnes in 2015-16 and 2016-17. Consistent with the advice from SlopeRAG, AFMA Management recommends not applying the 15% discount factor because of the existing large closures for trawl and line methods applying in the area where Ribaldo occurs. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.30. Royal Red Prawn (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 184t 303t 4 3 year: 393t 382t 382t (1st year of a +79t three year MYTAC) The RAG recommended an RBC of 393t for a three year multi-year RBC, noting there has been a stable catch trend over at least the last 10 years. The RAG proposed the multiyear TAC be reviewed where there was a more than 50% change in standardised CPUE. As in previous years, ShelfRAG recommended not applying the default 15% Tier 4 discount factor due to external constraints on the fishery (i.e. processor implemented catch restrictions). This market limit on catches provides additional precaution for the species. The RAG recommended Research Catch Allowance for the Gulper Exclusion Project to offset costs of research trips and experimenting with new gear. This will be advised by the Principal Investigators. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 26 Consistent with ShelfRAG advice AFMA Management recommends, after subtracting state catch and discards from the RBC, that the TAC be set at 382 tonnes for the 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons (with Research Catch Allowance to be deducted from this amount). It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.31. Saw Shark 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 188t 339t 4 459t 459t 459t +120t In 2013, SharkRAG considered updated Tier 4 assessments using both gillnet and trawl catch rates. SharkRAG considered that the trawl catch rates provided a better index of the stock because gillnetters actively avoided the species. The RBC has been developed based on trawl data. A multi-year TAC was not recommended because it would be preferable to incorporate discards into the assessment when estimates of discards are more certain. SharkRAG recommended an RBC for 2014-15 of 459 tonnes. It also recommended an overcatch and undercatch of 10% be applied. The RAG recommended not using a discount factor because of significant area closures, particularly in South Australia, as they provide additional precaution for the stock. Consistent with the advice of SharkRAG, AFMA Management recommends that a TAC for the 2014-15 season be set at 459 tonnes. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10% and no discount factor be applied. 1.32. School Shark (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 111t 215t 1 0t 0t 215t (1st year of a 0t three year MYTAC) The most recent stock assessment for School Shark, completed in 2009, resulted in a biomass estimate below the limit reference point. This means that there can be no targeted fishing for School Shark and the RBC is 0 tonnes. However, in 2012 a School Shark Workshop found that the 2009 assessment could not be relied upon for estimates of AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 27 stock status, primarily because the index of abundance for School Shark was not reliable. Work is now being undertaken to develop a reliable index of abundance. SharkRAG recommended an incidental catch TAC of 215 tonnes for three years until the School Shark alternative index of abundance has been further progressed. In forming its best estimate of incidental catch at 215 tonnes, SharkRAG noted: the recorded catch in catch disposal records in the SESSF 2012 – 13 season of 111 tonnes the discards recorded by SESSF operators in logbooks in the 2012-13 season of 28 tonnes and the RAG view that there were significant unreported discards the estimated state catch of 29 tonnes. The RAG noted reducing the TAC below this level would be unlikely to reduce total mortality and may lead to unreported catch and further discards. While the 2009 assessment is not relied on by SharkRAG for current stock status, it does provide an indication of rebuilding timeframes at different levels of catch. With an incidental bycatch of 215 tonnes, the stock would be expected to recover to above the limit reference point (20% of unfished biomass) within 66 years (or less than three generations). This will allow the stock to continue to recover while work on establishing a reliable index of abundance continues. AFMA Management continues to apply the 20% rule to minimise targeting of School Shark and considers this an important component of the recovery of this species. The RAG recommended indicators to review the incidental TAC if: reported Commonwealth catch and ISMP discards reach 215 tonnes or fall below 120 tonnes; or a School Shark alternative index becomes available. Consistent with SharkRAG advice, AFMA Management recommends an incidental catch TAC for School Shark be set at 215 tonnes for the 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons with no overcatch and undercatch provision. 1.33. School Whiting 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 479t 809t 1 1660t 812t 809t 0t School Whiting is managed under a rolling, long-term RBC of 1660t, and is monitored each year against indicators for any significant risks to the stock. ShelfRAG set a longAFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 28 term RBC because the spawning biomass of School Whiting is particularly sensitive to recruitment variation and can vary significantly year-to-year. The RAG noted there was increasing catch of whiting by State trawlers working in waters off New South Wales. This State catch now represents a significant proportion of the total catch of School Whiting. From 1986 – 1996 the State catch averaged around 30% of total catch, but from 1997-2007 the State catch has increased and averaged around 60% of the total catch. The RAG also noted that the last formal Tier 1 assessment for School Whiting was completed four years ago, and noted that the development of the spatially explicit model would require at least two years before it could be used as a Tier 1 assessment. Consistent with ShelfRAG advice AFMA Management recommends, after subtracting state catches and discards from the RBC and applying the small change limiting rule, that the TAC be set at 809 tonnes. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.34. Silver Trevally (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 115t 781t 4 3 year: 791t 615t 615t (1st year of a -166t three year MYTAC) In considering the Tier 4 assessment, the RAG noted that the Batemans Bay Marine Park, which had previously been a significant catch area, is now closed to fishing. For this reason, the agreed assessment only uses catch rates from outside the closure. The RAG recommended: - a one year RBC of 858 tonnes under the HSF Tier 4 decision rule (based on the green line in the table below); or a three year RBC of 791 tonnes, based on catch rates during the reference period (based on the blue line in the table below). AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 29 The RAG recommended that the multi-year TAC be reviewed if one or more of the following apply: if the total catch in a season exceeds 500 tonnes; or if there were significant changes to CPUE (the RAG could not objectively identify an appropriate percentage change at this stage, but agreed to monitor CPUE data to assess any potential risk to the stock). The RAG noted that the proposed SESSF Monitoring and Assessment Research Project would provide further guidance for setting multi-year TACs for Tier 4 species. As for previous years, the RAG recommended that the 15% Tier 4 discount factor not apply because significant closed areas reduced the portion of stock available to fishing at any time. Consistent with ShelfRAG advice, AFMA Management recommends setting the TAC, after deducting discards and state catches, at 615 tonnes for each of the next three years. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. 1.35. Silver Warehou (MYTAC) 2012/13 Catch 2013/14 TAC Tier 2014/15 RBC 2014/15 C’wealth RBC AFMA 2014/15 Change from TAC 2013/14 recommendation 722t 2329t 1 n/a n/a 2329t (2nd year of 0t a three year MYTAC) In 2013-14, Silver Warehou was on the first year of a three year multi-year TAC with a review to occur if one or more of the following breakout rules applies: AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 30 if the most recent observed value for the standardised CPUE falls outside of the 95% confidence interval of the value for the CPUE predicted by the most recent Tier 1 stock assessment if discards exceed 20% of the TAC if age composition of the Silver Warehou stock is significantly different from that predicted by the model if the proportion of the TAC caught differs by more than 20% from the average over the last three years. During 2012, the first break out rule was triggered with catch rates falling outside predicted levels. In response a new Tier 1 assessment was completed with no significant changes to the stock identified. The first break out rule was again triggered in 2013. The RAG recommended not redoing a Tier 1 stock assessment because it appeared there were inconsistencies in the assessment model interpreting different data rather than concerns with the stock. The RAG recommended that the multi-year TAC continue but that it would be beneficial to review the assessment when resources were available to do so. Consistent with SlopeRAG’s advice, AFMA Management recommends maintaining the three year multi-year TAC of 2329 tonnes. It also recommends that the percentage for undercatch and overcatch be determined at 10%. Non quota species Section 15 of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Management Plan 2003 provides that AFMA may determine a TAC for non-quota species. Boarfish and Orange Roughy within the East Coast Deepwater Trawl (ECDWT) Sector are the only species for which non-quota TACs are currently set. The non-quota TACs for these two species act as a trigger limit with the main management strategy being to limit targeting of Boarfish and Orange Roughy in this sector. If catches exceed the nonquota species TACs for the season the fishery (sector) will be closed. Due to low fishing effort producing no catches of Boarfish and Orange Roughy in the ECDWT Sector, SlopeRAG recommended the trigger limits for these species continue at their present level of Boarfish 200 tonnes and Orange Roughy 50 tonnes. Consistent with the RAG advice AFMA Management recommends the TACs for ECDWT Boarfish and Orange Roughy be maintained at previous amounts as per the table below. AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 31 Non-quota species Total Allowable Catch Whole weight Boarfish 200 tonnes (trigger limit) Orange Roughy 50 tonnes Whole weight (incidental catch) AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 32 Summary Table of AFMA Recommendations for quota species Species Alfonsino 2012/13 Catch (t) 2013/14 TAC (t) Tier 89t 1125t 3 2014/15 RBC (t) 1 year: 1070t 2014/15 C’wealth RBC (t) AFMA 2014/15 TAC recommendation (t) 1017t 1017t (1st year of -108t a three year MYTAC) 3 year: 1070t Change from 2013/14 (t) Blue eye Trevalla 332t 388t 4 269t 229t 229t Blue Grenadier 3718t 5208t 1 1 year: 8065t 8810t (3 year) 7812t (1st year +2604t after large change rule) 8810t (2nd and 3rd year) 3 year: 8810t 5 year: 8677t -119t Blue Warehou 48t 118t 4 0t 0t 118t Bight Redfish 267t 2358t 1 na na 2358t (3rd year of 0t three year MYTAC) Deepwater Flathead 948t 1150t 1 2014/15: 1146t 2014/15: 1146t 2015/16: 1122t 2015/16: 1150t (1st year of 0t three year MYTAC) 2016/17: 1112t 0t 1122t 2016/17: 1112t Deepwater 27t Shark Basket East 85t Deepwater 64t Shark Basket – West 215t 4 1 year: 78t 3 year: 47t 4 1 year: 300t 3 year: 263t 3 year: 47t 47t (1st year of a -38t three year MYTAC) 3 year: 263t 263t (1st year of a +48t three year MYTAC) Longterm:124t AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 33 Species 2012/13 Catch (t) 2013/14 TAC (t) Tier Elephant Fish 72t 109t 4 Flathead (tiger) 2701t 2750t 1 2014/15 2014/15 C’wealth RBC (t) AFMA 2014/15 TAC recommendation (t) Change from 2013/14 (t) 116t 116t 109t 0t 1 year: 3428t 2878t 2878t (1st year of +128t a three year MYTAC) RBC (t) 3 year: 3334t 5 year: 3252t Gemfish - 63t east 100t 1 0t 0t 100t Gemfish - 54t west 199t 1 3 year: 247t 183t 199t (1st year of a 0t three year MYTAC) Gummy Shark 1373t 1836t 1 3 year: 2010t 1918t 1836t (1st year of 0t a three year MYTAC) Jackass Morwong 350t 568t 1 2 year: 642t 598t 568t John Dory 78t 221t 3 na na 221t (3rd year of a 0t three year MYTAC) Mirror Dory 380t 1616t 4 680t 414t 808t Ocean Perch 199t 195t 4 3 year: 385t 194t 195t (1st year of a 0t three year MYTAC) Orange Roughy southern 18t 35t 1 0t 0t 35t 0t Orange Roughyeastern 3t 25t 1 0t 0t 25t 0t AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 34 0t 0t -808t Species 2012/13 Catch (t) 2013/14 TAC (t) Tier Orange Roughy western 26t 60t 1 Orange Roughy Cascade 6t 500t Orange 0t Roughy Albany & Esperance Oreo, Smooth – Cascade Oreo, Smooth Other 2014/15 2014/15 C’wealth RBC (t) AFMA 2014/15 TAC recommendation (t) Change from 2013/14 (t) 0t 0t 60t 0t 1 na na 500t 0t 50t 1 na na 50t 0t 0.5t 150t 4 na na 150t (until 0t catches reach 10t) 0.7t 23t 4 na na 23t (until catches reach 10t) 0t Oreo, Basket 104t 132t 4 128t 128t 132t 0t Pink ling 991t 834t (combined east/west) 1 East: one year 1222t (noting catch/recovery times in the table below) East: three year 349t (using 400t catch from table pp. 20) East: 349t +162t RBC (t) - West: -one year 807t -three 661t year West: 647t West: -three year 661t Redfish 67t 276t 3 0t (using Tier 4) 0t 138t AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 35 -138t Species Ribaldo 2012/13 Catch (t) 2013/14 TAC (t) Tier 114t 168t 4 2014/15 RBC (t) 355t 2014/15 C’wealth RBC (t) AFMA 2014/15 TAC recommendation (t) Change from 2013/14 (t) 355t 2014-15: 252t +84t 2015-16: 355t 2016-17: 355t Royal Red Prawn 184t 303t 4 393t 382t 382t +79t Saw Shark 188t 339t 4 459t 459t 459t +120t School Shark 111t 215t 1 0t 0t 215t 0t School Whiting 479t 809t 1 1660t 812t 809t 0t Silver Trevally 115t 781t 4 791t 615t 615t (1st year of -166t three year MYTAC) Silver Warehou 722t 2329t 1 na na 2329t (2nd year of 0t a three year MYTAC) AFMA Management TAC recommendations for the 2014-15 fishing season 36