Acid-Base Virtual Field Trip

Name: _____________________
Science 10:
Acid – Base Virtual Field
Using appropriate websites, complete the following “quests” on your
field trip. You MAY NOT copy and paste into this document, rather you
are required to write the “quests” into your own words. Be sure to
include the website that you used at the end of your quest as you must
give credit to the original author/source. You are only given one
class period to work on this, this assignment is due tomorrow and will
be handed in.
1. Design one investigation to determine the characteristics of
acids and bases, including selecting and using appropriate
instruments for safely collecting evidence. This must be typed
up as a formal lab. Your job for this part of your field trip is
to find a lab that we can do as a class. You may also find a lab
and modify it if you think that we will get more out of the lab
when it is modified.
2. You must find 9 substances, for each substance you must do the
a. write down the name
b. indicate if it is an acid, base, or salt
c. tell me why, according to observable characteristics, it
falls into the category of either and acid, base or salt
d. write out the chemical formula for the substance
e. website
3. Investigate how certain substances, including those traditional
to First Nations and Métis cultures, can serve as acid-base
indicators. You must find 3 substances that FNM cultures used as
acid-base indicator and tell me why that substance was used as an
4. Describe how the pH scale is used to classify substances as
acidic, basic, or neutral. Give 5 examples of substances that are
acidic, 5 examples of substances that are basic, and 3 examples
of substances that are neutral – also tell me where each of them
fall on the pH scale and how they relate to one another (e.g.
Substance X is more acidic than substance Y because it X sits at
__ on the pH scale and Y sits at __ on the pH scale).
5. Name and write formulas for 10 common acids and 10 common bases,
using the periodic table, a list of ions, and rules for naming
Name: _____________________
acids and bases. Also indicate where each of these common acids
and bases would sit on the pH scale.