Call for Paper (2)

Call for Papers on “Fundamentals of
Intellectual Property Law”
Patron in Chief
Hon’ble Justice K.N Saikia
Former Judge Supreme Court of India
Hon’ble Dr.Justice V.S. Malimath
Former Chief Justice Kerala & Karnataka High Court
Prof. Shamnad Basheer
Founder and Managing Trustee, Increasing Diversity by Increasing Access, and
Founder, SpicyIP, India
Prof. Athira P.S
Director (i/c), Centre for Intellectual Property Rights,
National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Cochin.
Chief Editor
Prof.Aman Mishra,
New Law College,Pune
The Law Mantra Online Journal (ISSN: 2394-7829) is Monthly Double Blind Peer Review
Academic Journal, published online, that seeks to provide an interactive forum for the
publication of articles in the field of Law and Governance. The Journal is currently soliciting
submissions for special issue on Intellectual Property Law which will publish in Volume 2,
Issue 9. The submission deadline for Volume 2, Issue 9 is July 10, 2015. We welcome
submissions from academicians, practitioners, students, researchers and experts from within
the legal community. We have a strong preference for articles that assert and defend a wellreasoned position.
It is aimed at institutionalizing and channelling the analytical and incisive articles of students
towards value addition and developing inherent potentials of legal fraternity.
The Themes for Call for Paper is “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Law”
Write us or
About The Competition: The competition basically has the purpose to bring out original and
concrete views of the mass- to the mass. In an essay, we look forward to a detail analysis of
the status quo and putting forward suggestions that would serve as an instrument for change
to the problems that persist.
The Paper submitted will be used to create modules for free awareness campaigns.
Theme: “Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Law”
The submissions may be in the form of articles, notes, comments, book reviews on the issues
All submissions must be made in accordance with the submission guidelines of the editorial
board given below:
We welcome submissions under the following categories, with word limits:
Nature of Contributions:
1. Articles: An article must conduct a complete analysis of the area of law, which the
author seeks to highlight. It must contain a comprehensive study of the existing law,
indicating the lacunae therein, and must contain an attempt to suggest possible
changes which can address the said lacunae. An article should be between 4,0005,000 words.
2. Essays: An essay is more adventurous as it challenges challenging existing
paradigms/norms and provides a fresh outlook to common problems. It is strongly
recommended that essays be considerably more concise than articles, in terms of
scope and conceptualization. An essay is thus advised to be between 3,000-5,000
3. Notes: A note is a relatively concise form of an argument advanced by the author. The
focus of a note should be on a relatively new debate or controversy regarding the
interpretation or implementation in the law. Notes shall primarily highlight
contemporary issues, which need to be addressed, and the authors are expected to
offer a solution. The maximum word limit for a manuscript in the form of note is
2,500 words.
4. Comments: A comment is where the author may decide to critique any
recent/landmark judicial pronouncement or any recent legislation or bill before the
Parliament or State Legislature. The word limit for a comment is 2,500 words.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Word Limit: As has already been indicated, the maximum word limit for articles and
essays is 5,000 words (exclusive of footnotes) whereas that for notes and comments is
2,500 words (exclusive of footnotes).
2. Citation Format: The citation format to be used is The Bluebook (19th ed.). In
keeping with the same, speaking footnotes are discouraged.
3. Abstract: Every submission should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than
350 words describing the relevant conclusions drawn in the manuscript. Please note
that there is no requirement of prior submission of abstract as the selection of the
paper for publication shall be on the full manuscript. The abstract shall serve merely
to help the Editorial Board in its review process.
4. Biographical Information of Authors: A separate document with biographical
information of the authors must also be attached including the following details:
Name, E mail address, Postal Address, Name and Address of Institution, Course (if
applicable), Academic Year.
Plagiarism Guidelines:
As per the Law Mantra Online Journal Policy on Academic Misconduct, "plagiarism"
means failure to acknowledge ideas or phrases from another source. Such source is not
limited to published text. Acknowledgement of others' work is expected even if the source
was a discussion (whether oral or written) with another person, or use of materials on the
1. Multiple submissions are not allowed: "Multiple Submission" means submitting the
same, or largely the same, piece of work in more than one journal or competition,
without written permission from the instructors involved and or recycling of any part
of a previously written piece of work whether or not published without appropriate
reference to their your own prior work. Prior permission shall be required if the
recycled work forms more than 5% of the new work.
2. Misrepresenting work: Misrepresenting work prepared by another as one's own means
submitting work that has been prepared by someone else (whether for payment or not)
as one's own work. This would include instances where excessive help is taken from
another person such that the assessment objective and intention of the assignment/
exercise is frustrated.
Note: It is assumed that work submitted is represented as being authored by the person on
whose behalf it is submitted. Falsification of Work Product is falsifying, concocting or
misrepresenting of data, statistics, or other observations/ information.
All submissions should be made electronically at or . The last date for submission of manuscripts is 10th July, 2015.
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