Seed Fund Application Overview and Instructions


2014 Seed Fund Proposal

Overview and Instructions


Thank you for your interest in applying for a Seed Fund grant. The mission of the Seed Fund is to empower Fulton County schools to create unique solutions, tailored to the need of their communities, which result in improved student outcomes. The Fund aims to inspire and reward creative thinking by recognizing and funding creative concepts which serve identified needs in Fulton County school communities.

For the 2013-14 school year, any Cohort 1 school may apply for Seed Funds. Proposals must be aligned with a school’s strategic plan. An Earned Request for Flexibility (RFF) is not requirement to apply for

Seed Fund grants.

Seed Fund grants will be awarded based on a two-part application process: a written submission and a presentation by the Principal and/or representatives from the School Governance Council to the Seed

Fund review team.

Timeline and Process

Seed Fund written submissions are due on Monday, February 10, 2014. Presentations will be held on

February 24, 2014. The Fulton Education Foundation, in partnership with Fulton County Schools, developed this timeline to ensure Cohort 1 schools had ample time to complete their strategic plans and initiative action plans prior to submission of Seed Fund proposals in order to incorporate this information.

While there is no legal requirement for public comment, we encourage all schools to share Seed Fund proposals with their communities.

Seed Fund grants will be awarded prior to the beginning of the 2014-15 budget planning cycle.

Key dates for the Seed Fund proposal process are as follows:

Action Date(s)

Information provided to Cohort 1Principals on Seed Fund proposal process by Strategy & Innovation Division

Information provided to School Governance Council on Seed Fund proposal process by Strategy & Innovation Division

Seed Fund Proposal Planning/Drafting

Solicit community feedback on Seed Fund proposals concepts/drafts

Deadline for final proposal submission to the Seed Fund review team

Seed Fund presentations

Response from the Seed Fund review team

September 2013

October 2013

October 2013 – November 2013

November 2013 – December 2013

February 10, 2014

February 24,2014

By March 3, 2014

2014 Seed Fund Proposal

Overview and Instructions

Proposal Instructions

Seed Fund grants will be awarded based on a two-part application process: a written submission and a presentation by the Principal and/or representatives from the School Governance Council to the Seed

Fund review team. Submissions will be evaluated based on the criteria in the Seed Fund Rubric, posted on the district website.

Executive Summary and Budget Worksheet

Please complete the Seed Fund Executive Summary Cover Page and attach a two-page executive summary narrative which addresses the following:

1) Describe the proposed concept. What makes the concept unique and different from business as usual?

2) Describe the target population (grade, subgroup, etc.).

3) What is the need that the concept addresses? Describe how your concept meets this need.

4) Explain how this concept will positively affect student achievement in your school. Please articulate the rationale for the likelihood of success of the concept, and describe your plans for risk mitigation.

State your definition of success for this concept and how you will measure it.

5) Explain how this concept aligns with your strategic plan. Please attach the relevant Initiative Action


6) Describe how you will implement the concept, including the numbers of individuals expected to be served, the array of programs, activities, services that will comprise the implementation strategy, and the anticipated length of the project.

7) Explain your vision for how the concept will evolve in future years and how it will be funded.

Please attach a completed Budget Worksheet describing how you plan to spend Seed Fund grants.


Presentations will be strictly limited to 15 minutes with a five minute question and answer period.

Please draft your materials accordingly. A master slide deck template is available on the district website, however, you may create customized presentation materials.

Submission Checklist


Seed Fund Application Materials

Executive Summary Cover Page

Executive Summary

Budget Worksheet

Initiative Action Plan(s)


Supporting Documents

Strategic Plan

Request for Flexibility (if applicable)

2014 Seed Fund Proposal

Overview and Instructions

Submitted (Y/N)
