NAME OF ACTIVITY INTENDED AUDIENCE OHOA Modules 1-4 Paraprofessionals, Teachers, Related Service Personnel, Administrators, Parents OHOA Modules 5-8 Paraprofessionals, Teachers, Related Service Personnel, Administrators, Parents LEARNING FORWARD STANDARD(S) ALIGNED Learning Communities STATE LEARNING STANDARDS ADDRESSED Learning Communities Social Emotional Learning Standards Goal 2: Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships C: Use communication and social skills to interact effectively with others. Social Emotional Learning Standards Goal 2: Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships C: Use communication and social skills to interact effectively with others. EXPECTED EFFECT ON STUDENT LEARNING OR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Participants will report increased efficacy in ability to teach students with deafblindness using a modified version of the The Teacher Efficacy in Deafblindness Education Scale (TEDE). Participants will report increased efficacy in ability to teach students with deafblindness using a modified version of the The Teacher Efficacy in Deafblindness Education Scale (TEDE). IMPACT ON STUDENT GROWTH There will be a change in teacher attitudes; students will have an increase in joyful behaviors There will be a change in teacher attitudes; students will have an increase in initiations of communicative behaviors Illinois Content Area Standards Section 28.340 Standards for the LBS II/Deaf-Blind Specialist a) Foundations – The competent deaf-blind specialist understands the philosophical, historical, and legal foundations of special education. 1) Knowledge – The competent deaf-blind specialist understands: D) clinical, functional, and legal definitions of deaf-blindness, blindness/visual impairment, and deafness/hearing loss. b) Characteristics of Learners – The competent deaf-blind specialist understands how disabilities impact the cognitive, physical, emotional, social, and communication development of an individual and provides opportunities that support the intellectual, social, and personal development of all students. b) Characteristics of Learners – The competent deaf-blind specialist understands how disabilities impact the cognitive, physical, emotional, social, and communication development of an individual and provides opportunities that support the intellectual, social, and personal development of all students. 1) Knowledge – The competent deaf-blind specialist understands: B) the complex and unique effects of combined vision and hearing losses upon all learners who are deaf-blind; C) the diversity within the population of learners who are deaf-blind; D) the potential isolating effects of combined hearing and vision losses upon the learner who is deaf-blind; E) the potential impact of the combined effects of hearing and vision losses upon the learner's opportunities for incidental learning; J) the major etiologies of deaf-blindness and the possible implications of etiologies in teaching the learner who is deaf-blind;