Empowerment for Deaf-Blind People

Empowerment for DeafBlind People
From Guidelines p.201-232
Deaf-Blind People Should be Involved in
Decision Making
 In daily interactions
 When providing SSP service
 At DB community classes
 At DB organizations
 In the Deaf community
 In general
Social Roles & Expectations
Expectations for Deaf-Blind:
Limited job opportunities i.e., blue collar vs. white
Right of DB to choose their careers
Privilege is based on:
age &
 English
is a second language for most Deaf-Blind
 English is a first language for people in authority
 Therefore, often people unconsciously look down
on Deaf-Blind people as less knowledgeable, less
capable or less sophisticated .
 Going through an interpreter is a make-shift means
of communication – often interpreters are not fluent
bilinguals; or lack skills or knowledge in
interpreting for the Deaf-Blind.
 Therefore language is one communication
The Environment
A Deaf-Blind friendly environment makes a
statement. It says “Deaf-Blind people belong
 Environment includes lighting, background
(walls), pathways, signage, textural
markings, furniture & space
 Equipment: Braille TTYs, accessible
computers, CCTVs etc.
Budget Add Ons to serve the needs of the DeafBlind:
Reader software for computers
Braille equipment
Communication Facilitators for Videophones
On-going ASL instruction for staff members who are
not yet fluent
Educating others about the value of equal
Time and convenience embody and reflect
 Someone had to:
Arrange for interpreters
 Assistive listening devices
 Arrange tables and chairs
 Arrange SSPs & rides
We look at Deaf-Blind people as requiring
too much time but if the system was set up
so they would not have to plan for all that
Information Flow
Communication within agencies should be set
up from a Deaf-Blind center
Deaf-Blind people often left out of the loop
therefore we must spend more time filling in the
necessary background information thus faulting
their Deaf-Blindness rather than lack of
appropriate communication system
Deaf-Blind people should be at the center of the
information flow
Power & Authority
If Deaf-Blind people are to have power
and authority:
Humility and honesty: if we don’t know what to
do, ASK!
 Collaboration vs. Competition
 Participation vs. Separation
 Reflection
 Training
Tokenism is different from hiring someone with potential.
Hiring a person with potential, with a plan in place for
Tokenism, is for show, it may be at the level of:
Employees not really qualified
Jobs-not a real position
Insufficient support
Programs that looks good on paper but don’t really help
Participation- chosen by hearing sighted-people who will not
“rock the boat”
Involvement-asked for their input but given limited information &
time to discuss the issues
Or hiring people who are most like us??
Hire Deaf-Blind professionals
 Select & prepare interpreters
 Give Deaf-Blind people information on an
on-going basis
 Encourage assertiveness
 Consider various strategies depending on
the individual
 Education & Communication
Moving Forward
All Deaf-Blind people need the basic services
listed below:
Regular Support Service Provider Services-SSPs
Adequate transportation
Quality interpreting services
A community, a social likfe, camps, recreation,
Orientation and mobility services and