2083 Hasheet - Bahrain Hash House Harriers

Hash Sheet - The Un-Official “Organ” of the Bahrain Hash House Harriers
GM: Budget budgetbrian@gmail.com
RA: Piss N Boots kubera.john@gmail.com
HASH CASH: Man. Stimulator 39977801 shanthi.menon@gmail.com
HON. SEX: Skitzo scislowicz@copper.net
HABERDASHER: “Nancy Boy”36094924 d-k-hughes@hotmail.com
De-SCRIBE: “The Bitch” 39178043 spicer_kd@yahoo.co.uk
RAFFLES: “Fishy Fingers” C/O 36094924
HASH CHEERS: “Jammy Bastard39070659 desmond1950@yahoo.com & “Stimulator”39230645
HARE-RAISER: “The Referee”ali_al_attar@hotmail.com
Hash e-mail: bahrainhash@gmail.com
Directions to the next HASH: phone+973 17 86 26 20 check Website
Membership Fees: Annual BD35 9Months BD30
½ year BD25 ¼ year BD20
Run No.2083 29th August 2011
Location: Beautiful sunny Amwajon-Sea
Distance: Approx 4.5km
Attendance 17
Hare;The Bitch
Occasion: End of Ramadan.
Doing it all over Bahrain since Saturday, 2nd December 1972
THE RAFFLES: Just Kripa, Just David, Alfalfa, Just Kripa, again, who nobly donated it back,
thank you! Just Keith, Stimulator, The Bitch, Dormouse, Jammy Bastard, who also donated it
back. Thank you too! Winey Bitch, who donated it back, thank you! Until, eventually someone
decided to NOT donate it back, otherwise the whole evening would have been spent winning and
donating. What a boring hash sheet that would have been… MEMBERSHIP DRAW Many were
called; Ms Whiplash, Scrooge, Pushy Pussy, Lucky Dip and Bottom Crawler. By this time the
crowd were becoming impatient to find a winner, or in other words, any member who was actually
present, in the end, possibly due to the very long process they had just experienced, and probably
from being overtired by now, the general concensus was to forget the whole darn thing.
THE CIRCLE , As is our new , perhaps, temporary tradition, VISITORS AND VIRGINS were
called out for public humiliation. Just Keith, being the only one, reluctantly made his way forward,
Alfalfa proudly announced he’d made him come. The RA invited questions for our new arrival from
the inquisitive audience. Before you could say ‘bonjour’ G-Spot eagerly asked ‘’How long…’’ The
throng, clearly thinking they were way ahead of her, eventually allowed her to finish her question
‘’..have you been in Bahrain?’’ On hearing Just Keith had been here for seven months, asked ‘’..then
why haven’t you been to the hash before?’’ Before the down-down, Curved Balls called out that we
should have an explanation, which wasn’t forthcoming.
Doing it all over Bahrain since Saturday, 2nd December 1972
THE CRITIQUE After much deliberation on being told beverages and food was laid on, Winey
Bitch and Dormouse gave a score of 3/10, Jammy Bastard, as always, assured us sagely that this
was, in fact, a very good score. But before he could rest on his laurels, he was up for receiving a
text…in Afrikaans, which is purely showing-off.
It seems some hashers will do anything for a down-down, and understandably so, considering how
delicious the beverages from A&E are. Just David happily posed as a Virgin last week, however it
transpires he has not only hashed before, but has a hash name, or, to be exact, three; ‘Dog’, ‘Ski’
and ‘Dubai Dog’. Maybe he should we should re-name him ‘Prolific’. To celebrate his canine
connection, Winey Bitch and The Bitch accompanied him in the chorus for that ever-popular song
‘Who let the dogs out?’
Manual Stimulator was on the ice, as a blameless Gulf Air employee, with the terse crowd
demanding an explanation with regards the many and potentially deadly misdemeanors the airline
has committed, but more importantly, how and where had she met Stimulator? Dormouse was
called up to join her for being gobby. Curved Balls saw this as the perfect opportunity to accuse
Dormouse of inciting canine violence, which was strongly denied. Jammy Bastard then tried a
counter-attack saying, rather poetically ‘’We should only leave footprints’’ and ‘’Keep beautiful
Bahrain beautiful’’ which The RA and Curved Balls certainly hadn’t by carelessly discarding their
raffle tickets into the sapphire sea. Just to prove he was back in charge, the RA reminded us it
was the last day of Ramadan, and tomorrow would be Eid..according to Jammy Bastard, having his
finger on the pulse by receiving yet another MSN, but not necessarily in Afrikaans this time. As
extra proof, Dormouse showed his bare hairy backside, slapping it enthusiastically, because no-one
else wanted to, saying happily that this was ‘’The new moon.’’ The RA went on, stoically, that the
Cold War ended 91 years ago, and for some inexplicable reason, The Bitch ended up on the ice for
knowing that Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana. Porn Again, fresh back from her hols
wanted to know why the RA has never brought along anything closely resembling the gorgeous
military guys she has seen on the various planes she had recently travelled on, not wishing to
offend any of the male hashers present, but couldn’t he bring some younger talent along? Which
went down very well with all the men in the circle. The RA felt it was a good time to give a toast;
‘’To’ alcohol, getting ugly people laid for years!’’
Next hash is at @ The well–loved Lob-ester Farm, 5.30pm.
Doing it all over Bahrain since Saturday, 2nd December 1972
Doing it all over Bahrain since Saturday, 2nd December 1972