FACT SHEET QUESACON AND THE IAN POTTER FOUNDATION PARTNERSHIP THE IAN POTTER FOUNDATION AND QUESTACON – THE NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTRE HAVE FORMED A NEW PARTNERSHIP TO HELP DEVELOP CREATIVE YOUNG PEOPLE BY IMMERSING THEM IN INNOVATION, DESIGN, TECHNOLOGY AND ENTREPRENEURIAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES. In October 2014, The Ian Potter Foundation—one of Australia’s major philanthropic foundations—generously provided a grant of $7.8 million over five years to Questacon. The grant, made in the 50th anniversary year of the Foundation, is the largest that the Foundation has awarded in the areas of science and education and the largest ever awarded outside Victoria. This contribution reflects the importance of this project for Australia and the investment required to transition to the technology-focused, innovative, knowledge-based economy that is vital for our future. In 2013, with support from the Department of Industry, Questacon launched the Questacon Technology Learning Centre in the refurbished Royal Australian Mint Administration building at Deakin in the ACT. In recognition of the announcement of the generous contribution from The Ian Potter Foundation, Questacon renamed the facility The Ian Potter Foundation Technology Learning Centre (IPTLC) the following year. The Centre has been created to guide young Australians towards a path of creativity and innovation, and to consider careers in technology and engineering. THE IAN POTTER FOUNDATION TECHNOLOGY LEARNING CENTRE Australia is in a highly competitive global economic environment. The reality is that if we are to prosper we need to be more productive and more innovative. We must have the foresight and imagination to create cutting edge, wealth producing industries of the future. The IPTLC has been created to help meet Australia’s skills challenge. It will also be the hub for a new national technology and innovation education initiative, the Questacon Smart Skills Initiative. The IPTLC offers a range of onsite interactive experiences for students and the public to engage with technology and innovation. Activities are designed around a central theme of the innovation process, fostering an interest and awareness of how things are made and how societal need drives the process of cutting-edge innovation. The IPTLC features an exhibition space—the Gallery of Australian Inventiveness— where themed exhibitions and hands-on activities highlight examples of Australia’s creativity and innovation, both past and present, originating from cutting edge research through to backyard inventors. The story of the innovation process is highlighted through interactive displays showcasing the important stages of identifying a society need, prototyping, testing, evaluating and refining solutions, learning from failure and building on success. The exploration of the innovation process flows through to the Maker Space, which is a dedicated workshop area that provides a space for school groups, the public and special interest groups to participate in stimulating hands-on activities and engineering challenges. Workshops and hands-on activities allow in-depth engagement for secondary school students and intergenerational community groups exploring high-tech gadgets and lowtech materials. Within the Maker Space, the Neat Kit Room contains equipment such as 3D printers that allow students to imagine new possibilities for making things. THE QUESTACON SMART SKILLS INITIATIVE Inspiring and motivating young Australians is key to generating a highly skilled workforce that will create tomorrow’s new ideas and generate new industries. The Questacon Smart Skills Initiative engages young people in design thinking, technology, creativity and innovation. Funded jointly by the Australian Government and The Ian Potter Foundation, the Initiative delivers activities nationally through regional partnerships and digital communications technology. Through the Initiative, The IPTLC will facilitate interaction and interest for innovation at a national level. Offering a significant skills development pathway for participants, each step along the pathway brings greater skill development in design thinking, ideation, prototyping and working with technologies. Operating in metropolitan, regional and remote areas across Australia, the Questacon Smart Skills Initiative incorporates programme elements targeted at students, teachers and the general community. The Questacon Smart Skills Initiative includes a range of programmes including: Questacon Maker Project—hands–on workshops for young people exploring the process of innovation. Questacon Smart Skills—a national touring programme for secondary school students that creates an awareness of technology, engineering and design thinking. This programme also includes teacher professional development workshops. Questacon Smart Skills and the Questacon Smart Skills Teacher Workshops are supported by Technology Partner Samsung Electronics Australia. Questacon Invention Convention—intensive multi-day workshops that build on Smart Skills workshops to give students deeper insight into innovation and entrepreneurship. The Invention Convention is supported by IP Australia. Enterprising Australians—a travelling exhibition that shares the stories of various Australian products and innovations. Enterprising Australians tours in conjunction with the Questacon Invention Convention programme and is supported by IP Australia. 60 Denison Street, Canberra 02 6270 2800 www.questacon.edu.au Media enquiries: 0439 399 912 media@questacon.edu.au Current as of July 2015 [15110]