SET 1 MUSCULI abductor adductor biceps brevis 2 deltoideus 3 depressor extensor flexor gracilis 2 magnus 3 maior, maius levator longus 3 lumbricalis 2 maximus 3 minor, minus obliquus 3 orbicularis 2 piriformis 2 pronator quadratus 3 quadriceps rectus 3 rhomboideus 3 risorius 3 soleus 3 supinator teres transversus 3 trapezius 3 latissimus 3 triceps vastus 3 takes farther moves closer two-headed short delta shaped lowers a part opens an angle closes an angle slender, thin big, large bigger, larger raises a part long wormlike biggest, largest smaller oblique, slanting circular pear shaped turns the palm down four sided four-headed straight rhombus shaped helps in laughing flat fish shaped turns the palm up long and round, cylindrical transverse trapezium shaped broadest three-headed vast, large MUSCULI SET 2 PREPOSITIONS ad (+Acc.) ante (+Acc.) contra (+Acc.) extra (+Acc.) in ( +Acc.) infra (+Acc.) inter (+Acc.) intra (+Acc.) per (+Acc.) post (+Acc.) sub (+Acc.) supra (+Acc.) to, towards before against outside, outer in(to) (with motion verbs) below between into, within, inside through after under (with motion verbs) above a(b) (+Abl.) cum (+Abl.) in (+Abl.) pro (+Abl.) sine (+Abl.) sub (+ Abl) from with in (with stative verbs) for without under (with stative verbs) acutus 3 antiphlogisticus 3 antipyreticus 3 antispasticus 3 benignus 3 fluidus 3 fortis 2 malignus 3 vivus 3 acute reducing inflammation reducing fever relieving spasm/cramp benign fluid strong malign living, alive MUSCULI SET 3 masculinum morbus, i m disease neutrum balneum, -i n bath nodus, -i m cibum, -i n meal fuchsinum, -i n fuchsin(e) rectum, -i n vulnus, -eris n rectum injury, wound parvulus, -i m sal, salis m femininum calx, calcis f heel, limestone piles, praeparatio, preparation hemorroid onis f (little) solvens, -ntis f solvent child salt suus 3 one’s own suo nomine sub signo veneni ex tempore lege artis pro dosi ad manus medici pro die signa/ signetur ne repetatur consperge dilue da/ detur/ dentur contunde solve misce coque fiat/ fiant adde by one’s own name under a poison label immediately according to the rules (of pharmacy) for one dose to the doctor’s hands for one day Label! (be labelled) It must not be repeated! Sprinkle! Dilute! Give! (be given) Smash! Dissolve! Mix! Cook! (be cooked) (in order) to be Add! APPARATUS DIGESTORIUS SET 4 masculinum dens, -ntis m tooth ductus hepaticus ductus, -us m liver duct ductus cysticus the duct of the gall bladder spleen lien, -is m meatus, -us m pharynx, -ngis m ventriculus, -i m sinus, -us m duct femininum cholecysta, ae f gall bladder glandula parotid parotidea glandula gland sublingualis under tongue glandula gland submandibularis under lower jaw glandula, -ae f gland meatus, passage pharynx lingua, -ae f tongue parotis, -idis f parotid stomach vesica fellea gall bladder sinus, cavity in an organ neutrum cavum oris oral cavity diaphragma, atis n fell, fellis n diaphragm hepar, hepatis n liver intestinum, -i n labium, -ii n bowel, intestine lip pancreas, -atis n pancreas bile APPARATUS DIGESTORIUS SET 5 MEDICATIONS Antacidum Acidum Digestivum /Stomachicum Cholagogum Enteroantisepticum Emeticum Antiemeticum Antidiarrhoicum Purgativum /Laxativum Carminativum Antispasmoticum/ Spasmolyticum Analgeticum Roborans adstringens ascendens coagulans continens dermicus 3 descendens desinficiens detergens efferens emulgens counteracting or neutralizing acidity, especially of the stomach acid-forming aiding or stimulating digestion a substance that stimulates contraction of the gall bladder to promote the flow of bile capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents in the intestines/bowels a medication or substance given to induce/aid vomiting preventing or alleviating nausea and vomiting a substance used to prevent or treat diarrhea an agent stimulating evacuation of faeces inducing the expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines relieving or preventing spasms, especially of smooth muscle used to relieve pain (achieve analgesia) a drug or agent that increases strength substance that tends to constrict body tissues ascending substance aiding coagulation containing for the skin enteralis 2 inner, belonging to the GI tract enterosolvens excitans dissolving in the small intestine excitant, stimulant intestinosolvens leniens descending disinfectant detergent taking away emulgent, causing a straining or purifying process parenteralis 2 siccans siccatus 3 solutus 3 dissolving in the small intestine exerting a soothing or easing influence outside the alimentary canal drying dried dissolved APPARATUS RESPIRATORIUS SET 6 masculinum apex, -icis m pointed elevation bronchiolus, -i m small bronchus lobus, -i m lobe pulmo, -onis m lung dyspnoe apnoe eupnoe rhinitis acuta femininum expiratio, -onis f breathing out fissura, -ae f fissure inspiratio, -onis f respiratio, -onis f tonsilla, -ae f breathing in breathing tonsil neutrum difficulty breathing temporary absence or cessation of breathing good/ normal breathing sudden inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose pharyngitis inflammation of the throat laryngitis inflammation of the voice box tracheitis inflammation of the windpipe bronchospasmus spasm/cramp in the bronchi pneumonia inflammation of the lungs oedema pulmonum (pulmonary edema) fluid accumulation in the lungs embolia pulmonum (pulmonary embolism) sudden blockage of an artery in the lung pleuritis inflammation of the pleura bronchitis spastica inflammation of the bronchi accompanied by spastic wheezing (obstuctive bronchitis) APPARATUS RESPIRATORIUS SET 7 MEDICATIONS Anaestheticum Antiaphtosum Antiasthmaticum Antidyspnoicum Antimycoticum Antiphlogisticum Antipyreticum Antisepticum Bronchospasmolyticum Contratussicum / Antitussivum Decongestivum Desodorans Expectorans drug or agent that produces a complete or partial loss of feeling drug to act aphtas a substance used to prevent or treat asthma a substance used to prevent or treat dyspnea a substance used to prevent or treat fungi anti-inflammatory, relieves inflammation capable of reducing fever capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents relieving or preventing spasms, especially of bronchi cough-suppresant, relieves cough Laryngologicum Rhinologicum relieves nasal congestion for preventing smelling bad thin the mucus that blocks the air tubes leading to the lungs, which makes the mucus easier to cough up. for gargling, to treat inflammations of the gums and the oral mucosa used for problems of the voice box used for nose problems pro infante pro parvulo pro inhalatione contra tussim per os pro die pro dosi pro re nata for babies for children for inhalation against cough through the mouth/ orally for a day for a dose when needed Gargarisma CUTIS SET 8 masculinum bulbus, -i m bulb clavus, -i m corn, a hard thickening of the skin follicle folliculus, -i m musculus arrector arrector pili muscle of hair panniculus fat layer adiposus porus, -i m pore sudor, -oris m femininum dermis, -idis f middle skin layer epidermis, -idis upper skin f layer glandula sebacea glandula sudorifera sebaceous gland sweat gland hypodermis lower skin layer lower skin layer subcutis, -is f neutrum stratum, -i layer n stratum basal layer basale sweat Dermatologicum Antimycoticum Antisepticum Keratolyticum Keratoplasticum Desinficiens Desodorans Antiphlogisticum Adstringens Anaesteticum Antiseborrhoicum Refrigerans Antisudoricum Scabicidum Antihaemorrhoidalis adstringens Resorbens Anthelminticum Antipsoriaticum for skin problems in general for fungal infections for disinfection for peeling off skin for repairing the outer layer of the skin (stratum corneum) for disinfecting wounds for preventing smelling bad for decreasing inflammation (of skin) helps wounds constrict for painkilling, to acheive anaesthesia against excessive production of sebum for cooling sunburn against sweating to treat scabies helps piles wounds constrict helps absorption for expelling parasitic worms from the body for treating psoriasis COR ET SYSTEMA CARDIOVASCULARE SET 9 afferens (-ntis) aorta, ae f apex cordis arteria carotis (carotidis) arteriola, ae f ascendens (-ntis) atrium, -i n circulatio, -onis f communis 2 cor, cordis n. cuspis, cuspidis f descendens (-ntis) diastole endocardium, -i n epicardium, -i n mediastinum, i n myocardium, -i n pericardium, -i n pulmo, -onis m sanguis, -inis m septum,- i n systole truncus pulmonalis valva aortae valva trunci pulmonalis valva, -ae f. valvulae semilunares vas, vasis n. (pl. vasa, -orum) vasculum, -i n ventriculus,- i m venula, -ae f leading toward sg., afferent the largest artery of the body narrower, lower part of heart main head artery small artery, arteriole going up smaller, upper chamber of heart the movement of blood around tthe body common heart cusp, pointed elevation going down relaxation of heart lining membrane of heart inner layer of pericardium space between lungs heart muscle fibrous sac surrounding heart lung blood dividing wall heart contraction pulmonary artery aortic valve pulmonary valve valve half-moon shaped valves blood vessel small vessel larger, lower chamber of heart small vein COR ET SYSTEMA CARDIOVASCULARE CONDITIONS SET 10 anaemia angiostenosis arteriolith coagulopathia hyperaemia hypercalcaemia leukaemia leukocytosis oligaemia phleborrhagia a decrease in quality hemoglobin in the blood to levels below the normal range the narrowing of one or more blood vessels a chalky concretion in an artery defect in the body's mechanism for blood clotting, causing susceptibility to bleeding excessive accumulation of blood in a part of the body abnormally high level of calcium in the blood a disease that causes white blood cells to multiply abnormally in the body raised white blood cell count a reduction in the volume of the blood, as occurs after haemorrhage venous hemorrhage cor sanguis tensio vas vena cardi(h)aema(t)-tonia angiphleb- heart blood pressure blood vessel vein MEDICATIONS Anticoagulans Antihypertensivum Diureticum Fibrinolyticum Haemopoeticum Vasoconstrictor Vasodilatator prevent coagulation (clotting) of blood help lower blood pressure elevate the rate of urination, can help treat high blood pressure break down fibrin in the clot act on the blood producing system of the body cause the smooth muscle in blood vessels to contract relax the smooth muscle in blood vessels, which causes the vessels to dilate