France and Ireland - Institute of Technology Tallaght

France and
Music, Words
and Art
Association of FrancoIrish Studies 10th annual
23-24 May 2014
The National Concert Hall
RTÉ Lyric FM celebrates the tenth annual conference of AFIS - France and Ireland:
Celebrating Music, Words and Art with
The Snow is Dancing
… remembering French composer, Achille-Claude Debussy
Tune in to The Lyric Feature
Friday 23 May 2014
7-8pm RTÉ Lyric fm 96-99fm
Also available after the conference on the Lyric Feature archive:
On the cover of his Children’s Corner Suite, Debussy drew and painted a momento for his little
daughter Chou-Chou to complement the startling visual images he created for her in sound. One of
those pieces, The Snow is Dancing, is the title of this week’s Lyric Feature on RTÉ Lyric fm to
celebrate the AFIS Franco-Irish conference 2014. On the programme, pianist Therese Fahy makes a
nostalgic visit to Paris and investigates Debussy’s extraordinary impact on Irish musical culture.
Contributors: Sheila Pratschke, Remy Copain, Simon Trezise, Michael Holohan, Kevin
O’Connell, David Mooney.
Presented by Therese Fahy
Produced by Una Hunt
A Heritage Music Production for RTÉ lyric fm
Friday 23 May
8h30-9h15 – Registration (Foyer of National Concert Hall)/ Tea and coffee served in
Carolan Room
9h15-9h45 – Official opening (Carolan Room)
Welcome by Ms Angela Feeney, Head of Humanities (ITTD)
Participants and our Special Guests:
His Excellency M. Jean-Pierre Thébault, French Ambassador to Ireland
Mr. Pat Gilroy, CEO, Dalkia Ireland.
Dr Eamon Maher, Director of the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies, will reply on
behalf of AFIS
9h45-11h30 – Parallel Sessions 1 & 2
Panel I - 9h45-11h30 (Kevin Barry Room)
Chair: Dr Una Hunt - ‘Twentieth Century Musical Interludes’
Maire Egan-Buffet (Emeritus Professor, UCD): ‘Music in a French Provincial Salon (19221948): Cultural and Historical Perspectives.’
Joe Kehoe (Dublin Institute of Technology): ‘Maestro, Magician, Midwife: Jean Martinon in
Axel Klein (Independent Scholar): ‘Gilbert Bécaud’s L’Opéra d’Aran (1962) – A
Panel II - 9h45-11h30 (Carolan Room)
Chair: Dr. John McDonagh – ‘Echoes of Music in Twentieth Century Irish Fiction’
Maggie Pernot-Deschamps (Université de Bourgogne): ‘Dealing with Loss through music,
words and art in Françoise Lefèvre’s Un album de silence and Neil Jordan’s Sunrise with Sea
Michelle Kennedy (Mary Immaculate College Limerick): ‘’For a Woman Nothing has to die’
– An Examination of Death, Funerals and Resurrection in Irish Society as seen through the
Novels of John McGahern and Anne Enright.’
Cathy McGlynn (University of Limerick): ‘”Play it in the original”: Music, Language and
Difference in James Joyce’s ‘Sirens’.’
11h30-11h45 – Coffee break
11h45-13h – Parallel Sessions 3 & 4
Panel III - 11h45-13h (Kevin Barry Room)
Chair: Joe Kehoe (DIT) – ‘Musical Perceptions and Conceptions in the Nineteenth
Michael Murphy (MIC): ‘The French Influence on the public reception of Wagner’s music in
Ireland, 1860-1900.’
Teresa O’Donnell (Harpist): ‘The Shamrock and the French Harp : A survey of the influence
of French harpists in Ireland c.1800-1850’.
Panel IV - 11h45-13h (Carolan Room)
Chair: Professor Maire-Egan Buffet (UCD) – ‘Gounod and Poldowski’
Cormac Newark (University of Ulster): ‘‘Je ris de me voir si belle en ce miroir’: Reflections
of (on) Gounod’s Faust.’
David Mooney (Dublin Institute of Technology): ‘‘De la musique avant toute chose’ Poldowski’s Verlaine settings.’
13h-14h – Lunch
14h-15h - Keynote 1 - Chair: Dr Eamon Maher (NCFIS) (Kevin Barry Room)
Lara Marlowe - ‘From founding fathers to reluctant Europeans; what happened to
France's European dream?”
15h-16h30 – Parallel Sessions 5 & 6
Panel V - 15h-16h30 (Kevin Barry Room)
Chair: Dr. Claudia Luppino (University of Florence) – ‘Music in Literature and
Jeanne Lakatos (Western Connecticut State University): ‘Iconic Realism in Irish Melody:
Agency of Cognitive Stimulation and Music Therapy.’
Eva Urban (Cambridge University): ‘L’humain comme œuvre musicale urbaine : The
Conquest of Happiness in Derry.’
Anne Marie Higgins (Manor House Dublin): ‘ “Maîtriser les bruits”: musique concrète,
classroom composing at secondary school level in Ireland.’
Panel VI - 15h-16h30 (Carolan Room)
Chair: Professor Grace Neville (UCC) – ‘Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on
Laura Watson (NUI Maynooth): ‘Imagining Ireland in French music of the Third Republic.’
Joanne Burns (Queen’s University Belfast): ‘Thomas Moore and Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
Moore’s Musical Connections and Inspirations.’
Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire (Dublin Institute of Technology): ‘Napoleonic Ballads in the Irish
16h30-16h45 – Tea/Coffee
16h45-18h15 – Panel VII (Kevin Barry Room)
Chair: Dr Benjamin Keatinge (South East European University, Macedonia) – ‘Myths
and Mythology in Music, Culture and Art’
Brian Murphy (NCFIS): ‘Gastronomy and Music: An emerging cultural relationship.’
Raymond Mullen (Queen’s University Belfast):’ ‘’Ceci n’est pas une pipe’: PJ Carroll and
the Art – and Myths – of Smoking.’
Mary Pierse (University College Cork): ‘Soundless: Pictures in the Mind’.
20h –Concert with a strong Franco-Irish flavour - THE SEA
Please join us in the National Concert Hall
RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra
BERLIOZ Le corsaire
BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No. 4
MENDELSSOHN Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage
OLARI ELTS conductor
Prices: €35, €30, €24, €18, €10
Concessions: €32, €27, €22, €16, €9
The unpredictable power and liquid poetry of the sea is brilliantly conjured in Berlioz's
atmospheric postcard from the Bay of Nice, the swelling drama of Mendelssohn's journey
from becalmed threat to buoyant safety, and Debussy's evocative images of wind and sea
while high emotion flows through Beethoven's powerful concerto with compelling tidal
Saturday 24 May
9h30-10h30 Keynote 2
Sean Rocks (presenter of Arena on RTÉ 1) interviews Mary O’Donnell (Carolan Room)
10h30-10h45 Tea/Coffee
10h45-12h15 Panel VIII (Carolan Room)
Chair: Professor Sylvie Mikowski (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne) –
‘Photography, Journalism and Poetry’
Oliver O’Hanlon (University College Cork): ‘Troubling Scenes: Libération’s use of
photography in reporting Ireland’s ‘Troubles’’.
Grace Neville (University College Cork): ‘Mirror, mirror: Ireland and War in the Photojournalism
of Le Miroir (1915-20).’
Sarah Balen (IADT): ‘’Accepting the anguish of submersion’ (‘Accepter l’angoisse de la
submersion’) – Reading Hélène Cixous and the Water Music of Paula Meehan’s Poetry.’
12h15-13h15 Keynote 3 - Chair: Dr Mary Pierse (UCC)
Dr Una Hunt (Dundalk Institute of Technology): “Osborne, Paris and the pluie de
perles.” (Carolan Room)
13h15-14h30 – Lunch
14h30-15h45 – Panel IX (Kevin Barry Room)
Chair: Dr Raymond Mullen (Queen’s University Belfast) – ‘O’Brien, Murphy and
Eamon Maher (NCFIS): ‘Kate O’Brien’s Of Music and Splendour: When Words and Music
Benjamin Keatinge (South East European University, Macedonia): ‘France, Ireland and the
Jacobite Cause in Richard Murphy’s The Battle of Aughrim.’
Sylvie Mikowski (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne): ‘Sebastian Barry’s A Long
Long Way and Jean Echenoz’s 14 : Two Soldiers’ Songs.’
15h45-16h Tea/Coffee
16h-17h – Panel X (Kevin Barry Room)
Chair: Sarah Balen (IADT/NCFIS) ‘Notes and Resonances’
Mark Bishop (Brock University Ontario): ‘Temporal Layering in the Music of Olivier
Ann-Marie Hanlon: (Newcastle University): ‘Programming Satie in the Parisian monde
musical (1913-1925).’
17h-17h45 – AGM of AFIS – Kevin Barry Room
18h Reception and Launch of France and Ireland in the Public Imagination, edited by
Benjamin Keatinge and Mary Pierse (Breakout area beside KBR)
20h30 – Conference dinner – The Pig’s Ear, Nassau Street, Dublin 2.
More than a decade of Franco-Irish Exchange
annual Conference: "Outside the Frame: Challenging Representations of France
and Ireland/ Hors cadre : Représentations alternatives de la France et de l'Irlande."
Venue: Université de Haute Bretagne, Rennes 2.
Organisers: Dr. Yann Bévant and Professor Anne Goarzin
8 annual conference: 'France and Ireland in the Public Imagination/La France et
l'Irlande dans l'imaginaire collectif.'
Venue: Mary Immaculate College Limerick.
Organisers: Dr. John McDonagh and Dr. Eugene O'Brien
7th annual conference: ‘The Irish in France and the French in Ireland’/’Les Irlandais en
France et les Français en Irlande’.
Venue: Université Charles de Gaulle Lille3.
Organiser: Professor Catherine Maignant
6th annual conference: ‘History and Memory in France and Ireland/Histoire et
mémoire en France et en Irlande.’Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne.
Organiser : Professor Sylvie Mikowski
5th annual conference: ‘France, Ireland and Rebellion/La rébellion en France et en
Irlande.’ University College Cork.
Organiser: Professor Grace Neville
4 annual conference: ‘Issues of Globalisation and Secularisation in France and
Ireland/Mondialisation et laïcité en France et en Irlande.’ Université de Rennes 2.
Organiser: Dr. Yann Bévant
3 annual conference: ‘Modernity and Postmodernity in a Franco-Irish
Context/Modernité et postmodernité dans un contexte franco-irlandais.’
Venue: Institute of Technology, Tallaght.
Organiser: Dr. Eamon Maher
2nd conference: ‘France-Ireland: Interlinks, Interference, Intertextuality/ FranceIrlande: Interfaces, Intervention, Intertextualité’.
Veneu: University College Cork.
Organiser: Professor Grace Neville
1st conference: ‘France and Ireland: Cultural, Literary and Spiritual Bonds/Liens
culturels, littéraires et spirituels entre la France et l’Irlande’. Institute of Technology,
Organiser: Dr. Eamon Maher
A special word of thanks to our sponsors
AFIS wishes to acknowledge the generous sponsorship of Dalkia
Ireland, the French Embassy in Ireland and ITT Dublin, without
which this conference could not have taken place.
Merci mille fois/ Go raibh míle maith agaibh/ Thank you very much