Chapter 1 Practice Problems


Chapter 1

Practice Problems

1.1 An extensive bibliography created by the senior author that includes thousands of papers considering the role of genetics in conservation is available online at -

Search this bibliography for the papers with the words genetics and conservation in the title or keywords to get an idea of the variety of papers published on this topic. You should find thousands papers in this category. Note which types of problems are of greatest concern, and which taxonomic groups are included and which are poorly represented. Use this bibliography to answer questions 1.2 and 1.3 below. Note: You can also do this exercise using other means of searching the literature (e.g., Web of Science or Google Scholar).

1.2 What are the top five journals that publish papers in conservation and genetics, as determined by the number of published papers in the bibliography?

1.3 Pick a species of conservation concern that you are interested in. Search for all of the papers published on this species in the bibliography. Remember to search for both the common name

(e.g., silversword) and the scientific name ( Argyroxiphium ). Based upon these titles, what are the major conservation issues of concern for the species that you have chosen?

1.4 How should conservation biologists explain the value of biodiversity to the general public?

Do you think Leopold’s argument that we require biodiversity to maintain the stability of ecosystems that humans depend upon, or Frankel’s argument for keeping evolutionary options open for future humans needs would be more effective? Can you think of other arguments that would be more effective with the general public than either of these?


Assignment Problems

1.5 Which three species in Figure 1.2 do you think should have the greatest priority for conservation? Why?

1.6 Which two species in Figure 1.2 have shared the most recent common ancestor?

