Product Specification Emer-Proof EcoSeal (UV Exposed Membrane) Water based, solvent free, liquid applied polyurethane membrane *1.00 Waterproofing 1.10 External Waterproofing system (UV exposed membrane) 1.11 Where so nominated on the drawings, surfaces shall be waterproofed with a water based, solvent free, liquid applied polyurethane membrane. The membrane shall meet the requirements of the following standards: • AS/NZS 4858:2004 Wet Area Membranes as a Class III membrane • AS 3740:2010 Waterproofing of Wet Areas Within Residential Buildings 1.12 General All surfaces shall be prepared, primed and the membrane applied, strictly in accordance with the current supplier technical data sheet. All work shall be carried out by a pre-qualified contractor, who is well trained in the application of the specific, documented, membrane system. All materials used in conjunction with the new membrane system, shall be approved by the membrane supplier. 1.13 Surface Preparation All membrane substrate surfaces shall be smooth, clean, dry, in a sound state and free from irregularities and any contamination. All substrate cracks and surface imperfections are to be filled, sealed and dry prior to membrane application. 1.14 Priming The primer is to be compatible with the water based membrane, and provide high bonding and penetrating properties to porous substrates such as concrete and masonry. To non-porous substrates, an alternative solvent free, specifically designed compatible primer, is to be used. 1.15 Parchem Construction Supplies Document Date: 03/2015 Page 1 of 2 Parchem offers direct assistance with specifications for individual projects; we can visit the site, design office, or arrange a meeting at our branch office. It is recommended that Parchem be consulted early in the design process. For Technical Data Sheets (TDS), Specifications and Method Statements, please visit our website at * To insert the Specification above, Copy and Paste. Product Specification Membrane Junction Systems All wall to wall and floor to wall junctions, internal and external corners are to incorporate an elastic, preformed corner and joint band into the membrane system, to accommodate any movement at these junctions. Alternatively, apply a compatible polyurethane sealant caulking fillet to these junctions. The sealant must be fully compatible with the nominated membrane. 1.16 Waterproofing Membrane The waterproofing membrane is to be water based, solvent free, liquid applied polyurethane. It shall exhibit the following properties: Elongation: > 355% Tensile strength: > 2 MPa Solids content: > 60% Shore A hardness: 68 Colour: Green 2.00 UV Protection Membrane Top Coat Where the membrane is to be UV exposed, the membrane layer is to be protected from ‘UV’ deterioration by the application of hard wearing, solvent free polyurethane, foot trafficable membrane. 2.10 The top coating is to be hard wearing, non-shrinking, flexible, with a non-slip surface, exhibiting the following properties: Elongation: Tensile strength: Adhesion to concrete: Shore A hardness: Colour: Slip resistance R Rating: > 80% > 2.2 MPa > 1.6 MPa 92 Light Grey R12 to R13 *Option: To provide longer term stain and scuff mark resistance durability to the membrane top coat, an ‘Extended Wear’ coating is also available. 3.00 Emer-Proof EcoSeal from Parchem Construction Supplies meets this performance criteria and is approved for this application. Parchem Construction Supplies Document Date: 03/2015 Page 2 of 2 Parchem offers direct assistance with specifications for individual projects; we can visit the site, design office, or arrange a meeting at our branch office. It is recommended that Parchem be consulted early in the design process. For Technical Data Sheets (TDS), Specifications and Method Statements, please visit our website at * To insert the Specification above, Copy and Paste.