Medical Surgical Nursing Lecture 2 I. Homeostasis A. The body’s tendency to maintain a state of physiologic _____________ in constantly __________________conditions II. __________________ A. _______________ of body weight B. Elderly ________________________% C. In & Out 1)Intake and output should be a__________________ 2)Average daily intake/output : ____________________ III. Electrolytes A. Substances that dissociate in solution to form______________ = Electrically charged particle B. Function’ 1)Regulate ____________________ 2)_______________-muscular activity C. Key Electrolytes 1)Sodium (_____) 2) Potassium (_____) 3)Calcium (_____) 4)Magnesium (_____) 5)Chloride (_____) D. Intracellular fluid (ICF): Fluid ______________ the cells _____% of body wt E. Extracellular fluid (ECF): Fluid _______________of cells _____% of body wt 1)Interstitial fluid: _________________the cells 2)Intravascular fluid: In the ___________________________________ 3)Transcellular: Body fluids IV. Body Fluid Movement A. Compartments separated by selectively _______________________ membranes B. 4 ways to move 1)Osmosis a) ______________ moves from an area of __________solute concentration to an area of ____________ solute concentration b) Isotonic solution: c) Hypertonic solution: d) Hypotonic solution: 2)Diffusion a) _________________ move from an area of ____________solute concentration to an area of _______________ solute concentration Document1 2/9/2016 1 b) 3)Filtration a) ______________ & _________________move across membranes driven by fluid ______________________ 4)Active transport a) Allows ______________to move into areas of high solute concentration but requires cellular ________________________: Adenosine triphosphate / ATP b) V. Nrs. Dx: Fluid Volume Deficit: AKA - dehydration A. Causes 1) GI fluid loss 2) Excess urine output 3) 4) Hemorrhaging Inadequate fluid intake B. S&S 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) C. Lab tests 1) 2) 3) D. Nursing Plan 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) VI. Document1 Fatigue BP: Pulse Weight Skin Urine output Serum osmolality Hematocrit Urine specific gravity I&O Vital Signs Assess ________________________ __________________Weight Assess _______________ status & __________________ sounds 6) Assess ________________________ & _________________ membranes 7) PUSH ____________________ 8) Educate Nrs. Dx: Fluid Volume Excess A. Usually due to: _________________ &_________________ retention: ______________ B. Causes 1) _____________________ or _____________________ failure 2) Too much _________________________ or _______________________ 2/9/2016 2 3) Medications C. S&S 1) BP 2) Pulse Rate 3) Pulse Strength 4) Respiratory 5) Weight 6) Edema 7) Serum osmolarity 8) Hematocrit 9) Specific gravity of urine D. Interdisciplinary Team Treatment 1) VII. Document1 Medications a) __________________________________ 2) ___________________ & ____________________ restriction E. Nursing Plan 1) Baseline ________________ & ____________________ 2) Monitor a) ________________________________________________________ 3) Report: a) ________________________________________________________ 4) Monitor Labs: Esp _____________________ & ______________________ 5) Administer ____________________________ 6) Fluid & Sodium _______________________________ 7) Provide a) _________________________________________________________ 8) Educate a) _________________________________________________________ Sodium Imbalance (________) A. Normal Levels: 1) ___________- ___________ mEq/L B. Hyponatremia 1) _________ sodium level: __________________ mEq/L 2) Causes a) Water ___________________ a. _________________ or _____________ disease b. Syndrome of Inappropriate secretion of AntiDiuretic Hormone b) Sodium _______________ 2/9/2016 3 3) a) b) c) d) 4) a) 5) a) VIII. Document1 a. ___________________ b. ___________________ c. ____________________ S&S Anorexia ______________ _______________ changes _____________________________ & ______________________ Dx tests ______________________ electrolyte level Tx More ___________________________ _____________________ b) Less ____________________________ _____________________ C. Hypernatremia 1) _____________ sodium levels: ____________________ mEq/L 2) Common causes a) Water loss a. __________ drinking b. _____________________ c. D______________________ or D_____________________ b) Sodium Retention a. Tube feeding without __________________________ b. IV with _______________ 3) S&S a) __________________________ b) Altered _____________________ status c) ____________________ mucus membrane d) Postural _____________________________________ e) Skin: ________________________ & ________________________ 4) Tx. a) ________________________ water Potassium Imbalance (________) A. Normal levels: __________________ mEq/L B. Hypokalemia 1) _______________ potassium levels: ______________________ mEq/L 2) Common causes: a) __________ loss: _________________________________________ 3) S&S a) ________&___________ 2/9/2016 4 b) Anorexia c) __________________ weakness d) Dysrhythmias 4) TX a) Potassium ___________________________ a. Natural sources: i. Fruit:__________________________________________ ii. Veg: ___________________________________________ C. Hyperkalemia 1) ______________ potassium levels: ________________________ mEq/L 2) Common Causes: a) #1 ___________________ failure 3) IX. Document1 S&S a) Dys_____________________________ _____________________ b) ______________&_______________: diarrhea c) _______________________weakness 4) Dx tests a) Serum ____________________________ b) ___________ c) ____________________________ function: a. ______________: Blood Urea Nitrate 5) Rx. Loop ___________________: Lasix 6) Nrs. Dx: At risk for injury a) Monitor: ___________________________ b) Monitor ___________________________ 7) Nrs. Dx: Decreased cardiac output a) Monitor: __________________________ & apical _________________ b) Monitor: _______________________________ Calcium imbalance (_________) A. Hypocalcemia 1) _______________ serum calcium levels: 2) Common causes: a) _________________________ectomy b) ________ dietary intake c) Lack of ____________ exposure d) ____________________________ 3) Function of Ca in the body: a) Healthy ____________________________ b) Muscle ________________________ & _________________________ 2/9/2016 5 4) a) b) c) d) e) f) 5) a) b) S&S _______________________ a. Paresthesia: b. Muscle _________________________ ____________ Chvostek’s sign ____________ Trousseau’s sign ____________rhythmias _______________ Cardiac output _______________ BP Dx test ______________ calcium level _______________ Parathyroid hormone levels 6) X. Document1 Tx a) Ca _________________________ b) Natural sources of Ca: ______________________________________ B. Hypercalcemia 1) _______________ serum calcium levels 2) Common Causes a) Hyper____________ thyroidism b) Cancer c) _________________________________ d) _________________ failure 3) S&S a) ___________________ weakness b) _______________ reflexes c) ______________________________ d) _______________rhythmias e) BP:___________________________ f) Urine output_____________________ 4) Dx tests a) Serum __________________ level b) PTH c) ECG 5) Rx a) ___________________________________ Magnesium Imbalance (____________) A. Hypomagnesaemia 1) _____________ serum magnesium levels 2) Common Cause: ______________________________ 2/9/2016 6 3) XI. XII. XIII. Document1 S&S a) Weak _______________ b) Tetany: a. + _______________________________ b. + _______________________________ c) Dys____________________________ d) ________________________________ Structure & Function of the Integumentary System A. 2 regions 1) _______________________ a) ____________________ part b) Melanin: _________________________________ c) Ketatin: _________________________________ d) Function: ____________________________ 2) _______________________ a) ___________________ layer b) Contains: a. __________________ vessels b. _____________________ endings c. _____________________ vessels d. ____________________ follicles e. Sebaceous ____________________________ f. ____________________ glands Skin Assessment A. History 1) C/O: a) Onset b) Duration c) Characteristics d) Relief e) Exacerbation 2) Changes: B. Assess ____________ skin area 1) S&S 2) Measure Common Skin Lesions A. Macule, patch 1) _______________ , non-palpable change in skin__________________. 2) Macule :________________________ Patch ___________________ 2/9/2016 7 3) e.g. ________________, Mongolian spots B. Papule, plaque 1) ___________________ , solid, palpable mass with circumscribed border. 2) Papule: _____________________Plaque ____________________ 3) e. g._____________________, warts, psoriasis C. Nodule, tumor 1) Elevated, ___________palpable mass extending into dermis 2) Nodule:_________________Tumor____________________________ D. Vesicle, bulla 1) Elevated, ______________filled, round/oval shaped, palpable mass with ________________________ translucent walls 2) Vesicle_____________________Bulla___________________________ 3) e.g. herpes simplex, chicken poxs, _______________________ E. Wheal 1) ___________________, often reddish, ____________________borders, caused by diffuse fluid in the tissue rather than free fluid in a cavity 2) e.g.: Insect bites, _________________________ F. Pustule 1) Elevated pus-filled vesicle or bulla with circumscribed border. 2) e.g. ______________, impetigo, carbuncles XIV. Older Skin A. Normal changes 1) __________Subcutaneous tissue 2) Dermal___________________ 3) __________________Elasticity 4) __________________Turgor 5) __________________Hair and nail growth XV. Dx test: A. ____________________________: Skin sample B. Nrs. Responsibility 1) ______ consent signed 2) Supplies 3) Apply _________________________ 4) Send __________________________to the lab XVI. Pressure Ulcers / __________________________ ulcers A. _________________________________ lesions 1) External ____________________________________ 2) Friction 3) Shear Document1 2/9/2016 8 B. Pressure ulcer pathophysiology 1) Pressure _________ blood flow ___________ oxygen __________________ _________________ ulceration C. High Risk Areas: 1) ______________ prominence a) _________________________ b) Greater trochanter c) Sacrum d) Ischia e) Shoulder D. High Risk Clients 1) ________________________ 2) ________________________ 3) Incontinent 4) Nutritional _________________________ 5) ________________________ E. Complications 1) _________________________ 2) _________________________ a) Sepsis b) ____________________________ infection c) _______________________________ d) Osteomyelitis 3) Quality of ________________ 4) $ 5) _________________________ F. Prevention 1) _________________________ 2) Clean & ________________________ a) Clean with ___________________________ b) Moisturizer (non-_______________________ based) c) Skin protection ________________________________ d) B&B program 3) Avoid __________________________ 4) ___________ pressure a) ______________________ mobility b) ________________________________ c) Pressure reducing ______________________ d) Float ________________________________ Document1 2/9/2016 9 e) No _______________________________ 5) Well Balanced a) ________________________________ b) Preferences c) Provide _________________________ & ________________ d) Snacks & __________________________ e) Supplements f) Lab Values G. Description of Ulcers / Assessment 1) ________________ ulcer 2) _______________________ 3) _______________________ 4) Wound ____________________________ 5) Granulation __________________________ 6) Necrotic _____________________________ 7) Wound ______________________________ 8) ___________________________ 9) S&S of ______________________________ 10) __________________________________ H. Staging 1) Stage 1: Persistent non-blanchable erythema of ________________skin 2) Stage 2: _______________ -thickness skin loss involving epidermis, dermis, or both. Ulcer is ________________ and presents as an abrasion, blister, or shallow crater. 3) Stage 3: ____________ -thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue that may extend down to, but _________ through, underlying fascia. 4) Stage 4: ___________ -thickness skin loss with extensive___________________ , tissue necrosis, or damage to muscle, bone, or supporting structures (e.g. tendon, joint capsule). Undermining and sinus tracts may also be present. 5) Unstagable: Full thickness tissue loss in which __________________ (yellow, tan, gray, green or brown), ___________________________ (tan, brown or black), or both in the wound bed cover the base of the ulcer. I. Wound documentations 1) Granulations Tissue a) Intermediate step in ________________________________ b) Very ___________________________ c) Appearance: _________________________________ Document1 2/9/2016 10 2) a) b) 3) a) b) c) Slough _______________________________ tissue Appearance a. _________________ mass b. Color: _____________________________________ c. Easily confused with _____________________ tissue Eschar _________________________ tissue Color: __________________________________________ Appearance: a. Leathery, ________________ & ___________________ b. Soft, with purulent _____________________: ____________ J. Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired Tissue Integrity 1) Document: ___________________ progress 2) Do not _______________________ stage 3) Dressings a) Keep wound bed _____________________________ b) Keep surrounding tissue ______________&____________________ c) Do not use ______________________________ agents K. Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Infection 1) Wound _________________________ 2) Medication: _______________________ 3) Culture 4) S&S of infection: ___________________________________________ L. Nursing Diagnosis: Alt. nutrition, less than body req1uirement 1) Nutritional ____________________ 2) Daily ____________________ 3) _________ protein 4) Lab: _____________________________ M. Surgical Management 1) Stage ___________-_____________ 2) Risk to ________________________ 3) All wounds with ___________________ tissue, should be _________ Document1 2/9/2016 11